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Your search for "*" yielded 528514 hits

Zero Emission Developments - Towards future sustainable communities

A raised awareness around climate change has been followed by different initiatives and targets being set around the world to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Pressure is not only being placed on international and national bodies but also on local communities, industries, businesses and even individual households. The most prominent international action is the funding of the United Nations Frame

”Köper du, köper jag” – En dramaturgisk studie om påverkan vid ett home party

Vårt syfte är att bidra till teori inom direktförsäljning, genom att ur ett dramaturgiskt perspektiv, studera hur social interaktion och relationer påverkar konsumenter under ett home party. Uppsatsen utgår från teorier inom socialisering och socialpsykologisk påverkan. Ett dramaturgiskt perspektiv utifrån Goffman och Burke, används som ett verktyg vid empiri och analys. Det är en kvalitativ studi

Barnet i dagens familj; särskilt om rätten att komma till tals i s.k. snabbupplysningar

Detta arbete berör barnet i dagens familj och inriktas främst på barnets rätt att komma till tals i snabbupplysningar. Genom lag (2006:458) om ändring i föräldrabalken, gjordes vissa ändringar i föräldrabalken, som syftar till att stärka barnets rätt att komma till tals. En av ändringarna innebär att barnet skall höras vid snabbupplysningar om det är lämpligt. Tidigare skall barnet ha fått komma t


This thesis was dedicated to explain mainland China’s fast economic growth and high inequality from the approach of economic transition and to answer the question why economic transitions contrast in mainland China and Taiwan. Combined with both qualitative and quantitative strategies, and based on secondary data as well as official statistics, the thesis chose comparative study as research design

Sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning - Kan Sverige ta lärdom av Norge?

Syfte: Att undersöka hur frikopplingen mellan redovisning och beskattning påverkade Norge och att utreda ifall några lärdomar kan dras vid en eventuell frikoppling i Sverige. Metod: Studien tillämpar en induktiv ansats och en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Det teoretiska perspektivet utgörs av en utvecklingsmodell av sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning samt redovisn

Finansanalytikers träffsäkerhet - En jämförelse mellan Affiliated och Unaffiliated analytiker

Vårt syfte är i denna uppsats att bedriva en studie med målsättning att undersöka huruvida affiliated analytiker vid emissioner har tillgång till bättre information än unaffiliated analytiker, och om de därigenom har bättre träffsäkerhet. Vi har kommit fram till att affiliated analytiker har bättre träffsäkerhet än unaffiliated i samband med emissioner. Våra resultat har visat att detta kan bero p

Leadership---from the followers point of view

The purpose of this thesis is to show how leadership in practice can be different from what is approached in popular theories but yet a good way of practicing leadership through the follower’s perspective. The research methodology in this thesis is a qualitative study inspired by critical theory in which empirical data is collected by semi-structured interviews. We have interviewed eight employees

Transparency of Executive Directors'' Remuneration

Following rising remuneration levels, significant owner reactions to excessive executive pay, and a request for more executive accountability, there has been increased focus on disclosure of more complete information on the pay levels, program structure and performance criteria for key executives in most European markets. In general, the academic research in the area has been about the conformance

The cross-section of Expected Returns Method applied on data from American stocks

The main purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of a number of independent variables on the cross-section of expected returns on NYSE, ALTERNEXT (formed AMEX) and NASDAQ stocks between 1990 and 2008 in the American market. The analysis is based on methods presented in a number of scientific articles, which will be dealt with below. This study starts with the formation of portfolios by pre-r

Obstacles of Lean Implementation in Retailing - A Case Study of IKEA

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utvärdera implementeringen av Ready to Sell paketlösningar som del av IKEAs Lean Retailing strategi och jämföra denna med tidigare forskning inom Lean implementering och strategi implementering. Metod: Studien använder sig av en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer har genomförts. Denna metod har komplimenterats av en kvantitativ del som utgjorts av en enkät som i

The relationship between trading volume, stock index returns and volatility: Empirical evidence in Nordic countries.

In this paper, several methods such as VAR and EGARCH are employed to examine the relationship between trading volume, stock index returns and volatility in Nordic countries for the period 1999 to 2009. Our results confirm a positive relationship between trading volume and absolute stock returns. More specifically, there are bidirectional causality in Demark and Finland while Sweden and Norway are

Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from the Emerging Market – the case of the Baltic Region

Firm capital structure is one of the most widely researched topics in corporate finance. However, the results are not always consistent and applicable from one market to another when explaining financing patterns. The majority of available research focuses on finding the role of firm-specific factors to leverage while ignoring macro and institutional factors. This paper examines how the capital st

Changes in IFRS - Swedish Listed Entities

We aim to clarify how Swedish listed entities experience and manage changes in IFRS and how they are adapting to new and revised standards as issued by the IASB. This thesis has an abductive approach. A qualitative method was selected as a research strategy, and semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to gather relevant information from the respondents; listed entities and auditors. The

Enforcement of IFRS in Sweden

Purpose: Has the trust changed for the Swedish financial reports based on IFRS standards with the enforcement work done by FI and OMX, and if so, why? This thesis has found evidence suggesting that trust towards the financial statements has changed, unfortunately to the worse. Although there is a perception today among preparers (the companies) and attesters (the auditors) that the work contribute