Den konservativa revolutionens estetik
En översättning av en essä av Marina Davydova, publicerad i Gläntas temanummer med översättningar av utvalda texter ur den ryska kulturtidskriften Coltas arkiv.
En översättning av en essä av Marina Davydova, publicerad i Gläntas temanummer med översättningar av utvalda texter ur den ryska kulturtidskriften Coltas arkiv.
In this letter, we consider Gaussian approximations of the optimal importance density in sequential importance sampling for nonlinear, non-Gaussian state-space models. The proposed method is based on generalized statistical linear regression and posterior linearization using conditional expectations. Simulation results show that the method outperforms the compared methods in terms of the effective
Solar energy plays a vital role in the transition to a greener global energy supply. As a decentralized energy source, the expansion of solar energy is not driven by energy suppliers and government as in traditional energy sources but is proliferating through the market through a variety of business propositions. Germany has, for a long time, been a pioneer in the field of solar. The country was t
Background: A palliative cancer diagnosis in a parent has a major impact on many aspects of their children’s lives. Studies show that professionals in the oncological field do not seem to offer relatives, in general, much attention. Aim: to explore how doctors and social workers handle children of cancer patients in order to understand the possibilities and difficulties in supporting children in s
Crises often reveal a mismatch between organizational and problem structures, demanding interorganizational coordination or new organizational solutions. Much is known about functions and roles of such organizational solutions, but less about the processes underlying them. This study investigates the processes behind the emergence and institutionalization of organizational solutions to meet new co
Ett tvådimensionellt transportförsök utfördes i en behållare (45 cm x 54 cm x 20 cm) fylld med fin sand. En färgad icke vattenlöslig vätska (LNAPL) spreds över en rektangulär yta, 5 x 20 cm, på försöksytan. Spridningen gjordes i fyra omgångar på olika sätt; med konstant flöde, konstant nivå och varierande nivå. Fyrtiotvå tidsdo män reflektometri (TDR) prober användes för att följa LNAPL transporte
Motivational strategies are underresearched, and studies so far conducted have been in sociolinguistic contexts where English is not extensively encountered outside the classroom. Given also that little is known about strategies relating to the design and content of classroom activities, the purpose of this study is to identify and critically evaluate strategies focusing on activity design and con
The understanding of development is changing over time. It came a long way from a simple vision of economic progress to the contemporary human-centred perspective. However, the majority of research on institutional impacts continues to focus exclusively on the economic sphere. Thus, I decided to adopt this theoretical concept in a modern, human-oriented framework and analyse how government quality
This research focuses on the determinants of participation in informal trade and firms for women in West Africa using the example of the Nana Benz in Togo as a case study. Women have been involved in informal trade for centuries, yet their role tends to be overlooked due to gender inequalities. Through a probabilistic approach and using data from Nigeria and Togo, I analyse the main characteristic
Under 2022 hade värdepappersinstitutet Avanza över 1.7 miljoner kunder, och ökade antalet kunde med 100 000 det året. För att försäkra sig om att alla aktörer som handlar med finansiella instrument vill fortsätta handla på marknaden, krävs det att de har förtroende för marknaden. För att aktörerna ska ha förtroende för marknaden är det viktigt alla har tillgång till korrekt information så att de iIn 2022, the securities institute Avanza had over 1.7 million customers, which was an increase by over 100,000 customers that year. To ensure that all actors who trade with financial instruments want to continue to trade, it is crucial that they have confidence in the market. For the parties to have confidence in the market, it is important that everyone have access to correct information so that
Today, the US pursues the global capture of data (understood as a significant engine of growth) by way of bi- and plurilateral trade agreements. However, the project of securing the global free flow of data has been pursued ever since the dawn of digital telecommunication in the 1960s and the US has made significant legal efforts to institutionalise it. These efforts have two phases: In the first
This article discusses practical and theoretical aspects of real-time brain computer interface control methods based on Bayesian statistics. We investigate and improve the performance of automatic control and feedback algorithms of a reactive brain computer interface based on a visual oddball paradigm for faster statistical convergence. We introduce transfer learning using Gaussian mixture models,
Migrant workers, both regular and irregular, are at particular risk of having their rights violated. At the same time, there has been an absence of support for exploited immigrant workers from Swedish authorities and civil society. Lately, a number of trade unions and semi-union organisations in Sweden have developed methods to mobilize the rights of migrant workers experiencing exploitation on th
Time domain reflectometry (TDR) has been proven to take accurate readings of the apparent dielectricconstant Ka and bulk electrical conductivity σa. These measurements have been used for estimations ofwater content (θ) and concentration of different chemicals. The concentration of an ionic pollutant ortracer can be estimated from the soil solution electrical conductivity σw. Several different cali
Personer med nedsatt beslutsförmåga kan till följd av kognitiva nedsättningar inte alltid samtycka till vård. Eftersom det inte finns någon specialanpassad lag för denna patientgrupp har det under flera års tid varit svårt att tillämpa regelverken inom hälso- och sjukvården. Det har tillsatts ett flertal kommittéer för att undersöka möjligheterna att stifta ett anpassat regelverk. Detsamma gäller People with reduced decision-making capacity can not always consent to care as a result of cognitive impairments. Because no specially adapted law for this patient group exists, it is difficult to applicate the current legal framework within the Swedish health care system when caring for such individuals. A number of committees have been appointed to examine the possibilities of establishing an ad
Intermarriage patterns are often referred to as a step in the social assimilation. However, previous research on is ambiguous in its result concerning differences in intermarriage pattern between genders. According to the theory intermarriage patterns are both influences by preferences and opportunities. This thesis conducts a conditional fixed effects logistic regression to analyses the intermarr
Våra städer är otroligt sårbara för skyfall. Skyfallen som drabbade Köpenhamn 2011 och Malmö tre år senare blev en ögonöppnare för många. I vår artikel presenterar vi resultaten från en intervjustudie där flera nyckelpersoner i Sverige, Danmark och Norge har fått besvara frågor relaterade till skyfallshantering. Den generella uppfattningen hos de som intervjuats i denna studie är att det saknas st
Research Question/Issue: This is a study of the relationship between business group ownership and constituent firms' adoption of Anglo-American shareholder value governance in African firms at the undertaking of an initial public offering (IPO). Research Findings/Insights: We find business group ownership to be associated with lower Anglo-American corporate governance adoption by constituent firms