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Organomolybdenum Complexes in Organic Synthesis- New methods for the Preparation of Cationic Diene Complexes and Applications to Synthesis

Indolyl substituted pyranyl- and cyclohexenyl molybdenum complexes were synthesised through stereoselective nucleophilic addition of indoles to the corresponding cationic 2H-pyran or cyclohexadiene molybdenum complex. Decomplexation of an allylic molybdneum complex by treatment with iodine gave 1-(4-iodo-2-cyclohexenyl)-1H-indole-3-carbonitrile in high regio-selectivity. A new method for preparati

Implementation of a Novel Architecture for DFT-based Channel Estimators in OFDM Systems

A new architecture for Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) based channel estimation has been analyzed, implemented and synthesized for ASIC. The core concept of the proposed esti- mation algorithm is to process the channel increments rather than the channel coefficients. With strong enough time correlation, we can reduce the wordlength of processing blocks compared to standard channel estimators and

Lactic acid bacteria fermentations in oat-based suspensions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mjölk anses som det enda flytande livsmedlet som på naturlig väg innehåller de tre fundamentala byggstenarna, fett, protein och kolhydrater, vilket definierar ett livsmedel näringsmässigt. Majoriteten av världens vuxna befolkning är dock tvungen att ha en begränsad konsumtion av mjölk då toleransen för dess kolhydrat, laktos, minskar med vuxen ålder. Detta beror främst This thesis deals with the fermentation characteristics of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in oat-based suspensions, with formulation work of fermented products based on oat and with nutritional studies of these products. Changes in structure in terms of viscosity and ropiness were studied when exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing LAB strains, namely, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus NCFB 2772,

Experience from replicating empirical studies on prediction models

When conducting empirical studies, replications are important contributors to investigating the generality of the studies. By replicating a study in another context, we investigate what impact the specific environment has, related to the effect of the studied object. In this paper, we define different levels of replication to characterise the similarities and differences between an original study

Formulating an Optimization Problem for Minimization of Losses due to Utilities

Utilities, such as steam and cooling water, are often shared between several production areas at industrial sites, and the effects of disturbances in utilities could thus be hard to predict. In addition, production areas could be connected because of the product flow at the site. This paper introduces a simple modeling approach for modeling the relation between utility operation and production. Us

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The thinking in law and politics during 1915 and 1973 is exposed.

The effect of genome length on ejection forces in bacteriophage lambda.

A variety of viruses tightly pack their genetic material into protein capsids that are barely large enough to enclose the genome. In particular, in bacteriophages, forces as high as 60 pN are encountered during packaging and ejection, produced by DNA bending elasticity and self-interactions. The high forces are believed to be important for the ejection process, though the extent of their involveme

Application of satellite data for investigation of water quality in coastal areas

The population growth in China together with the rapid industrialization and urbanization have increased the utilization of natural resources, leading to more waste being released to the environment. Thus, the environmental conditions have degraded in many regions to a point where environmentally related problems have become the main limiting factors for economical development and social progress.

Isomorphism, Isopraxism and Isonymism: Complementary or Competing Processes?

New institutional theory has been critizised, for describing institutionalization as a static qualitative state rather than a process. In this paper we provide an extended understanding of the process of institutionalization by replacing the mechanical concept of diffusion by the concept of translation and an analytical model of "trevel of ideas". Analyzing the field material from three cases of t