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En finanskris påverkan på kapitalstruktur

Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra två stora marknadsorienterade system, Storbritannien och USA, i frågan huruvida de olika ländernas börsbolags kapitalstruktur påverkades kring finanskrisen 2008. Vidare undersöks också om de påverkande faktorerna för kapitalstruktursbeslut är desamma för de två länderna.

Social Network Analysis of Open Source Projects

A large amount of widespread software used today is either open source or includes open-source projects. Much open-source software has proved to be of very high quality despite being developed through unconventional methods. The success of open-source products has sparked an interest in the software industry in why these projects are so successful and how this seemingly unstructured development pr

Evaluation of a batch process by means of batch statistical process control and system identification

Batch processes play an important role in the production of high quality specialty chemicals. Examples include the production of polymers, pharmaceuticals and formulated products. In this master thesis, the study of transformation of materials, by batch distillation and mixing is studied. The study is done by means of batch statistical process control and system identification methods in order to

The preferred Complex Purchase Process in-store – A case study on IKEA

Syftet med denna studie är att hitta vilka möjligheter detaljister bör fånga för att förbättra den komplexa inköpprocessen i butik, genom att integrera online-kanaler. Detta för att möta kundens krav i den ständigt föränderliga multi-kanal miljön.The purpose of this study is to find what opportunities retailers should capture in order to improve the complex purchase process in-store, through integrating online channels. This in order to create the best possible way to meet customers’ demands in the ever-changing multi-channel retail environment.

Socialt entreprenörskap - ett nytt namn för ideellt arbete - en fallstudie av Mötesplats Stapelbäddsparken

Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om och problematisera begreppet socialt entreprenörskap genom att undersöka vilka olika erfarenheter som finns i utvecklandet av Mötesplats Stapelbäddsparken i Malmö och att analysera dessa processer med hjälp av Austins begrepp möjlighet, individ, resursmobilisering och värdeerbjudande. Austin m fl. (2006) har utvecklat ett ramverk för socialt entreprenörThe purpose with this essay is to increase the knowledge and critically review the concept social entrepreneurship through a case study of Mötesplats Stapelbäddsparken, and analyze this process through Austin’s framework of opportunity, people, capital, and value proposition. Austin et al’s model emphasizes the dynamic fit of four interrelated components: the individual, the context, the agreement

Dual Role Advisors in Acquisitions: Examining the Effect on Shareholder Value

This study examines the effect of dual role advisors in acquisitions on shareholder value creation for both the acquirer and target. Dual role advisors are advisors that provide both advisory services to either the acquirer or target and are involved in underwriting or syndicating securities issued to finance the deal. Previous studies find that being a dual role advisor can create a conflict of i

Promise and Reality of Decentralization: The Case of Farmers’ Access to Agricultural Advisory Services in the Sunyani Municipality of Ghana.

This study explores the extent to which decentralization has affected farmers’ access to agricultural advisory services in the Sunyani Municipality of Ghana. Specifically, it focuses on how political and organizational factors, which are intermediate outcomes of decentralization, affect the availability and relevance of advisory services. The study follows a qualitative research design employing q

'Suddenly you are told that you are leaders.' The framing of leadership among members of feminist NGOs in New Delhi.

Leadership is often proposed as a key solution for social change, although the actual meaning remains unclear. By studying leadership in the context of Indian feminist NGOs’ hybridity, situated in-between Western structures and the values of the Indian Women’s Movement, I intended to deepen our understanding of the lived meaning of leadership and followership, beyond its buzzword character. Throug

Dare to Share: User Value Co-creation in the Sharing Economy

The purpose of this research is to explore the impact users have on value co-creation in the sharing economy. More specifically, we aim to examine the values users can co-create for each other through exchanges and interactions within the sharing economy. Because the sharing economy is a recent phenomenon, an explorative research design has been chosen with a qualitative study. 25 semi-structured

A Parametric Method for Multi-Pitch Estimation

This thesis proposes a novel method for multi-pitch estimation. The method operates by posing pitch estimation as a sparse recovery problem which is solved using convex optimization techniques. In that respect, it is an extension of an earlier presented estimation method based on the group-LASSO. However, by introducing an adaptive total variation penalty, the proposed method requires fewer user s

Skydda genom att begränsa : En studie om LSS-personals överväganden vid användning av tvångs- och begränsningsåtgärder på gruppbostäder för personer med utvecklingsstörning.

