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Your search for "*" yielded 533571 hits

Improved Functional MRI Activation Mapping in White Matter Through Diffusion-Adapted Spatial Filtering

Brain activation mapping using functional MRI (fMRI) based on blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast has been conventionally focused on probing gray matter, the BOLD contrast in white matter having been generally disregarded. Recent results have provided evidence of the functional significance of the white matter BOLD signal, showing at the same time that its correlation structure is hi

Unpasteurised maternal breast milk is positively associated with growth outcomes in extremely preterm infants

Aim: Extrauterine growth restriction is common among extremely preterm infants. We explored whether intake of unpasteurised maternal milk (MM) and pasteurised donor milk (DM) was associated with longitudinal growth outcomes and neonatal morbidities in extremely preterm infants. Methods: Observational study of 90 preterm infants born between 2013 and 2015 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Data were prospectiv

Development and validation of a lifestyle-based model for colorectal cancer risk prediction : the LiFeCRC score

Background: Nutrition and lifestyle have been long established as risk factors for colorectal cancer (CRC). Modifiable lifestyle behaviours bear potential to minimize long-term CRC risk; however, translation of lifestyle information into individualized CRC risk assessment has not been implemented. Lifestyle-based risk models may aid the identification of high-risk individuals, guide referral to sc

2-Terminal CIGS-perovskite tandem cells : A layer by layer exploration

This paper focuses on the development of 2-terminal CIGS-perovskite tandem solar cells by exploring a range of stack sequences and synthetic procedures for depositing the associated layers. In the end, we converged at a stack sequence composed of SLG/Mo/CIGS/CdS/i-ZnO/ZnO:Al/NiO/PTAA/Perovskite/LiF/PCBM/SnO2/ITO. With this architecture, we reached performances only about 1% lower than the correspo

”Stäng Irans ambassad i Stockholm”

De iranska ambassaderna runt om i världen bedriver allvarlig brottslighet i form av spionage och terrorism. Därför bör Sverige stänga Irans ambassad, skriver Ardavan Khoshnood.The Iranian embassies around the world conduct serious crimes in the form of espionage and terrorism. Therefore, Sweden should close Iran's embassy, writes Ardavan Khoshnood.

Cultural atavism in the face of an environmental disaster : Skopje 2014 in the limelight

Great social challenges of today, and the conflicts arising therefrom, no longer come one by one. What makes them great is their entanglement in one other and across multiple levels. Similarly, spatial conflicts seldom arise in isolation, but result from simmering tensions that may manifest in a more insidious fashion, namely by appealing to intangible values. This chapter looks into one such spat

Risk of late health effects after soft-tissue sarcomas in childhood–a population-based cohort study within the Adult Life after Childhood Cancer in Scandinavia research programme

Background: In the 1960s only 1/3 of children with soft-tissue sarcomas survived, however with improved treatments survival today has reached 70%. Given the previous poor survival and the rarity of soft-tissue sarcomas, the risk of somatic late effects in a large cohort of Nordic soft-tissue sarcoma survivors has not yet been assessed. Methods: In this population-based cohort study we identified 9

Creation and Annihilation of Nonradiative Recombination Centers in Polycrystalline Metal Halide Perovskites by Alternating Electric Field and Light

Metal halide perovskites are promising optoelectronic materials. Their electronic properties however are rather unstable which is often assigned to ion migration. Ion migration can be readily influenced by an electric field (EF). Here, the response of photoluminescence (PL) of individual MAPbX3 (MA = CH3NH3, X = I, Br) sub-micrometer-sized polycrystals to EF is studied. Alternating EF with frequen

Incidence of relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) including CNS relapse in a population-based cohort of 4243 patients in Sweden

We performed a national population-based study of all patients diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in Sweden in 2007–2014 to assess treatment intent and risk of relapsed/refractory disease, including central nervous system (CNS) relapse, in the presence of competing risks. Overall, 84% of patients started treatment with curative intent (anthracycline-based) (n = 3550, median age 6

