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Your search for "*" yielded 531676 hits

Swedish musculoskeletal researchers view on a collaborative network and future research priorities in Swedish healthcare

Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSK) are a global burden causing significant suffering and economic impact. Systematic identification and targeting of research questions of highest interest for stakeholders can aid in improving MSK disorder knowledge and management. Objective: To obtain Swedish MSK researchers' opinions and views on a collaborative Swedish MSK network (SweMSK) and identify

Gender effects in dictator game giving under voluntary choice of the recipient's gender : Women favour female recipients

Allowing for free choice of the recipient's gender in a dictator game (N=357), women give more frequently to their own gender (70.3% vs 9.4%) while men do not prefer a specific recipient's gender (33.3% vs 27.8%). Conditional on a positive transfer being made, the average amount of transfers to each gender does not vary between genders, though. Once a charity recipient is added to the possible cho

Harmonic morphisms on Lie groups and minimal conformal foliations of codimension two

Let G be a Lie group equipped with a left-invariant semi-Riemannian metric. Let K be a semisimple subgroup of G generating a left-invariant conformal foliation F of codimension two on G. We then show that the foliation F is minimal. This means that locally the leaves of F are fibres of a complex-valued harmonic morphism. In the Riemannian case, we prove that if the metric restricted to K is biinva

Low achromatic contrast sensitivity in birds : a common attribute shared by many phylogenetic orders

Vision is an important sensory modality in birds, which can outperform other vertebrates in some visual abilities. However, sensitivity to achromatic contrasts - the ability to discern luminance difference between two objects or an object and its background - has been shown to be lower in birds compared with other vertebrates. We conducted a comparative study to evaluate the achromatic contrast se

Detecting Weak Underwater Targets Using Block Updating of Sparse and Structured Channel Impulse Responses

In this paper, we considered the real-time modeling of an underwater channel impulse response (CIR), exploiting the inherent structure and sparsity of such channels. Building on the recent development in the modeling of acoustic channels using a Kronecker structure, we approximated the CIR using a structured and sparse model, allowing for a computationally efficient sparse block-updating algorithm

Angle estimation using mmWave RSS measurements with enhanced multipath information

mmWave communication has come up as the unexplored spectrum for 5G services. With new standards for 5G NR positioning, more off-the-shelf platforms and algorithms are needed to perform indoor positioning. An object can be accurately positioned in a room either by using an angle and a delay estimate or two angle estimates or three delay estimates. We propose an algorithm to jointly estimate the ang

Depletion-induced crystallization of anisotropic triblock colloids

The intricate interplay between colloidal particle shape and precisely engineered interaction potentials has paved the way for the discovery of unprecedented crystal structures in both two and three dimensions. Here, we make use of anisotropic triblock colloidal particles composed of two distinct materials. The resulting surface charge heterogeneity can be exploited to generate regioselective depl

Interfacial Fluid Rheology of Soft Particles

In situ interfacial rheology and numerical simulations are used to investigate microgel monolayers in a wide range of packing fractions, ζ2D. The heterogeneous particle compressibility determines two flow regimes characterized by distinct master curves. To mimic the microgel architecture and reproduce experiments, an interaction potential combining a soft shoulder with the Hertzian model is introd

A colloidal viewpoint on the sausage catastrophe and the finite sphere packing problem

It is commonly believed that the most efficient way to pack a finite number of equal-sized spheres is by arranging them tightly in a cluster. However, mathematicians have conjectured that a linear arrangement may actually result in the densest packing. Here, our combined experimental and simulation study provides a physical realization of the finite sphere packing problem by studying arrangements

Being a non-native English speaker in science and medicine

The use of English language as the official language in science had an undoubtable role in moving science forward but posed an extra challenge for people whose first language is not English. In this Viewpoint, six non-Native English speakers share their experience as academics, clinicians, researchers and editors who carry out the core tasks of their jobs in a second language, and suggest potentia

Terahertz permittivity parameters of monoclinic single crystal lutetium oxyorthosilicate

