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Your search for "*" yielded 535471 hits

A global assessment of the species composition and effectiveness of watermelon pollinators and the management strategies to inform effective pollination service delivery

For most food crops the identity and efficiency of pollinators across key growing regions remains a significant knowledge gap that needs to be addressed before we can develop crop-specific approaches for pollination service delivery. Here, we conducted a systematic literature review and meta-analysis on watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb. Matsum. & Nakai)), a globally important fruit crop, t

Proteomic analysis of brain metastatic lung adenocarcinoma reveals intertumoral heterogeneity and specific alterations associated with the timing of brain metastases

Background: Brain metastases are associated with considerable negative effects on patients’ outcome in lung adenocarcinoma (LADC). Here, we investigated the proteomic landscape of primary LADCs and their corresponding brain metastases. Materials and methods: Proteomic profiling was conducted on 20 surgically resected primary and brain metastatic LADC samples via label-free shotgun proteomics. Afte

Early 2016/17 vaccine effectiveness estimates against influenza A(H3N2): I-MOVE multicentre case control studies at primary care and hospital levels in Europe

We measured early 2016/17 season influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE) against influenza A(H3N2) in Europe using multicentre case control studies at primary care and hospital levels. IVE at primary care level was 44.1%, 46.9% and 23.4% among 0–14, 15–64 and ≥ 65 year-olds, and 25.7% in the influenza vaccination target group. At hospital level, IVE was 2.5%, 7.9% and 2.4% among ≥ 65, 65–79 and ≥ 80

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The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between the historical and literary stereotype of the mad and locked up woman, with the sick and isolated women in the novels: "Pájaros en la boca" (A mouthful of birds), "Papá Noel duerme en casa" (Santa Claus sleeps at our house), "La respiración cavernaria" (Breath from the Depths) and "Cuarenta centímetros

Föräldrars upplevelse av andningsvårdande behandling för barn - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Svårigheter att upprätta en fullgod ventilation hos barn kan bero på många olika orsaker. Det kan bland annat bero på diagnoser som cystisk fibros, primär ciliär dyskinesi och multipla funktionshinder. Barnen kan behöva andningsvårdande behandling under stora delar av dygnet och föräldrar kan få kunskap och stöd från fysioterapeuter, men ansvarar sedan själva för att utföra behandlingen

Analys av byggnadstekniska utrymningslösningar i äldre kvartersbebyggelse

Due to a combination of changes in the societal view on fire safety along with reconstruction and renovations, the fire rescue services are no longer able to act as an alternative escape route from some buildings in urban parts of large cities. This thesis aims to survey how widespread the problem is, as well as identify and evaluate different solutions. Surveys and interviews were conducted to ev

Adsorption of a styrene maleic acid (SMA) copolymer-stabilized phospholipid nanodisc on a solid-supported planar lipid bilayer

Over recent years, there has been a rapid development of membrane-mimetic systems to encapsulate and stabilize planar segments of phospholipid bilayers in solution. One such system has been the use of amphipathic copolymers to solubilize lipid bilayers into nanodiscs. The attractiveness of this system, in part, stems from the capability of these polymers to solubilize membrane proteins directly fr

Structure and implications

This chapter reviews the evolving understanding of structuring in deep eutectic solvents (DESs) with a focus on choline chloride-based systems as the most popularly studied DES. Recent literature is critically evaluated to attempt to identify common aspects of the structure and interactions in different DESs to improve our fundamental understanding of these solvents.

Pretreatment with MK-801 or the lazaroid U-83836E does not enhance striatal graft survival

A large proportion of grafted striatal neurons die, and mechanisms by which they succumb may involve excitotoxicity and oxidative stress. We investigated the effects of pretreatment of the graft tissue with the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist (+)dizocilpine hydrogen maleate (MK-801) and lipid peroxidation inhibitor lazaroid U-83836E on the survival of transplanted striatal neurons.

Risk Factors for Heart Failure among Pan-European Childhood Cancer Survivors : A PanCareSurFup and ProCardio Cohort and Nested Case-Control Study

PURPOSE Heart failure (HF) is a potentially life-threatening complication of treatment for childhood cancer. We evaluated the risk and risk factors for HF in a large European study of long-term survivors. Little is known of the effects of low doses of treatment, which is needed to improve current treatment protocols and surveillance guidelines.METHODSThis study includes the PanCareSurFup and ProCa

Akut effekt på dynamisk styrka, upplevd ansträngning och allmänt välmående efter kallvattenexponering

Bakgrund: Det finns teorier för att exponering av kyla har påverkan på både välmående och prestation i muskelarbete i positiv bemärkning. Det finns dock begränsad forskning som kan stärka detta. Syfte: Syftet med studien blev härmed att undersöka om dynamisk styrka påverkas av att akut ha exponerats för kallvatten innan prestation. Syftet är också att mäta den subjektiva ansträngningen av prestati

Using water vapour and N2 isotherms to unveil effects of SCMs on nanopores and evaluate hydration degree

Nanopores are critical for the durability of cement-based materials, but the refinement of these pores by SCMs is yet to have a clear understanding. This paper studied effects of the water–binder ratio, SCMs and the drying on the distribution of nanopores using water vapour and N2 sorption isotherms. Results show that data of water vapour sorption can be used for a practical evaluation of the hydr

Ecotoxicity of isosorbide acrylate and methacrylate monomers and corresponding polymers

Isosorbide is a well-investigated and accessible biomass-derived compound that has found wide use in medicine, cosmetics, and material sciences. The efforts to employ this rigid bicyclic diol as a sustainable building block in high-performance biobased plastics for, e.g., the engineering, coating, and packaging sectors have grown sharply in recent years. Due to the biomass origin, there is an impl

The price of poverty: The association between childhood poverty and adult income and education in Sweden, 1947–2015

Childhood poverty increases the likelihood of being poor as an adult. We know relatively little about this persistence of poverty in the past and whether it changed as modern welfare societies developed. This study both analyses determinants of childhood poverty and assesses the association between childhood poverty and economic outcomes in adulthood for men and women who grew up in southern Swede

Drake, basilisk, amphisbaena eller senmurv? : Frågor kring några tidiga fasadreliefer i Vä, Skåne

A dilemma that the iconographer is often faced with when it comes to medieval imagery is what the fantastic hybrid animals actually represent. What are they? What do they mean? On the outer walls of the mid 11th century church of Vä, in north-eastern Scania, there are a number of sadly withered reliefs that may be interpreted as representing a number of different mythological animals with complete

Quantitative relationships of perfluoroalkyl acids in drinking water associated with serum concentrations above background in adults living near contamination hotspots in Sweden

Contaminated drinking water (DW) is a major source of exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at locations around PFAS production/use facilities and military airports. This study aimed to investigate quantitative relationships between concentrations in DW and serum of nine perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in Swedish adult populations living near contamination hotspots. Short-chained (PF