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Satistical Modelling Of CO2 Exchange Between Land And Atmosphere : Using Stochastic Optimisation And Gaussian Markov Random Fields

Den främsta orsaken till en ökad växthuseffekt anses idag bero på en högre koncentrationav koldioxid i atmosfären. Sedan den industriella revolutionen harmänniskan påverkat mängden koldioxid i atmosfären genom aktiviteter så somförbränning av fossila bränslen, avskogning, förändringar i markanvändning, samtcementproduktion. För att kunna motverka framtida klimatförändringar krävs enfördjupad kunskThis thesis focuses on the development and application of efficient mathematicaltools for estimating and modelling the exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) between the Earth and its atmosphere; here referred to as the global CO2 surface flux.There are two main approaches for estimating the CO2 flux: Processed based(bottom-up) modelling and atmospheric inversion (top-down) modelling. Thefirst part of t

From individuals to the organization: A transactive memory system perspective on multilevel entrepreneurial learning

This study aims to develop a process model that details the mechanisms and learning processes by which entrepreneurial learning transpires at multiple levels in the organization. Using the transactive memory system (TMS) framework as a reference, the model specifies how individual streams of knowledge are routinized in nonhuman elements and, over time, become embedded in organizational routines an

Soot Optical Band Gap Evaluated Through In-Situ And Ex-Situ Measurements As Tracer Of Soot Evolution In Premixed Flames : Soot Optical Band Gap Evaluated Through In-Situ And Ex-Situ Measurements As Tracer Of Soot Evolution In Premixed Flames

The optical band gap has been used considerably in evaluating carbon network structures in terms of sp 2 /sp 3 sites and size of aromatic clusters. However, optical band gap determination of soot particles from optical measurements is complex due to the effects of other species including organic compounds, and the contribution of absorption from organics to the total soot absorption in the UV/visi

Network Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Mesh Networks for Machine-to-Machine Communication

In this paper we present new optimization formulations for maximizing the network lifetime in wireless mesh networks performing data aggregation and dissemination for machine-to- machine communication in the Internet of Things. We focus on heterogeneous networks in which multiple applications co-exist and nodes may take on different roles for different applications. Moreover, we address network reIn this paper we present new optimization formulations for maximizing the network lifetime in wireless mesh networks performing data aggregation and dissemination for machine-to-machine communication in the Internet of Things. We focus on heterogeneous networks in which multiple applications co-exist and nodes may take on different roles for different applications. Moreover, we address network rec

Increasing Ethical Awareness : The Enhancement of Long-Term Effects of Ethics Teaching: A Quantitative Study

In this study, the impact of two different “methods” for teaching ethics as part of the religious education in the Swedish upper secondary school have been compared by means of a non-randomized controlled trial in two parts, involving 15 teachers and 524 students. The question was which “method” had the greatest capacity to generate long-term ethical awareness in the students. The intervention con

Den fantastiska resan: Hörspel

Premiär: Den fantastiska resanDen engagerade men utbrända läraren Ulf kämpar för att få sina elever att växa och utvecklas, men blir ständigt begränsad av skolpolitikens fyrkantiga villkor. Plötsligt en dag blir han kontaktad av Motståndsrörelsen, och det blir starten på en helt fantastisk resa.

Entrepreneurial learning in venture acceleration programs

This study aims to better understand entrepreneurial learning in the context of venture acceleration programs.A qualitative research strategy was used based on multiple in-depth interviews with 21 lead entrepreneurs complemented with participatory observations and secondary sources. The data were inductively analysed following the Gioia methodology (Gioia et al., 2012).The authors build on experie

Death rate and recurrence pattern among 841 clinical stage I endometrial cancer patients with special reference to uterine papillary serous carcinoma

Eight hundred thirty-nine clinical stage I endometrial carcinoma patients diagnosed between 1979 and 1988 were treated at the University Hospital in Linköping. Forty-two (5%) had uterine papillary serous carcinoma of which 52% died of their disease. The recurrence rate, defined as new evidence of disease 6 months or more after termination of the initial treatment, was 31% among the UPSC patients c


This article analyses the formation of the science of diplomatic law of international organizations in the system of diplomatic and consular law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The theoretical principles and the legal content of the diplomatic law of international organizations are learned. The inter-branch nature of the diplomatic law of international organizations as the sub-branch of law is disc

Catheter-related infections : A Scandinavian observational study on the impact of a simple hygiene insertion bundle

BACKGROUND: Catheter-related infections (CRIs) and catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) are among the most frequent hospital acquired infections. CRI/CRBSI studies in Scandinavian cohorts are scarce. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the CRI/CRBSI incidence and the association between potential risk factors, including the introduction of a simple hygiene insertion bundle

Discourse of Yemeni TV broadcasters and the Dilemma of Regime Criticism, 2015-2019

The discourse of the Yemeni TV broadcasters has been undergoing major changes since the Arab Spring in 2011. However, after the recent civil war, specifically since 2015, this discourse has been diverse, and has become a clear reflection of the contexts in which it is produced. This paper attempts to analyze the Yemeni media discourse by analyzing the titles of the news reports published on YouTub

Return policy and consumer behaviour - a conceptual study

This paper provides a framework by developing a conceptual model explaining how perceived return policy fairness influence consumer purchases intentions in an online context. By reviewing the literature in consumer return, signal and justice theory a conceptual model was developed. Consumer Return studies have historically been focused on reverse logistics but in the last decade moved focus toward

Treatment results and prognostic factors in a population-based study of epithelial ovarian cancer

The Swedish Tumor Registries are population based. Three hundred eighty-four patients with epithelial ovarian cancer registered in the Tumor Registry of the Southeast Health Care Region during the years 1984 to 1987 were reviewed; 332 patients were eligible for survival analysis. The protocol treatment during this period included primary surgery aimed at tumor reduction followed by combination che

Diplomatic law of international organizations: structuration and its place in the general system of international law

This article examines the methodological issues of structuring the diplomatic law of international organizations, its place in the system of international law. The interdisciplinary nature of the diplomatic law of international organizations, its relationship with diplomatic and consular law and the law of international organizations has been disclosed. An emphasis is given to the main features an