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Your search for "*" yielded 526206 hits

Geometry of meaning : semantics based on conceptual spaces

In The Geometry of Meaning, Peter Gärdenfors proposes a theory of semantics that bridges cognitive science and linguistics and shows how theories of cognitive processes, in particular concept formation, can be exploited in a general semantic model. He argues that our minds organize the information involved in communicative acts in a format that can be modeled in geometric or topological terms—in w

Power and Political Culture: The Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) and the Decline of the New Order (1986-98)

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under Indonesiens auktoritära regim Den nya ordningen under president Suharto, avsågs det lilla nationalistkristna koalitionspartiet Indonesiska demokratiska partiet, PDI, spela rollen av ett regeringstroget statskorporatismiskt parti, vars existens skulle demonstrera regimens påstådda demokratiska karaktär. Från den senare hälften av 1980-talet började partiet emellertUnder Indonesia's authoritarian New Order regime of President Suharto, the role envisaged for the small nationalist-Christian coalition the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) was that of a pliant state corporatist party, the existence of which was meant to demonstrate the ostensibly democratic character of the regime. From the second half of the 1980s, however, the party began to develop in a criti

A Simulation Study Quantifying the Effects of Drive Cycle Characteristics on the Performance of a Pneumatic Hybrid Bus

In the study presented in this paper, the effect of different vehicle driving cycles on the pneumatic hybrid has been investigated. The pneumatic hybrid powertrain has been modeled in UT-Power and validated against experimental data. The GT-Power engine model has been linked with a MATLAB/simulink vehicle model. The engine in question is a single-cylinder Scania D12 diesel engine, which has been c

User related assessment of Continuous Support & Curve Speed Control (FFA)

The aim of the user related assessment was to study perceived advantages, disadvantages, usefulness, trust, acceptance, willingness to have and pay for the driver assistance system: Continuous Support & Curve Speed Control developed by FFA within the framework of the SECONDS subproject. Due to restrictions in driving in real traffic, assessment activities were limited to driving on a test trac

Gemensamt fokus på skilda fakulteter - Utveckling av bibliotekets stöd till tvärvetenskapliga forskare

För närvarande finns en stark trend med forskningsmiljöer där flera ämnen samverkar och där forskare inom flera fält samarbetar, exempelvis geriatrik, psykologi, psykiatri, arbetsterapi och hälsoekonomi. Forskare i tvärvetenskapen blir ofta eftersatta och hittar inte alltid det stöd de behöver i det kursutbud som erbjuds idag inom ramen för informationshantering. Lunds universitets bibliotek är en

Eye movements and gestures in human face-to-face interaction

Gestures are visuospatial events, meaning carriers, and social interactional phenomena. As such they constitute a particularly favourable area for investigating visual attention in a complex everyday situation under conditions of competitive processing. This chapter discusses visual attention to spontaneous gestures in human face-to-face interaction as explored with eye-tracking. Some basic fixati

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The purpose of the thesis is to increase understanding of the impact of financial institutions on regional growth. It helps to develop established concepts and perceptions on the impact of financial institutions on economic development in less well-functioning regions. Agglomeration theory is based on a general assumption of a reduced likelihood of economic cooperation through increased geographi

Dynamical effects of stellar mass-loss on a Kuiper-like belt

A quarter of DA white dwarfs are metal polluted, yet elements heavier than helium sink down through the stellar atmosphere on time-scales of days. Hence, these white dwarfs must be the currently accreting material containing heavy elements. Here we consider whether the scattering of comets or asteroids from an outer planetary system, following stellar mass-loss on the asymptotic giant branch, can

Self Calibrating Procedure for a 3D Force Observer

In robotic operations where a manipulator is involved, it is well-known that the quantities measured by a wrist force/torque sensor are corrupted by the dynamicsof the end effector and manipulator. To solve this problem,an observer, which fuses information from force sensors andaccelerometers, was designed recently in order to estimate the contact force exerted by a manipulator to its environment

Reallocation of risks within supply chains: The practice of enhanced liability clauses

Purpose of this paper The expression Enhanced Liability refers to clauses in a contract which obligation one of the partners to accept extended liability for future claims payments beyond normal standards of transport law, conventions or national standard terms and conditions for logistics service intermediaries, logistics service providers and carriers. This paper provides explanations and unders