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An experimental and theoretical investigation on Ti-5553/WC–Co(6%) chemical interactions during machining and in diffusion couples

Chemical interactions that drive crater wear in turning are often studied using diffusion couples where the tool and workpiece are fixed. In contrast, in actual turning, there is a constant supply of new workpiece material at the tool-chip interface. In this work, diffusion simulations of a WC–Co(6%) and Ti–5Al–5V system were conducted, with constant replenishment of titanium at the interface (ope

Long-term calcium imaging reveals functional development in hiPSC-derived cultures comparable to human but not rat primary cultures

Models for human brain-oriented research are often established on primary cultures from rodents, which fails to recapitulate cellular specificity and molecular cues of the human brain. Here we investigated whether neuronal cultures derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) feature key advantages compared with rodent primary cultures. Using calcium fluorescence imaging, we tracked

Microbial ecosystem analysis of biochar-enriched soil in Kenya using microfluidic soil models

Healthy soil is rich in diverse microbial life, and a healthy microbial ecosystem is crucial for any well-functioning agriculture. Soil microbes are essential for organic decomposition and nutrient recycling in the soil, which make nutrients available for agricultural crops. Biochar-enrichment of soil has previously been found to increase crop yields in Kenya, and could potentially be a self-relia

Getting at the Experience of Confinement in Detention

A distinguishing feature of youth detention homes—and any other prisonlike institution—is the fact that inmates cannot just leave. They might escape, and there are ways to be transferred, enjoy an excursion, and get permission for home visits, but typically the young people in this case are supposed to remain within their given institution. I have been eager to not only depict this feature of fielA distinguishing feature of youth detention homes—and any other prisonlike institution—is the fact that inmates cannot just leave. They might escape, and there are ways to be transferred, enjoy an excursion, and get permission for home visits, but typically the young people in this case are supposed to remain within their given institution. I have been eager to not only depict this feature of fiel

“Therapy without a therapist?” The experiences of adolescents and their parents of online behavioural activation for depression with and without therapist support

Behavioural Activation (BA) is an established treatment for adults with depression, and research on BA for adolescents is promising. However, there is a knowledge gap in terms of the experiences of adolescents and their parents BA for depression delivered online. Furthermore, there have been no previous studies conducted on the experiences of respondents with regard to the role of the therapist in

MALMÖS ARBETSMARKNAD OCH ARBETSLÖSHET. Vad förklarar skillnaderna mot riket?

Sammanfattning av rapportens främsta resultat• De senaste årens negativa arbetsmarknadsutveckling för Malmö tycks delvis bero på förändringar iarbetspendling till Danmark.• Gapet i arbetslöshet mellan Malmö och riket kan förklaras utifrån skillnader i befolkningens demografi och utbildningsnivå, invandrartäthet och näringslivets sammansättning.• Malmös stora andel av befolkningen som bor i invandr

The Doll’s Marriage: An Ethnographic Encounter with Rural Children and Childhood

The pictorial representations of activities and social interactions provide the researcher with a sensory experience both during and after the fieldwork. I had interesting encounters with children and families during my ethnographic research on the social value of the child in rural Punjab (2019). Some of these encounters were also photographed. Attending a doll's marriage ceremony was one of thos

Regional differences in the quality of maternal and neonatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal : Results from the IMAgiNE EURO study

Objective: To compare women's perspectives on the quality of maternal and newborn care (QMNC) around the time of childbirth across Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2 (NUTS-II) regions in Portugal during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Women participating in the cross-sectional IMAgiNE EURO study who gave birth in Portugal from March 1, 2020, to October 28, 2021, completed a structu

Flame front visualization in highly turbulent jet flames using CH3 photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence

Flame front visualization using methyl photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence (CH3-PF-LIF) was demonstrated in turbulent premixed methane/air flames. A pump–probe method was used to detect CH3, where CH3 was first photolyzed to CH (X2П) fragments using a pump laser (212.8 nm), and the fragments were subsequently excited to CH in the C2Σ+ state by a probe laser at 314.4 nm. By detecting fluo

Ambulanssjuksköterskans beslutsfattande vid prehospitala hjärtstopp

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Vid ett prehospitalt hjärtstopp där ambulans har tillkallats beslutar ambulanssjuksköterskan om att påbörja, avstå eller avsluta hjärt- och lungräddning (HLR). Arbetet i ambulanssjukvården ställer höga krav på att ambulanssjuksköterskan ska ha förmågan att fatta etiskt svåra beslut i komplexa vårdsituationer. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka ambulanssjuksköterskans beslutsfatta