The anisotropic permittivity parameters of monoclinic single crystal lutetium oxyorthosilicate, Lu2SiO5 (LSO), have been determined in the terahertz spectral range. Using terahertz generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry (THz-GSE), we obtained the THz permittivities along the a, b, and c ⋆ crystal directions, which correspond to the ϵ a , ϵ b , and ϵ c ⋆ on-diagonal tensor elements. The associated

Diagnostic Accuracy of the Swedish Version of the Multicultural Cognitive Examination for Cognitive Assessment in Swedish Memory Clinics

Background: Cognitive assessment for foreign-born individuals is suboptimal. The Multicultural Cognitive Examination (MCE) was developed for use in culturally, linguistically and educationally diverse populations. The MCE includes the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) and performs assessment of memory, verbal fluency, and visuospatial function. Objective: To compare the psychomet

Condition-transfer maternal effects modulate inter-locus sexual conflict

Strong sexual selection frequently favors males that increase their reproductive success by harming females, with potentially negative consequences for natural populations. Understanding what factors modulate conflict between the sexes is hence critical to understand both the evolution of male and female phenotypes and the viability of populations in the wild. Here, we model the evolution of male

The active phase of Pt(110) during catalytic CO oxidation

En förbränningsmotor, som den i din bil, har inte tillräckligt med syre för att fullständigt förbränna bränslet till koldioxid och vatten. Därigenom frigörs kolväten, kolmonoxid och kväveoxid. 98% av dessa giftiga biprodukter kan omvandlas till mindre skadliga ämnen med hjälp av en katalysator. En katalysator använder grundläggande oxidation och reduktion för att omvandla de giftiga utsläppen fråCO oxidation is an important topic in heterogeneous catalysis, due to its role in industrial processes such as pollution reduction in the auto industry, and ethanol or other fuel production. In the automotive catalytic converters CO oxidation reduces the poisonous CO to CO2 by reacting with O2. Oxidation catalysts such as Pt, Pd and Rh are frequently used as catalytic converters for CO oxidation i

In-situ study of the impact of temperature and architecture on the interfacial structure of microgels

The structural characterization of microgels at interfaces is fundamental to understand both their 2D phase behavior and their role as stabilizers that enable emulsions to be broken on demand. However, this characterization is usually limited by available experimental techniques, which do not allow a direct investigation at interfaces. To overcome this difficulty, here we employ neutron reflectome

Two-step deswelling in the Volume Phase Transition of thermoresponsive microgels

Thermoresponsive microgels are one of the most investigated types of soft colloids, thanks to their ability to undergo a Volume Phase Transition (VPT) close to ambient temperature. However, this fundamental phenomenon still lacks a detailed microscopic understanding, particularly regarding the presence and the role of charges in the deswelling process. This is particularly important for the widely

Charge affinity and solvent effects in numerical simulations of ionic microgels

Ionic microgel particles are intriguing systems in which the properties of thermo-responsive polymeric colloids are enriched by the presence of charged groups. In order to rationalize their properties and predict the behaviour of microgel suspensions, it is necessary to develop a coarse-graining strategy that starts from the accurate modelling of single particles. Here, we provide a numerical adva

Microgels at Interfaces Behave as 2D Elastic Particles Featuring Reentrant Dynamics

Soft colloids are increasingly used as model systems to address fundamental issues such as crystallization and the glass and jamming transitions. Among the available classes of soft colloids, microgels are emerging as the gold standard. Since their great internal complexity makes their theoretical characterization very hard, microgels are commonly modeled, at least in the small-deformation regime,

Tuning the rheological behavior of colloidal gels through competing interactions

We study colloidal gels formed by competing electrostatic repulsion and short-range attraction by means of extensive numerical simulations under external shear. We show that, upon varying the repulsion strength, the gel structure and its viscoelastic properties can be largely tuned. In particular, the gel fractal dimension can be either increased or decreased with respect to mechanical equilibrium