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Phenology in urban environments - The effects of tree and prey phenology on the reproduction of urban and rural great tits (Parus major)

Urban environments are rapidly growing worldwide with severe consequences to animals and plants residing in our cities. Some of the most well-studied urban wildlife is passerine birds, where a wide array of effects have been documented; smaller clutches, earlier breeding, shorter telomeres and oxidative stress are just some costs among numerous others. Yet, few studies have so far investigated the

Kan vi lukta oss till ett bättre minne?

Ett växande antal studier rapporterar ett samband mellan minne och lukter. Den här studien ämnade identifiera effekter av samma och olika lukter vid inlärning och återkallande av minne samt undersöka skillnaden mellan goda och inte goda lukter. En så kallad old / new recognition task användes som minnestest där deltagarna (N = 32) tränade in 20 ord i testets första fas, för att sedan i en andra faA growing number of studies report relations between memory and smell. The present study aimed to identify differential effects of same and different smells on word learning and recognition memory, in addition to investigate the difference between pleasant and unpleasant smells. An old / new recognition task was used as a memory test, whereby participants (N = 32) studied 20 words in the first pha

A proteomic approach to study the molecular processes of a novel putative zinc binding protein in erythropoiesis

A proteomic approach to study the molecular processes of a novel putative zinc binding protein in erythropoiesis We have around 6 liters of blood in our body: each of them contain around 6 billion red blood cells, which travel around the 96.000km of blood vessels of our body. Blood contains many different types of cells, which play key roles for us. For example, Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are the on

Risk-Managed Momentum in Europe

This thesis sets out to evaluate a risk-managed momentum strategy in the European stock market. The recent performance of momentum in Europe is first evaluated. A momentum premium still exists in Europe but the strategy suffered large losses in 2009. A risk-managed momentum portfolio is created by dynamically scaling the exposure to momentum based on a monthly volatility forecast. The risk-managed

Konstruktionen av föräldraskap i förvaltningsrättens domslut

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att genom förvaltningsrättsliga domar som avser 2 § lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga förstå hur föräldraskapet konstrueras och framställs i tvångsvårdsdiskursen med hänsyn till normativa föreställningar. Syftet är även att belysa hur maktrelationen ser ut mellan rätten, sociala myndigheter och föräldrarna i domsluten.


Policy on Planning for Children and Youth in urbanization environment. Enriching Urban Cityscape for Children and Youth through Scandinavian (Swedish and Danish) child methodology on the old European planning model. In this model, traffic management has the most potential in planning. For the study Dhanmondi, the site planned during the British Empire, was chosen within the capital city Dhaka, Ban

List Decoding of Polar Codes

Channel coding is an important instrument used in communication to correct errors that occur on channels. It is interesting to find the best-suited channel code for different communication systems. Polar codes have been in the spotlight lately for their simple structure and performance when in combination with list decoding and cyclic redundancy check code. Polar codes have a recursive structure

Ecolabelling. Criteria development for rechargeable batteries in ICT products

This research puts together two massive areas: voluntary certification programmes, specifically Type I ecolabelling (ISO 14024), aimed to incentivise and assist in providing customers with sustainable in all meanings products; and rechargeable batteries – inalienable element of portable electronic products. Moreover, the importance of batteries lifts up to an absolutely new level – with a rapid de

Incremental Housing for Small Businesses: Redevelopment of slums in Addis Ababa

With rapid urbanization and population growth, Addis Ababa faces a big challenge of dealing with slums in the inner city. It has used up most of its space within its boundary and there are now a number of projects on the pipe line to redevelop the inner city slums. This seems to be the single most pressing issue currently. The recent public housing projects and inner city renewal programs has cau

Ensuring supplier compliance to stakeholder demands

Title: Ensuring Supplier Compliance to Stakeholder Demands Author: Fanny Åklundh Supervisors: Stefan Olander, Department of Building Production, LTH Brian Sieben, Head of Sourcing Excellence, Hilti Group Examiner: Radhlinah Aulin, Department of Building Production, LTH Purpose: To create a conceptual framework for defining requirements for supplier qualification in terms of certificates and

