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Your search for "*" yielded 529983 hits

Female Genital Mutilation in Senegal The role of Socio-Economic Risk Factors of Circumcision and Subsequent Effects of Circumcision upon Fertility and Marriage Markets

Female Genital Mutilation is widespread in sub- Saharan Africa despite being illegal in many countries. It has been shown in previous research that female genital mutilation occurs due to long standing tradition which creates difficulty in the elimination of the practice. In any case, the effects of mutilation can have long lasting effects on future demographics through impacts on future fertility

” Jag kanske skulle gå och prata högt för mig själv för jag blir så hes” – En kvalitativ studie om äldres subjektiva upplevelser av röstproblem

Syfte: Att undersöka hur röstproblem ter sig hos en grupp icke-behandlingssökande äldre personer, då tidigare studier visat att prevalensen av röstproblem hos äldre är hög. Metod: Studien består till största del av kvalitativ metod i form av tre fokusgruppsintervjuer och en individuell intervju. De inspelade intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med systematisk textkondensering. Intervjuer

Tack för i år kompis!

Titel: Tack för i år kompis! Nivå: Kandidatuppsats vid Institutionen för Service Management, Campus Helsingborg, Lunds Universitet. Kurs: KSKK01: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, VT 2016, 15 HP. Författare: Frida Bäckman och Ylva Bäckström Handledare: Jan-Henrik Nilsson Bakgrund och problem: Den återkommande charterresenären är erfaren och har förväntningar på resebolagets, destinationens oc

"Who is next to be thrown into the lion's den?" En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av chefsdesigners roll i ett modesystem i förändring

This paper is written by Alice Myringer and Johanna Ottosson at Lund University. The title is “Who is next to be thrown into the lion’s den?” - A qualitative content analysis of the role of the creative director in a changing fashion system. The study aims to examine how journalists describe Alexander Wang’s, Raf Simons’s, Alber Elbaz’s and Hedi Slimane’s exits from their respective fashion houses

"Käften Gunvald" : en kvalitativ textanalys av karaktären Gunvald Larsson i Beckserien

“Käften Gunvald” är en textanalys av en karaktär i Beckserien utifrån ett performativitetsperspektiv och normperspektiv. Den är skriven av Aleks Kursis och Moa Lindholm, enheten för medie­ och kommunikationsvetenskap, vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet. Den här uppsatsen undersöker representation i populärkulturen och tittar på huvudkaraktären Gunvald Larsson i den s

Sociala medier som maktens spegel - en studie om relationsskapande mellan företag och konsument

Studien har fokuserat på hur maktutövning på sociala medier tar sig uttryck i relationsskapande aktiviteter och konversationer mellan IKEA och dess konsumenter. Avstampet har skett ur ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv där hermeneutiken varit rådande för analysen. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys har gjorts på IKEA:s Facebook-sida där deras och konsumenternas inlägg med kommentarer studerats geAbstract This study focused on how power exercise manifests itself on social media between IKEA and consumers, when it comes to relationship-building and conversations. Taking off from social constructivism with hermenuetics being part of the analysis, a qualitative content analysis was executed on a total of 358 posts with comments. Of these, IKEA had published 28 of them while consumers publishe

Energy losses in hydraulic systems of water treatment plants: An application to Vombverket in south Sweden

Sydvatten AB is a municipally owned company producing and supplying drinking water to about 900,000 inhabitants in southern Sweden through two water treatment plants (WTP), Ringsjöverket and Vombverket. At Vombverket, the present capacity is somewhat reduced because of pressure losses in the pipe systems of the WTP. Parts of the WTP was built already in the 1950’s and it was significantly expande

Vem tycker vad om självskadebeteende ? : En enkätundersökning om allmänhetens attityder

Syfte: Att undersöka de psykometriska egenskaperna hos instrumentet Lund Attitudes Towards Self Harm (LASH) och använda den bästa lämpade versionen, sex items eller kortare, för att undersöka allmänhetens attityder till självskadebeteende. Metod: En enkät med frågor om demografiska variabler, erfarenhet av självskadebeteende i nära relationer samt skalorna LASH, Community Attittudes towards the MeObjective: To examine the psychometric properties of the instrument Lund Attitudes Towards Self Harm (LASH) and use the best-suited version, six items or less, to investigate public attitudes to self-harm. Method: A questionnaire about demographic variables, the experience of self-harm in close relationships and the following scales; LASH, Community attittudes towards the Mentally Ill (CAMI-S), Re


