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Från vänster och öster - En undersökning av utrikesrepresentationens roll i svensk underrättelseverksamhet inom och utom Sverige i samband med bolsjevikfrågan 1920-1921

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka utrikesrepresentationens roll i den svenska underrättelseproduktionen- och konsumtionen åren 1920-1921. Med hjälp av underrättelsecykeln som analytiskt instrument studeras primärmaterial ur UD:s arkiv som behandlar "bolsjevikfrågan". Tidigare forskning har tämligen tydligt kartlagt den svenska underrättelsefloran under perioden, men det har existerat en

An Analysis of the Role of Science & Technology and Economy Growth in Safeguarding China’s Food Security

This study contributes to the literature discussing food security in China. This study holds food security to rest on two complementary dimensions: food availability and food accessibility. This study looks at both dimensions. It examines the food availability dimension by evaluating the effects of government’s expenditures on agricultural science & technology on China’s grain output. Running

Hur kan vi förklara framväxten av utländska banker i Kina, samt dess inverkan på Kinas ekonomi?

Syftet med denna uppsats var att kartlägga utländska bankers utveckling i Kina samt att studera dess effekter på den kinesiska ekonomin. Uppsatsen är kronologiskt indelad och börjar då de utlänska bankerna gjorde sina första inträden på den kinesiska marknaden under andra hälften av 1800-talet och forsätter in till mitten av 2000-talet. Beskrivningen sker med hjälp av en löpande diskussion av makr

Motivating Users and Boosting Their IT Use — A Preliminary Study at Alfa Laval

In this thesis we have discussed if rewards could increase IT acceptance and therein IT use. We have conducted a preliminary study at Alfa Laval in the countries of Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. We have specifically conducted telephone interviews with eleven Alfa Laval employees about their use of a Voluntary Computer System (VCS) called IB@WEB. Our main interest was in discoverin

Enterprise 2.0: Integrating Web 2.0 into Organizational Business Structure

In a social environment, web 2.0 technologies offer significant benefits to enterprises willing to integrate the technology into their business. The most socio-technological systems which have gained much more attention and generated most interest from companies in recent years are blogs, social networking and wikis. However, web 2.0 technologies provide opportunities for companies that are able t

With purpose to target smart - The EU's political strategies towards Zimbabwe

Derived from theories of hard- and soft power, sanctions and constructive engagement, the thesis analyses the effect and interplay of targeted sanctions and political dialogue, by highlighting the political strategies that the EU conducts towards Zimbabwe. Based on semi-structured interviews with six influential officials in the EU, the thesis explains and describes the tensions of the foreign pol

The Fisher Equation, Belgium before and after Euro currency

This thesis focuses on the econometric evaluation of Fisher hypothesis. According to Fisher hypothesis there exist a long run equilibrium relationship between nominal interest rate and inflation rate. We analyze the data for Belgium at the different time periods of 1992 to 2000, 2001 to 2009 and 1992 to 2009. Cointegration technique is used to analyze this long run equilibrium relationship. Using

A comparative analysis of Singapore and Malaysia: Is there a general pattern for catching-up economies?

This paper aims at identifying the general determinants of the catching-up process. A tentative theory of catch-up, which takes several conventional determinants into account, is deliberately set up on the basis of previous research in this area. The comparative analysis of Singapore and Malaysia provides empirical evidences for testing those determinants. This study mainly focuses on the role of

Koncentration och aktieavkastning

SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Ägarkoncentration och aktieavkastning Författare: Johan Rahmqvist, Jörgen Veisland Handledare: Erik Norrman Nivå: Kandidatnivå Nyckelord: Aktieavkastning, Herrelösa Bolag, Ägarstruktur, Ägarkoncentration, Riskjusterade Avkastningsmått Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det föreligger statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i aktieavkastningen mellan företag med kon

Inside-outsiders? Perceptions of Social Exclusion among Kyrgyz Internal Migrants

In the recent years Kyrgyzstan has witnessed a significant flow of internal migration. Searching for a better life Kyrgyz internal migrants are heading for the capital city of Bishkek. The city however does not offer multitude opportunities and is often closed for migrants. Various obstacles diminish chances of migrants to successfully integrate in the city and lead to social exclusion. Through ap

A Case Study of Motivators Behind Using Social Networking Sites

Title: A Case Study of Motivators Behind The Use of Social Networking Sites Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain in-depth understanding of the motivating factors behind the target groups engagement with company profiles within Social Networking sites. Furthermore the aim is to gain knowledge about what content is attractive on a company profile within a Social Networking site and the wome

Dreaming of a Red Lamborghini and Blue Sky: Towards Understanding Sustainability and Sustainable Consumption in Developing Countries.

Abstract: Title: Dreaming of a Red Lamborghini and Blue Sky: Towards Understanding Sustainability and Sustainable Consumption in Developing Countries. Date of the Seminar: 1st June, 2010 Course: BUS 808 -Master thesis in International Marketing and Brand Management. Authors: Bishaara Hameed, Igor Ackerberg, Sundus Ahad Khan Advisors: Sofia Ulver-Sneistrup Keywords: Sustainability Discourses, Susta

Jakten på e-handel inom livsmedelsbranschen - en jämförande studie mellan etablerade och nya aktörer

Skapa förståelse för varför livsmedelshandelns andel av e-handeln är avsevärt mindre jämfört med andra branscher samt identifiera möjliga aktörer inom livsmedelsbranschen, både etablerade och nystartade, för att sedan klargöra vilka strategier som behövs för att lyckas med e-handel för de olika aktörerna. En kvalitativ studie har gjorts utifrån en abduktiv ansats. Primärdata har använts i första h

Control Process for secondary packaging – A quality verification of corrugated cardboard for distribution of liquid food in developing countries

In the past three decades, food packaging technology has undergone rapid change and the interest for packaging performance has increased. In developing countries, the main focus is to drive down the prices, resulting in primary packaging that often requires a greater need for a stronger secondary packaging than other countries. Yet at the same time, it is seldom that the primary and secondary pack

Minority Rights and the Republic of Albania: Missing the Implementation

Albania has started its way to reform the newly established democratic system, since the early 90's. The legal system was one between others to be modified in compliance with the international standards set up in the international instruments. Among the reforms, the most important one was the establishment of the human rights standards, especially concerning minority rights, which is the focus

Combining the International Protection for Nature and Human Rights

The number of situations where both people and nature are harmed by human activities are increasing in the same pace as mankind is augmenting its control and so called 'development' of the Earth. Although previously much debated, we have passed the stage when protecting human rights and preserving the environment were seen as conflicting interests. Instead we have reached the conclusion th

The Impacts of Climate Change on the Inuit in Greenland and Nunavut and their International Legal Protection

Human induced climate change i.e. global warming caused largely by greenhouse gas emission will change the ecological balance of our planet and lead to dramatic societal problems. Working Group 1 Contribution to the Forth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, 2007, p. 1-18 In the Arctic region, such changes are already occurring. The Inuit, an indigenous g