My purpose of this study was to examine LSS staffs’ (LSS: The Swedish Act concerning support and service for persons with certain functional Impairments) consideration of clients’ needs and self-determination as well as the staffs’ own power in the use of coercion and restraint in the work with clients in group housings. My study was based on five interviews with staff from two different group hou

The Development of a Purchasing Cost Model Facilitating Decision-making at Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions

A purchasing cost model is a tool used to facilitate decision-making for selection, evaluation and development of suppliers. The model consists of a set of cost components, which at the bottom line constitute a total cost for a certain purchase. Different models cover different areas of purchasing, but in general the transaction of a purchase is central and then additional areas such as supplier m

"Problematiken som slår klorna i en". En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares perspektiv på arbetet med barn till missbrukande föräldrar.

Authors: Sandra Börkell & Amanda Brandt Title: “The problem that strikes its claws into you” – A qualitative study of Social Workers’ point of view on their work with children of addicted parents. [Translated title] Supervisor: Eva Palmblad Assessor: Weddig Runquist The aim of this essay was to study, from a social worker’s point of view, their thoughts and experiences in helping children who

Comparison of serum levels of inflammatory marker Calprotectin, indicating intestinal inflammation, in patients with Sjögren´s syndrome versus patients with IBD, and detection of autoreactive T cells

Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease with exocrine glands dysfunction and multi organ involvement. Sicca symptoms such as xerophthalmia and xerostomia are the most common features in this disease. Increased intestinal permeability has been demonstrated in various autoimmune disorders, and Calprotectin, a protein released by neutrophils and monocytes due to cell stress or damage,

Förbränningspartiklars hygroskopiska egenskaper efter några timmars åldring i atmosfären

Trafiken i Köpenhamn tillför luften en ansenlig mängd partiklar när förbränning sker i motorerna. Dessa partiklar påverkar hälsan hos befolkningen i Köpenhamn samt den i Skåne när vindarna är västliga, men också klimatet. Partiklarnas klimateffekt är ännu inte klarlagd, delvis på grund av att det är okänt hur partiklarna från trafiken omvandlas under långdistanstransport: i det här fallet under vä

Dialekters påverkan på varumärkets personlighet och styrka

Examensarbetets titel: Dialekters påverkan på varumärkets personlighet och styrka Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Elin Lyrfors, Lukas Morinder, Christoffer Tangen Handledare: Lars Carlman Nyckelord: Varumärkespersonlighet, dialekt, Jennifer Aaker, radioreklam, varumärkesstyrka. Syfte: Att uTitle: The impact of dialects on the brand’s personality and strength Seminar date: 2014-06-05 Course: FEKH29 Business administration: Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 hp. Authors: Elin Lyrfors, Lukas Morinder, Christoffer Tangen Advisor: Lars Carlman Key words: Brand strenght, brand personality, dialect, Jennifer Aaker, radio commercial. Purpose: Based on existing theories w

What is the potential of applied behavioral economics in creating new avenues of value generation and disrupting traditional business models? Using the Case of the Fitness Club Industry

This investigative study seeks to explore the ability of applied behavioral economics to create new avenues of value generation and disrupt traditional business models. This is achieved through using the fitness industry and Digital Financial Incentives Services (DFIS) as a case study. The data comprises a survey and interviews targeting respectively the consumers and the industry side. The analys

Laglotten i modern tid

Laglotten regleras i ärvdabalken (1958:637) 7 kap. 1 § och fungerar som ett arvsrättsligt skydd till förmån för bröstarvingar. Skyddet aktualiseras i de fall då en avliden valt att testamentera bort all kvarlåtenskap. Bröstarvingar har i dessa fall en lagstadgad rätt till hälften av den dödes arvslott. Laglottsregleringen infördes år 1857, men har som institut funnits betydligt längre inom svensThe statutory share of inheritance is regulated by the inheritance code (1958:637) 7 chap. 1 § and work as a protection for the forced heir to secure its right for inheritance. The protection is activated in those cases where a deceased person has chosen to not give any of the properties left to a forced heir. In these cases, the statutory share of inheritance gives the forced heir the right to a

Setting transfer prices on low value-adding services

OECD:s nuvarande riktlinjer för internprissättning saknar tydliga och otvetydiga instruktioner för prissättning av specificerade transaktioner och utformandet av riktlinjerna har istället styrts av en ambition om att tillämpa den metod som med tanke på omständigheterna i det specifika fallet ger det mest lämpliga resultatet. Detta stora tolkningsutrymme har lett till svårlåsta tvister, nekade avdrThe OECD guidelines on transfer pricing are currently lacking clear and unambiguous instructions on how to set transfer prices for a given transaction type. The current guidelines are instead more focused on allowing the tax payer to pick the transfer pricing method that is most appropriate considering the circumstances of a specific case. This has left ample room for interpretation, which in turn