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Gendered Sustainability: Are Public Spaces Designed for Girls Good for Everyone? Examining Female Participation as a Strategy for Inclusive Public Space

This article examines female participation as a strategy for sustainable development. The increasing interest in female participation as a sustainability strategy on an international scale, underscores the need for critical examinations of this approach. Centring on contemporary Sweden as a prominent site of this development, this article investigates the municipal use of gendered design processes

Expanding the field : combining construction management and urban studies to address grand societal challenges

Globally we are facing a complex web of grand challenges that are impacting the lived environment, our development pathways, and wider quality of life. Urban environments serve as a key context around which these grand challenges are not only experienced while also providing multiple opportunities to reduce environmental impacts and resource consumption; improve health outcomes; eradicate poverty;

Craft-orientation as a mode of organizing for postgrowth society

How may a “craft-orientation” facilitate a shift toward an ecologically sustainable economy that does not perceive the pursuit of economic growth as a self-evident good? Responding to this question, this paper is rooted in the argument that efforts to increase economic growth collide with ecological sustainability goals and pose a substantial threat to human prosperity. Drawing on key insights fro

Notes on quantitative susceptibility mapping reconstruction accuracy under challenging conditions: Phantom measurements and simulations

Magnetic susceptibility can be assessed by quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), based on measured magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) phase data. The QSM reconstruction process is, however, mathematically challenging and still not fully robust. A signal-generating holmium [Ho(III)] aqueous solution with air-equivalent magnetic susceptibility was prepared, and used as a surrounding medium in a w

Beyond Truth-telling: A Replication Study on School Choice

In a recent paper, Fack et al. (2019, American Economic Review) convincingly argue and theoretically demonstrate that there may be strong incentives for students to play non-truth-telling strategies when reporting preferences over schools, even when the celebrated deferred acceptance algorithm is employed. Their statistical test also rejects the (weak) truth-telling assumption in favour of another

Socializing Warlord Democrats: Analyzing Violent Discursive Practices in Post-Civil War Politics

Across the world, so-called warlord democrats (WDs) – former military or political leaders of armed groups who subsequently enter formal electoral politics – strongly influence the dynamics and trajectory of post-civil war politics. However, scholarship on war-to-peace transitions and post-conflict politics have often failed to pay attention to the agency of these important actors. This article re

Therapeutic Effects of IL-1RA against Acute Bacterial Infections, including Antibiotic-Resistant Strains

Innate immunity is essential for the anti-microbial defense, but excessive immune activation may cause severe disease. In this study, immunotherapy was shown to prevent excessive innate immune activation and restore the anti-bacterial defense. E. coli-infected Asc−/− mice develop severe acute cystitis, defined by IL-1 hyper-activation, high bacterial counts, and extensive tissue pathology. Here, t

Kan jag skylla på föräldrarna? En kvantitativ studie om kopplingen mellan anknytning, moral och brottslighet.

Den aktuella studien är en kvantitativ enkätstudie grundad i Anknytningsteori och “Age-graded theory of informal social control" som ämnade att undersöka kopplingen mellan anknytning, moral samt kriminalitet. Studien testade de tre följande hypoteserna; Låg moral och generell otrygg anknytning predicerar tillsammans en intensiv kriminell karriär i högre utsträckning än endast generell otrygg The current study is a quantitative survey based on attachment theory and age-graded theory of informal social control with the purpose of investigating the connection between attachment, morality and crime. The study has tested three hypotheses; Low morality and general insecure attachment together predicts an intense criminal career more than insecure attachment alone. An insecure attachment to

Beyond the Big Five factors : using facets and nuances for enhanced prediction in life outcomes

Research on personality traits predicting life outcomes has typically been investigated using the Big Five factors and only occasionally their facets. However, recent research suggests that the use of items (reflecting personality nuances) can account for more predictive variance. The aim of the present study was to examine the predictive validity for various life outcomes comparing the hierarchic

Do Adolescents Feel Worse Today ? – Comparing prevalence of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Disordered Eating From 2007 to 2023 in Swedish adolescents

Background The prevalence of mental health issues is rising, especially among youth. Research shows that diagnosable and subthreshold mood disorder symptoms are increasing. Notably, and particularly troublesome, there are indications that some mental health issues, such as non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and disordered eating (DE) behaviors, have increased during the last decades, these reports, h

Managing Data from Maritime Archaeology Investigations : AIR at Gribshunden

Maritime archaeology excavations, even in a more complex environment, have the same objectives and requirements as terrestrial ones: documenting digging operations to analyze data in the best way, interpreting it, and producing new knowledge for the benefit of multiple communities. 3D documentation and management methodologies have spread widely among practitioners; however, 3D comprehensive tools

Development of an Implementation Strategy Tailored to Deliver Evidence-Based and Person-Centred Nursing Care for Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia : An Intervention Mapping Approach

Community-acquired pneumonia is a serious public health problem, and more so in older patients, leading to high morbidity and mortality. However, this problem can be reduced by optimising in-hospital nursing care. Accordingly, this study describes a systematic process of designing and developing a tailored theory- and research-based implementation strategy that supports registered nurses (RNs) in

Room Acoustic Ray-Tracing : Understanding, evaluating and expanding the toolset

Room acoustic simulations are an important tool, both for design of spaces with satisfactory acoustics and for use in virtual reality experiences. Auralization of acoustic simulations are becoming more and more important in the context of Virtual and Augmented reality (VR and AR respectively), as the technology is used more and more in healthcare, culture and research. In this work, ray tracing si