This thesis investigates Twitter posting in Greek during the period of the Greek referendum in 2015 and in particular between June 27, when the referendum was announced, and July 6, one day after the referendum was completed, and how the Greek people use various external sources to express themselves (i.e. political thoughts, actions, inquires). The main research question is “What is the role of i

Crises and their impact on the energy system: Sweden 1900-2013

Throughout history, changes have occurred in the energy system, where social and economic factors have been identified as drivers for these changes. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether crises, financial crises and energy supply crises, have been drivers for changes in the energy system in Sweden for the period 1900-2013. To investigate these changes, energy prices is measured as th

Injection Molded Nanostructures Together with Hearing Instrument Materials

The purpose of this Master's Thesis was to gain insight to how injection molded nanostructures could be used together with hearing instrument materials. The reason to investigate this new nanotechnology was to see if it is of interest for Oticon to invest in. To reach conclusions, literature was studied regarding surfaces wetting properties, capillary effects, adhesion and material properties.

Corporate Tax Inversions and Reputational Costs - A Study on Board-Level Patriotism and the Decision to Expatriate

Corporate inversion is the procedure of reincorporating abroad for tax purposes to reduce the corporate income tax. The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, we evaluate the shareholder value creation aspect of U.S. corporate inversions after 2004, a year when the U.S. imposed a number of regulatory changes to reduce the benefits of tax inversions. Second, we examine a number of board-related

Analys av geoenergisystem

Studiens syfte är att studera hur Malmberg Borrning AB samlar in och dokumenterar mätdata från driften av geoenergianläggningarna som företaget bygger. Geoenergi är en förnybar energikälla med stor utvecklingspotential i Sverige och det är intressant att studera insamling och dokumentation av mätdata eftersom det är vad som ligger till grund för driftuppföljning och i sin tur teknikutveckling av n

Blockbyggande medborgardialog i planeringen

This paper is a study of how actors have chosen to utilize the videogame Minecraft, as a way of getting citizen involved in the planning of spaces. This is done by interviews with people in charged for leading the projects, in aim for answering if citizen participation is increased. But also what the method requires and who it speaks to, and what effectiveness that is achieved in the process. The

Re-evaluating Money: Exploring Conceptual Boundaries

Since the financial crisis of 2008, actors from a wide variety of backgrounds have stressed the necessity to enhance understanding of basic economic concepts. One core concept – money - has strong implications on issues such as equality, justice, democracy and the environment, performing an essential part in the way societies are constituted around the world. While it should be clear that the chan

Den "gode" diakonen: En intervjustudie i diakoners självmedvetenhet utifrån maktrelationer i den profetiska diakonins tid

This essay aims to examine the deacons, that is working at the Church of Sweden, understanding of them self according to power, impotent, duties, exposure and reparation. The main questions for this essay where, how do the deacon perceive the balance of power towards their clients, in what extent do the deacons feel impotent in their work, what do they se as their most important task as a deacon a

Analys av olycksutredningsmetoder tillämpade på anlagda bränder i skolor

There are several accident investigation methods and they are used in a wide range of fields. However, the methods have not been used so much in the fire accident area. In the present thesis, the methods’ capability to investigate fires and what they result in are explored. In addition, answers are given concerning how important the background information is for their applicability. First, a selec

The effect of BITs, a two-sided story

Bilateral Investment Treaty is an agreement designed to increase FDI between signatories. Historically the treaty is concluded between a developed country and a developing country, as a risk-lowering instrument. In recent years agreements carried out between developed countries has put more focus on investments and adopted contents of a BIT, examples of this is TTIP, TPP and CETA. Yet there is lit

R.C.A.S. Rescue Communication at Sea

The Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS) currently does not have a convenient and intuitive solution for the at sea communication. Today there are several helmets and radio devices tried to fulfill their needs but neither of them has succeeded to work well as a system. Through both primary research (Interviewing coastguards and other SSRS staff, field trips to rescue stations, trying out existing ge