Piece by Piece

The growth of informal settlements especially in third world countries has become a problem on a global scale. In Asia and Africa, although under different circumstances, the fastest urbanization takes place. To find a good way on how to include the poor city migraters into the growing cities will be crucial in order to have more sustainable, peaceful and just societies. My focus lays on the semi-

American Dream Turns to Nightmare: The Decline of the United States Middle Class

The United States middle class has become a major topic of discussion and debate over the past several years, playing an intricate part in economic and political policies today. The reasoning behind this is due to the acknowledgement of the average American household struggling to maintain their standard of living with rising costs of goods and services along with stagnating wages. Unemployment is

The Interplay between Cognition and Worry

An increasing amount of research findings is showing that higher engagement in cognitive tasks alleviates the interference of anxiety and worry on task performance as compared to lower task engagement. Yet, it is still not clear which cognitive functions are mostly contributing to this relieving effect. To add to the current knowledge, the present experimental work investigated the relations bet

Creating Customer Value in a Circular Economy

Resource related challenges are becoming increasingly severe. The shift towards a circular economy is viewed as one prominent way to overcome the challenges. A shift towards a circular economy would partly require new business models, commonly referred to as circular business models. In order to enhance the development of circular business models, there is a need to understand how companies with c

Upplevelser och erfarenheter av fritidsaktiviteter hos personer över 65 år med artros i händerna

Bakgrund: Fritidsaktiviteter kan bidra till både bättre fysisk och psykisk hälsa samt allmänt välmående. Vid reumatiska sjukdomar är ofta fritidsaktiviteter den första aktivitetsgrupp som faller bort, detta trots att fritidsaktiviteter för många är den mest värdeskapande aktiviteten. Syfte: Att undersöka hur pensionärer över 65 år med artros i händerna beskriver sina upplevelser och erfarenheter a

Från teokratism till rättspositivism

This essay aims to investigate one of the most fundamental questions for legal scientists, namely how the laws have been legitimized throughout history and how we legitimize it today? The essay makes an attempt to examine how these questions have been answered by different philosophers throughout the ages. It starts by examining the anchient philosophers and mover forward cronologically. Within th

Att lägga sig platt - om arbetsrätten och plattformsarbete

Uppsatsen handlar om plattformsekonomin och hur arbetena som skapas i den regleras i svensk arbetsrätt. Skyddet den svenska arbetsrätten ger är primärt för arbetstagare. Därför är syftet med uppsatsen att se vad som talar för respektive emot att plattformsarbetare är arbetstagare. Uppsatsen syftar också att utreda ifall det finns ett behov för närmare reglering av plattformsarbeten. För att kunThis thesis concerns the platform economy and how the works generated by it is regulated in Swedish labor law. The protection the Swedish labor law gives is mainly for employees. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to see what argues for and against that platform workers should be considered employees. The thesis also aims to determine whether there is a need for closer regulation of platform

Good Governance som skydd mot the Resource Curse

The Resource Curse is a theory which suggests that countries with an abundance of natural resources are prone to experience slower growth than resource scarce countries. Research has suggested that good governance can prevent this negative correlation from emerging. This case study examines which aspects of good governance that have been important in avoiding the Resource Curse in the case of Bots

Miljöhänsyn vid prövning av bearbetningskoncession

Sverige är en av Europas ledande gruvnationer och den svenska gruvindustrin utgör en mycket viktig näring från försörjningssynpunkt, sysselsättningssynpunkt och industriell synpunkt. Samtidigt som mineralindustrin innebär stora vinster för samhället medför den även rad betänkligheter ur miljösynpunkt. Gruvverksamhet för bland annat med sig buller, damm, förändrad hydrologi och utsläpp av olika slaSweden is one of Europe's leading mining nations and the Swedish mining industry is an important industry from a supply, employment and industrial point of view. At the same time as the mineral industry brings profits for society it also brings consideration from an environmental point of view. Mining activities include noise, dust, altered hydrology and emissions of various kinds. In addition