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Your search for "*" yielded 531813 hits

Dynamic installation and automatic update of Bluetooth low energy devices in PalCom

Chronic kidney disease is becoming an increasingly common illness.The medical background for this thesis comes from the prediction that frequent monitoring of body parameters may help prevent progression of the disease. For other chronic diseases other parameters are interesting to monitor and the need is typically dynamic. This thesis presents a solution for dynamic installation of Bluetooth low

Varumärkens nya genväg till värde - En studie om heritage branding från ett konsumentperspektiv

Examensarbetets titel: Varumärkens nya genväg till värde – En studie om heritage branding från ett konsumentperspektiv Seminariedatum: 2014-05-26 Kurs: FEKN90, Examensarbete på̊ Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 högskolepoäng Författare: Marielle Gomez & Filip Ripe Handledare: Annette Cerne Nyckelord: Brand Heritage, Autenticitet, Förtroende, Värdeskapande, Konsument ambivalens Syfte: Från ett kTitle of the degree project: Brands new path to success – A study about heritage branding from a consumer perspective Seminar date: 2014-05-26 Course: FEKN90, Degree Project, Master of Science in Business and Economics, 30 ECTS- credits Authors: Marielle Gomez & Filip Ripe Advisor: Annette Cerne Key words: Brand Heritage, Authenticity, Trust, Value creation, Customer ambivalence Purpose:

Betydelsen av modellkroppens iscensättning och kroppsrörelser för modepresentationen

The following thesis intends to problematize and analyze the significance of body movement of fashion models and staging in fashion presentations. The thesis also intends to discuss how these two aspects help to create myths and especially the myth of the doll. The study's methodological base is a socio-semiotic analysis of three historical film clips with Grace Kelly, Twiggy and Shalom Harlow

Om vi saknar kultur kan vi alltid köpa en

Den här studien handlar om internationella och nationella uppköp som idag lockar många företag och som anses vara en attraktiv satsning för att effektivisera verksamheter. Bolag hoppas på synergier genom ett annat bolag som de förvärvar, men dessvärre visar studier att gränsöverskridande förvärv i större utsträckning misslyckas med att skapa värde. Det kan bero på kulturella skillnader som förhind

Skattetillägg och ne bis in idem - en sällsam historia

Genom Högsta domstolens domar NJA 2013 s 502 och NJA 2013 s 746 (de så kallade juni- och juliavgörandena) kom det svenska systemet med skattetillägg och skattebrott att radikalt förändras. Med dessa avgöranden stod det klart att Sverige sedan flera år tillbaka hade brutit mot Europakonventionen vilket fick till följd att ett stort antal domar fick tas upp för ny prövning. Ne bis in idem innebär a

Planeringsverktyg för tågväxelbesiktning – automatisering av en manuell arbetsmetod

During this bachelor thesis a first version of a digital tool has been formed. The tool is uniquely developed for the company Tirawa Solutions AB whose main task is to plan inspections of different railway track parts all across Sweden. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate what functionalities are interesting to achieve a system that can display information about railway switches and

Skolkuratorns roll- en kvalitativ studie på hur skolkuratorer upplever sin roll i förhållande till intern och extern samverkan

The goal of this study is to examine how school counselors looks on collaboration and trust in relation to collaboration. I am using qualitative methods such as interviews and observations and my empirical work is based on three school counselors from the same municipality with the same management and guidelines. I chose to interview school counselors from the same municipality to get a common gro

Entrepreneurial Failure, Networks and Sensemaking: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis

The purpose of this study is to advance the theoretical knowledge of how entrepreneurs who have experienced business failure make use of personal and professional relationships within their network during their sensemaking process. Six in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with entrepreneurs who terminated their business in Sweden and Denmark. Their stories were analyzed through an I

Formation of cobalt oxide clusters on oxygen modified graphene

Aim of this thesis is to study and characterize the formation of cobalt oxide clusters on graphene. The performed experiments consist of three different steps. First, a monolayer graphene film is grown with temperature programmed growth and chemical vapor deposition on an Iridium (111) single crystal surface. Second, the graphene film is exposed to oxygen radicals, which bind to the film and form

