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WHERE INDIVIDUALISM GROWS AND HIERARCHIES CRUMBLE - A case study on the One-Child Policy's influence on the workplace

In contemporary urban China the younger generations in the white-collar sector are constantly striving to obtain a better employment in order to attain animproved career. The purpose of this case study was to show how the One-Child Policy has influenced the Chinese society, by indicating that there is an undergoing change within the workplace, as the Chinese singletons are starting to enter the la

Skaka om och blanda mer - Om invandraridentitet i vardagen

The Swedish integration policy acts upon that all citizen should have equal rights and possibilities no matter ethnic and cultural background. In today's Sweden it is more or less a self-evident that immigrants ought to prepare the possibility to preserve their original cultural distinctive character according to the Governments Proposition 1997/98:16. Simultaneously the term integration and i

The Concept of Freedom in the Context of the War on Terror: A Comparative Study of the European Union and the United States Rhetoric

Language is a powerful tool in the creation of social identities. This work analyses the security policy discourses of two major actors in world politics: the European Union and the United States. The material is composed of security documents of both actors ranging from the time before the 9/11 terrorist attacks to present day. Discourse analysis, especially its Foucauldian strand emphasising the

Empowerment: vetenskapligt paradigm eller politisk kameleont?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the success of theconcept of empowerment in the field of social science can be explained by referring to it as the new paradigm replacing the former paternalistic era. Therefore, I investigate if the character of its history, domicile and practice has the same distinguishing features as the scientific progress. The analysis is based on Thomas Kuhn&#

Upplevelser av I-ADL aktiviteter, relaterade till den fysiska miljön hos personer med Multipel Skleros

Multipel Skleros (MS) är en sjukdom vars förlopp är oförutsägbart. Den exakta sjukdomsorsaken är fortfarande okänd. MS relaterade symptom resulterar i en försämring i utförandet av aktiviteter i det dagliga livet (ADL). Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka upplevelsen av I-ADL aktiviteter i den fysiska miljön hos personer med Multipel Skleros. Respondentgruppen som matchade våra inklusionskrit

Färg och form med egen kraft Upplevelser av hantverksaktivitet hos personer med neurologiska skador

Hantverk har försvunnit mer och mer inom arbetsterapin och speciellt inom somatisk verksamhet. Frågan är om dessa aktiviteter behövs och om de fyller en viktig funktion i dag. Syftet med uppsatsen var att ta reda på hur personer med neurologiska funktionshinder upplever meningsfullheten med hantverksaktiviteter. Fyra deltagare i en dagverksamhet intervjuades med hjälp av en egenkonstruerad semistr

Sverigedemokraterna Skåne - val 2006

The aim of this thesis is to discover facts about the Sweden democrats by looking at statistics of five different municipalities. The main question at issue is: What can you say about the Sweden democrat's voters by researching the voter statistics of the voter districts in the municipalities. The five municipalities who are the object of the study are, Helsingborg, Hässleholm, Landskrona, Sve

Att bistå demokrati. En studie i hur svenskt demokratibistånd fungerar, utvärderas och lyckas.

This essay tries to explain how Swedish donor organisations are working with democracy in foreign aid. Three case studies of Sida, LO-TCO Biståndsnämnd and Rädda Barnen aims to give an overview of Swedish donor organisations, their work with democracy aid, evaluation and the problems with foreign aid. With Carothers theory of democracy aiding I analyse the success of Swedish democracy promotion, h

Demokratin blir till - Ungdomars demokratiföreställningar och skolans roll

This study is about youths, democracy and school. It seeks to describe and problemize the school's role in the democratic society. Firstly, using Social Representations Theory, 44 upper secondary shool pupils? representations, or conceptions, of democracy are described and discussed. These representations are then analyzed in relation to the school's role in the democratic society, as it i

"Are You Gonna Go My Way?" - En empirisk studie av Västra Götalandsregionen lobbyverksamhet och nätverkan i EU

In this thesis we have examined Västra Götalandsregionens ways to lobby and network in the European Union. Our aim was to examine which kind of methods the region uses to lobby in a successful way in Brussels. We found that the region uses both formal and informal methods of lobbying to gain advantages in Brussels. We also wanted to locate various networks which the region is involved in to more e

Enslaved or Empowered? A Critique of Culture and Career in Discourses of the "Empowerment" of Bangalore Women in the IT Industry

India is booming and new sectors that have the cutting edge internationally are mushrooming in size across the country. One such sector is the Information Technologies (IT) industry, but it has attracted international attention not solely for its large scope on the international market, but also because it is a pioneer ahead of its Western peers. As a percent of the total labour force Indian women

Tala är silver, skriva är guld (?) En studie om bloggars demokratiska potential

The number of blogs, from weblogs, are increasing every day. Blogs are also becoming more visible in the public debate as well as the awareness of their existance is rising among politicians and citizens. The aim of this thesis is to answer the question what democratic potential blogs can have. This question will be answered by initially studying the research that exists today about weblogs and de

Det blåser kallt...Det blåser högervindar överallt... En studie om radikalhögerpopulism och Sverigedemokraternas framgångar i Karlskrona

This paper aims to present a theoretical understanding of the emergence of extreme right- wing populist parties (ERP), and more specifically the electoral breakthrough of the ERP party, Sverigedemokraterna in the municipality of Karlskrona. By doing so the study is constructed as a theoretical framework, where the empirical material and the theoretical aspects are interwoven. This means that the t

Studenters attityder till arbetsmarknad och lön

This essay examines whether feminist theory can give a plausible answer to the question: does female and male students have different attitudes towards the labour market and towards wages? Further more, I examine if factors such as class and ethnicity affect student's attitudes. These questions are investigated through a quantitative study of students at four educations on two different univer

Ungdomars upplevelse av mobbning sett ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt och utvecklingspsykologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of our study was to examine 13 to 14 year olds experience of bullying from a perspective of human developmental ecological systems. The questions at issue were: How do the young people themselves define the concept of bullying? Which own experiences do the young people have of bullying? How come bullying exists according to the young people? How do the young people experience that thei

Kulturmöten - problem eller möjligheter?

This work is about Cuban music and my relationship to it. My study contains two different parts. In the first one I try to give a short summary of Cuban music history. The second part is about possibilities and problems that can arise in the meeting with foreign cultures. I have focused on three themes: Music and respect, cultural encounters and travelling, and communication. I have done four inte

Borrie kyrka - En byggnadsarkeologisk undersökning

Abstract The church of Borrie lies about 10 km north of Ystad in the southern of Sweden. Though the church is one of the smallest in Scania it holds a very complicated history. In this essay all relevent material concerning the church of Borrie is presented. The material does not only concist of literature, but also photographs. The purpose of this investigation was to use this material to so

Sex and the city för män? -En kvalitativ studie om manligheter i förändring.

Titel- Sex and the city för män? ?En kvalitativ studie om manligheter i förändring Författare- Malvina Britts Avdelning- Avdelningen för Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Problem: Området som min studie rör sig inom är representationen av maskulinitet. Förändringar i representationen av maskulinitet diskuteras i olika sammanhang och en specifik drama/komediserie, Entourage, har på sistone utmä

Konstnärliga metoder för människor med funktionsnedsättningar

Title: Artistic methods for persons with dysfunctions. The idea to the paper was born in my work, as a pedagogue, with young persons with dysfunctions. My pedagogic method is eurhythmics but I wanted to examine in what other ways you could work with artistic expression in similar areas such as circus, dance therapy and psychodrama. These areas were chosen because they have components that are int