Mapping Resonance Structures in Transient Core-Ionized Atoms

The nature of transient electronic states created by photoabsorption critically determines the dynamics of the subsequently evolving system. Here, we investigate K-shell photoionized atomic neon by absorbing a second photon within the Auger-decay lifetime of 2.4 fs using the European XFEL, a unique high-repetition-rate, wavelength-tunable x-ray free-electron laser. By high-resolution electron spec

Sustainable welfare in Swedish cities : Challenges of eco-social integration in urban sustainability governance

In this paper, we study the integration of ecological sustainability and social welfare concerns in cities. Efforts to handle ecological challenges risk having negative impacts on equality and social welfare. While current levels of consumption and material welfare are unsustainable, there is a need for more sustainable approaches to welfare and wellbeing. Still, ecological and social concerns in

Search for Higgs Boson Decays into a Z Boson and a Light Hadronically Decaying Resonance Using 13 TeV pp Collision Data from the ATLAS Detector

A search for Higgs boson decays into a Z boson and a light resonance in two-lepton plus jet events is performed, using a pp collision dataset with an integrated luminosity of 139 fb-1 collected at s=13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC. The resonance considered is a light boson with a mass below 4 GeV from a possible extended scalar sector or a charmonium state. Multivariate discriminant

Sex-Specific Associations Between Bipolar Disorder Pharmacological Maintenance Therapies and Inpatient Rehospitalizations : A 9-Year Swedish National Registry Study

Background: Long-term pharmacological maintenance therapy is often essential among people with bipolar disorder to reduce the need for inpatient care. Sex-specific responses to maintenance therapies are expected but remain largely unknown. Here, we examined for sex-specific associations between common maintenance therapies for bipolar disorder with inpatient rehospitalizations following patients'

Dapingian to lower Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) graptolite biostratigraphy and correlation of the Krapperup drill core, Scania, Sweden

The Dapingian and lower Darriwilian graptolite succession of the Krapperup drill core from Scania, southern Sweden, provides a detailed insight into the axonophoran (biserial) graptolites and their early Palaeozoic evolutionary changes on the Scandinavian platform. Even though earliest Darriwilian axonophorans are not represented, the succession includes faunal elements of the basal Darriwilian Ar

Functionally reversible impacts of disturbances on lake food webs linked to spatial and seasonal dependencies

Increasing human impact on the environment is causing drastic changes in disturbance regimes and how they prevail over time. Of increasing relevance is to further our understanding on biological responses to pulse disturbances (short duration) and how they interact with other ongoing press disturbances (constantly present). Because the temporal and spatial contexts of single experiments often limi

Tracing divergence in crisis governance : responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in France, Germany and Sweden compared

This cross-country comparison of administrative responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in France, Germany and Sweden is aimed at exploring how institutional contexts and administrative cultures have shaped strategies of problem-solving and governance modes during the pandemic, and to what extent the crisis has been used for opportunity management. The article shows that in France, the central governme

Platinum Nanocatalysts Supported on Defective Hollow Carbon Spheres : Oxygen Reduction Reaction Durability Studies

The durability and long-term applicability of catalysts are critical parameters for the commercialization and adoption of fuel cells. Even though a few studies have been conducted on hollow carbon spheres (HCSs) as supports for Pt in oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) catalysis, in-depth durability studies have not been conducted thus far. In this study, Pt/HCSs and Pt/nitrogen-doped HCSs (Pt/NHCSs)

The World Stroke Organization's Declaration for worldwide primary stroke and dementia prevention

current strategies of primary stroke and cardiovascular disease prevention are aimed at addressing the main risk factors primarily in patients with higher cardiovascular disease risk. Since the number of people with incident stroke and ischaemic heart disease cases is rapidly growing across all countries of the world, this preventive strategy appears to be not sufficiently effective. World Stroke