Induction and Conceptual Knowledge

Inductive inferences, centered in semantic memory, play an important role in our everyday lives and in science, enabling us to generalize and predict. However, epistemologists have struggled to find a way to understand and justify induction and the knowledge it provides without making it seem paradoxical or problematic. Traditional approaches have used a propositional perspective focusing on certa

Automated build service to facilitate Continuous Delivery

Continuous delivery can be seen as an evolution from agile software development methods and high demands to deliver working software quickly. It aims to always be able to deliver working and reliable software in short iterations by continuously integrate, build and test the software. This puts high demands on automation and the focus of this thesis is to automate the pipeline between source code a

Increasing adherence for patients with Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis

This Master Thesis was made under and in collaboration with Pond Healthcare Innovation for Celgene. Celgene is a global pharmaceutical company developing treatments for cancer and other severe, immune, inflammatory conditions. In March 2015 Celgene launched a new oral treatment called Otezla (effective substance aprimelast) on the Nordic market. With this move they entered the arena of Psoriasis a

Measuring the noticing of an unexpected event in Magical Garden with a Teachable Agent using Eye-Tracking

Vetenskapliga synsätt på vad barn kan är kapabla till att klara av har reviderats om och om igen genom historien, oftast i samband med att nya metoder som undersöker barns förmågor uppkommit. Barn verkar gång på gång klara av mer än vad man tidigare hade trott. Lärspel utnyttjar datorspelens fängslande kraft, och har visat ha en positiv effekt för lärande och motivationen. I denna uppsats, kommer Scientific views on what children are capable of have been revised through history again and again, usually when new methods of studying children’s capabilities are presented. What has often been concluded is that children are capable of more than what was previously thought. New technology has introduced a genre of educational games which utilize the captivating power of computer games which have

Assessment of trampling impact in Icelandic natural areas in experimental plots with focus on image analysis of digital photographs

Increasing tourism in the spectacular but sensitive ecosystems in Iceland arises concern to the country’s authorities how to best manage tourism in these natural areas within a level of acceptable change. Research is thus required regarding what affect tourism has on different environments. Deterioration of natural areas in Iceland from trampling by numerous hikers are causing visible vegetation l

Non-traditional Geometry

Why have I decided to put the final touches on this document now, almost six years after I left the Lund University School of Industrial Design? In retrospect, with six years of experience as an industrial designer, the focus for my master’s thesis would have been something entirely different, but this document is an interesting snapshot of my thoughts at the half way point between when the doors

Telekomoperatörernas väg till precision

Titel: Telekomoperatörerna väg till precision Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare:Linnéa Hansson, Ludvig Neset & Zacharias Hörmander Handledare: Magnus Langevik Nyckelord: Precisionsmarknadsföring, Telekombranschen, Dataanalys, Marknadsföringsaktiviteter, Relevans Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förbättra kunskap

A Nap Around The Corner

To take a nap at the working place is not common and many times not approved by companies in Europe and North America. This project investigates and researches the nap and tries to introduce it into the working climate as a working boost rather than a waste of time. A Nap Around The Corner is my master project, which started off by trying to improve the working situation for people who suffer fro

Definition of Relevant Product Market in Reference to R&D Poles in Pharmaceutical Sector Mergers

All competition analysis, including in relation to mergers, begins by defining the relevant market. In sectors where innovation plays a major role, the definition of the relevant market must also take into account the R&D efforts of the merging firms. One field in which R&D poles can be identified early on is the pharmaceutical sector. In March 2015, the European Commission released the pu

Humor är livets ångestventil - En studie om humors betydelse för familjeterapeuter

Studiens syfte är att belysa psykoterapeuters användande av humor i familjeterapi. Vi använde oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer och bearbetade intervjumaterialet med utgångspunkt från fenomenologisk metod och med hjälp av en induktiv tematisk analys. Analysarbetet utmynnade i två huvudsakliga teman, Allians och Psykoterapeutisk teknik och personlighet. Samtliga psykoterapeuter beskrev att humor The aim of the study is to highlight the use of humour by psychotherapists in family therapy. We used semistructured interviews and processed the interviews based on a phenomenological approach and using an inductive thematic analysis. The analysis resulted in three main themes; alliance and psychotherapeutic techniques and personality. All the psychotherapists interviewed in the study described t