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Your search for "*" yielded 529983 hits

Vi når ungdomarna med respekt : En studie om hur fältarbetare skapar professionella relationer med ungdomar

The purpose of this study is to examine how outreach workers create professional relationships with youngsters. The result was based on six professional outreach workers. The results were presented in the form of four individual interviews and one group interview. The theoretical framework of the study was the theory of communication and the theory of “the different levels of professional meetings

Stadsodling- ett verktyg för omställning? En studie över värden, hinder och möjligheter i Malmö Stad

Stadsodling– ett verktyg med potential för omställning, beroende på hur det värderas Det finns flera anledningar till att odla i staden – fritidsintresse, stärkt integration eller möjlighet till försörjning. Stadsodling kan stärka stadens sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska hållbarhet i stort. Men denna studie visar att det trots dess potential finns tydliga hinder. Hindren uppstår eftersom stadsoThe complexity of climate change creates a need for multifunctional solutions. Urban farming is a tool with potential for adapting and transitioning society. While not a new phenomenon, the incentives have changed and therefore contemporary characteristics for urban farming need to be further examined. This study analyzes how urban farms are valued and central barriers together with drivers. Opera

"Människan har alltid sökt rus, vare sig det är fredagsvin eller heroin" En kvalitativ studie om attityder mot sprutbytesverksamheten i Lund och Malmö

The aim of this study was to examine attitudes surrounding the needle exchange program in Malmö and Lund in Sweden. More specifically the aim was to examine how the staff of the needle exchange program experience the attitudes surrounding the needle exchange program and if/how these attitudes affect them in their work. The analysis of nine interviews with staff members revealed similarities in how

Multi-objective optimisation algorithms for GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis : an application for evacuation planning

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have acquired greater relevance as tools to support decision-making processes, and during the last decades they have been used in conjunction with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis techniques (GIS-MCDA) to solve real-world spatial problems. GIS-MCDA can be generally divided in Multi-Attribute and Multi-Objective techniques. Until now most of the applications of

Human Rights Education in Conflict and Occupation: Teaching Human Rights in Palestinian Schools

This study builds on the idea that the conceptualisation and implementation of human rights education in the classroom and other instances in the local community can be different from the way in which the concept is understood and described in international policy documents. The literature review indicates that the context and local actors can affect the way human rights education is carried out.

Wisdom-volkano : a novel tool based on open GIS and time-series to analyse and share volcanic data

Active volcanoes threaten life around. In order to predict their eruptions earlier and mitigate their hazards, several variables must be observed and compared. Geographical information systems (GIS) combine different geospatial images from remote or local sensing. However, GIS often miss how maps change during the time. In this thesis Wisdom-volkano is presented, a web GIS based on open source sta

Improvement of the GPP estimations for Sudan using the evaporative fraction as water stress factor

Estimation of GPP in Sudan using the evaporative fraction as water stress factor The Gross Primary Production "GPP" quantifies the amount of carbon entering an ecosystem. It is an ecosystem service since it is a source of energy for all organisms and it is estimated to reduce atmospheric CO2 in about 123 Pg C per year at the global scale. Therefore, the improvement of estimation methods

Vad är en smart stad? En granskning av begreppet ”Smart City” och hur fenomenet kan utvärderas

Smart City är ett begrepp som blir alltmer frekvent inom många delar av samhället. Många städer kallar sig smarta, men det finns ingen vedertagen definition av Smart City. Städer driver projekt för att bli smartare, men det saknas emellertid en standardiserad utvärderingsmetod, vilket gör det mycket svårt att jämföra resultat. Eftersom smarta städer är ett snabbt växande fenomen, så har forskninge

Effect of bladder volume changes and verification of CTV on CBCT for rectal cancer patients

Ändtarmscancer är en av de vanligast förekommande cancersjukdomarna. Tillsammans med tjocktarmscancer är det den tredje vanligaste cancersjukdomen i världen. Den behandlas vanligen med kirurgi, under vilken en stor del av ändtarmen och dess omgivande fettvävnad tas bort. För att minska risken för återfall kan operationen kompletteras med strålbehandling, där patienterna oftast strålbehandlas innanBackground and purpose: During radiotherapy, rectal cancer patients show inter-fractional internal motion that effects the delivered dose distribution. The purpose of this work is to study I) the inter-fractional bladder volume change, II) the effect of bladder volume change on bowel dose distribution, III) the effect of bladder optimization on the relationship between bladder volume and bowel dos

Development of New Easy to Open Cheese Packaging for Elderly in Sweden - A Design Thinking Approach

Changing demographics in most of western society bring a range of new demands in the field of food and more specifically in food packaging. The need for convenience is one of the biggest drivers behind many innovations over the past decades. Current trends involve psychological convenience on environmental aspects, as well as ease of opening. Easy to open packaging is desirable because consumers w

För gammal för psykiatrin - En jämförande vinjettstudie om socionomstudenters bedömning av psykisk ohälsa utifrån ålder

The aim of this study was to investigate whether students in the field of social work assess symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation differently, depending on the age of the client. A case vignette method was used where social work students in Lund (N=102) and Helsingborg (N=71) responded to one of two online questionnaires each. The case vignette featured a 78 year old client for the student

The ‘Refugee Crisis’ On Facebook

This is an ethnographic study on how refugees and policies on asylum and immigration was debated on Facebook in Sweden during the so called ‘refugee crisis’. This study analysed the relation between the Facebook debate, and the way news media framed the ‘refugee crisis’ during three months in which Swedish asylum policy changed drastically: September 2015, November 2015 and January 2016. In Septem

20 years with the Schengen Area - Does it boost trade?

The Schengen Agreement was implemented 1995 between seven nations, making it easier for Europeans to travel and work by removing internal borders. The area has expanded since its inception and today includes 26 nations. Internal borders have, however, been reintroduced in the aftermath of the refugee crisis. An interesting question is therefore whether the Schengen Agreement brought any benefits t

Developing circular business models in Chinese furniture industry

Chinese furniture industry is facing serious problem of limited virgin resources, environmental pollution and has an overall low profit rate. Implementing the circular economy in the industry is necessary and will contribute to its economically sustainable growth. Exploring and understanding these limited business models and conditions under which resource efficiency can be enabled and secured, es

Developing a rapid flow cytometry method to determine ultraviolett light-emitting-diode (UV-LED) -mediated killing of bacteria in drinking water.

A next-generation drinking water purification device has been developed which uses UV-LEDs to create high intensity UV light to inactive the bacteria present in the water that flows through the device tube chamber. The capacity of the different setups of the devices to perform water purification was examined by experimental testing. This report investigates using a new flow cytometry approach comp

Experimental and Numerical Study of Adhesion in Packaging Materials

The peel test is a widely used method for evaluating adhesion in packaging materials. However, the result from a peel test is affected by more factors than only the adhesion. A method, based on beam theory, for calculating the adhesion considering these factors was used and evaluated. This was done by performing peel tests for different materials and peel angles. To obtain more knowledge about how