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Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and social behavioural deficits in the R451C Neuroligin3 mouse model of autism are reverted by the antidepressant fluoxetine

Neuron generation persists throughout life in the hippocampus but is altered in animal models of neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases, suggesting that disease-associated decline in cognitive and emotional hippocampal-dependent behaviours might be functionally linked with dysregulation of postnatal neurogenesis. Depletion of the adult neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPCs) pool and neurogenic de

Numerical Study and Experimental Verification of Biomass Conversion and Potassium Release in a 140 kW Entrained Flow Gasifier

In this study, a Eulerian-Lagrangian model is used to study biomass gasification and release of potassium species in a 140 kW atmospheric entrained flow gasifier (EFG). Experimental measurements of water concentration and temperature inside the reactor, together with the gas composition at the gasifier outlet, are used to validate the model. For the first time, a detailed K-release model is used t

Lipid Metabolic Reprogramming Extends beyond Histologic Tumor Demarcations in Operable Human Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is among the deadliest malignancies and potentially curable only with radical surgical resection at early stages. The tumor microenvironment has been shown to be central to the development and progression of PDAC.A better understanding of how early human PDAC metabolically communicates with its environment and differs from healthy pancreas could help improve

Analysing the Economic Viability of Implicit Demand Response Control of Thermal Energy Storage in Hot Water Tanks

Demand-responsive control of electrically heated hot water storage tanks (HWSTs) is one solution, already present in the building stock, to stabilise volatile energy networks and markets. This has been put into sharp focus with the current energy crisis in Europe due to reduced access to natural gas. Furthermore, increasing proportions of intermittent renewable energy will likely add to this volat

Characterization of the degree of food processing in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition : Application of the Nova classification and validation using selected biomarkers of food processing

BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies have demonstrated an association between the degree of food processing in our diet and the risk of various chronic diseases. Much of this evidence is based on the international Nova classification system, which classifies food into four groups based on the type of processing: (1) Unprocessed and minimally processed foods, (2) Processed culinary ingredients, (3)

Ghost Installation: Gärdet

Ghost Installation: is one of several "Ghost Installation" compositions in the project. Using small, consumer grade speakers and looping sound collage files, these sound installation compositions are placed in multichannel arrays into the sites they address. This installation was created for the one day Sonotopia festival, put on by students in the Sound Art as Critical Practice course at Stockhol

Ghost Installation: Tomteboda

Ghost Installation: Tomteboda is one of several "Ghost Installation" compositions in the project. Using small, consumer grade speakers and looping sound collage files, these sound installation compositions are placed in multichannel arrays into the sites they address. Ghost Installation: Tomteboda was carried out at the site of a former community garden, outside the Tomteboda post terminal buildin

A Multi-Dimensional Matrix Product—A Natural Tool for Parameterized Graph Algorithms

We introduce the concept of a k-dimensional matrix product D of k matrices (Formula presented.) of sizes (Formula presented.) respectively, where (Formula presented.) is equal to (Formula presented.). We provide upper bounds on the time complexity of computing the product and solving related problems of computing witnesses and maximum witnesses of the Boolean version of the product in terms of the

No New Rights in Fedotova

In Fedotova and others v Russia issued on 17 January 2023, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR or the Court), held that Russia had breached its positive obligation to secure the applicants’ right to respect for their private and family life under Article 8 of the Convention by failing to provide any form of legal recognition and protection for same sex couples.In a post

Bornholm, Russia and the politics of memory

Although the Red Army left the Danish island of Bornholm 76 years ago, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought the memories of those events to life again. This small island, stretched between Sweden and Poland and not so far away from Kaliningrad Oblast, is rediscovering the meaning of its recent past. Miłosz Jeromin Cordes met with Jakob Seerup, a PhD, researcher and curator at Bornholm’s Mus

Car careers : A socio-psychological evaluation of aspirational automobile ownership

There is a general consensus that private car ownership is a significant barrier to transport system change, specifically in regard to injuries, space, air pollutants, or greenhouse gas emissions. Observed changes in automobile characteristics also suggest that the system is becoming less sustainable, given trends towards larger cars with greater mass and horsepower. It is thus relevant to underst

A possible explanation for the presence of calcium and phosphorus in melting crucibles

This text focuses on the presence of calcium and phosphorus in connection with copper-alloy residue on the inside of melting crucibles from south Sweden dated to the late Bronze Age (ca. 1100 - 500 BC). The increase of Ca and P on the crucibles is not seen in general or overall but instead observed as a relative increase only on the inside were the metal was melted. The authors of this article wis

Reviving and Adjusting Pre-War Myths on East Prussia in Contemporary Kaliningrad Oblast and in Memory Politics of Russian Authorities

East Prussia was a region populated by people of many different ethnoses, confessions and languages. Initially settled by Germans after the Teutonic Knights had conquered native Pruthenians, it quickly became a melting pot of newcomers from different regions of Europe.East Prussian diversity took a serious hit after the unification of Germany in 1871. The homogenisation policies adopted by the aut

Brukares påverkan av energianvändning i miljonprogramshus

Samhällets ökade miljömedvetenhet kopplas ofta i byggbranschen till energieffektivitet. För en större skillnad i energianvändning kopplade till bostäder behöver mer fokus ligga på de redan existerade bostäderna och inte bara nyproduktion. En byggnads energianvändning innefattar bland annat brukarvanor. Det saknas objektiva mätningar gällande brukares vädringsvanor och hur de påverkar energianvändnSociety's increased environmental awareness is often linked in the construction industry to energy efficiency. A building's energy use includes, among other things, user habits. There’s a lack of objective measurement regarding users' ventilation habits and how they affect energy use. The purpose of this report is to find out how users in exhaust-ventilated apartment building from the