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Hur renoverar man en villa från 1985 till lågenergihus?

Av den totala energiförbrukningen i Sverige står hushållen för 30 %. Det är en mycket stor andel som måste minskas. De nya byggnaderna som uppförs har en mycket låg energiförbrukning, men i Sverige har vi många äldre byggnader, inte minst från miljonprogrammet. Ett stort antal av alla dessa hus är i behov av renovering och därmed också minska energiförbrukningen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är

Inside Consultants: Revelation of Another Reality

Providing of consulting services has been a subject of rapid development during the last three decades. This recent development has led to blurring the line between consultancies and outsourcing services. In this respect, consulting firms outsource skilled and experienced consultants who are contracted to work at a client site for a certain period of time. Consultants based at the client offices a

Prescription for a brand in change

Abstract Title: Prescription for a Brand in Change Seminar Date: 2010-06-03 Course: BUSM08, Master Thesis in International Marketing and Brand Management Authors: Helena Bjarne, Linn af Klint and Anna Philipson Advisor: Ulf Elg Keywords: Branding, Change, Corporate Brand, Internal Brand Building Purpose: The purpose with our research is to study the internal work process with a brand in order to s

Activating Brand Heritage

Thesis Purpose: To contribute further understandings, as well as provide guidance for managers in activating brand heritage. Methodology: A qualitative research approach was selected for the thesis. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews, secondary data was collected through official websites. Theoretical Perspective: The research has an inductive approach aiming to develop

‘By Invitation Only’ In Contemporary Consumer Society - Distinctions Never Go Out Of Style

Title: ‘By Invitation Only’ In Contemporary Consumer Society - Distinctions Never Go Out Of Style Date of Seminar: June 1st 2010 Course: BUSM08 - Master Thesis in International Marketing and Brand Management Authors: Christian Koch, Robert Lindhe, Jessica Ljung Supervisor: Sofia Ulver-Sneistrup Keywords: Consumer Culture Theory, Consumer Identity Projects, Marketplace Cultures, By Invitation Only,


Minorities are the part of a population that suffer most from conflict and are most likely to become victims of crimes under international law. This is acknowledged by one of the fundamental principles of minority rights law, namely the contribution to peace and stability. Furthermore, the major international legal instruments governing the rights of minorities relate to this objective, by setting

Consumer Decision Making From a Social Perspective - A Study of the Outdoor Space

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how social and cultural factors influence the decision making behaviour regarding publicly displayed items, using the outdoor space as an example. We want to provide a more dynamic view on decision making concerning publicly displayed products, taking the personalities of the consumers into consideration. By using a qualitative research design we found t

Effect of Ozone Treatment on Molten LDPE on to Aluminum Foil

BACKGROUND In the lamination process the use of surface treatment is necessary to improve the adhesion between the different layers of the packaging material. Surface treatment can be described as Techniques which change the surface characters without affecting properties of the bulk materials. One of the surface treatments is the ozone treatment where the ozone is applied to the hot melt just be

The Post-Industrial Artisan Economy

Readers are presented with the idea that something significant and rather unusual is fomenting beneath the surface of the US economy regarding the renewed interest in all things handmade, handcrafted, or artisanally produced. That this interest is more than just a fad, and that its emergence is understandable in terms of theories of post-industrialism is what this essay aims to make clear. Discern

Legal Protection of Trade Secrets: Case Study of Latvia, Present Issues and Perspectives

The topic of this graduate essay is 'Legal Protection of Trade Secrets: Case Study of Latvia, Present Issues and Perspectives'. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how trade secrets are protected at the international and regional level&semic to analyze how international requirements are implemented in Latvia as well as to propose feasible improvements in a model of legal protectio


The rationale behind trademark law is to protect business goodwill and reputation, but the ultimate benefactor is the public. The trademark as a badge of origin serves as identifier of quality of the products, and thereby facilitates the public in eliminating the confusion about the source of products. Over the last two decades or so, the trademark law in many jurisdictions of the world has signif

Impact of Armed Conflict of Children(A case study of Nepal)

The purpose of this essay is to how internal armed conflict in Nepal affected children. Besides that how Nepal has implemented the UN Convention on the Rights of Child during the conflict. It has been estimated that over 2 million children have been killed in armed conflict, another 6 million have been rendered permanently disabled and more than 250, 000 children continue to be exploited as child

Enforcement of International Human Rights Law Norms While Combating Terrorism: Access to Justice for the Targets of the United Nations Security Council's Targeted Sanctions Regimes

The summary of the present master thesis can be outlined as the following: The international terrorism and the counter-terrorism have been one of the biggest issues and concerns of the international community over the last decades. The international terrorism aims at the very destruction of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. There is no question and the debate that the international terr

The 'Effects-Based' Approach of the Commission to the Application of Article 82 to Exclusionary Abuses: Is the New Approach Really Economics Friendly?

The purpose of this thesis is to criticize the Commission's approach to the application of Article 82 to the exclusionary abuses of the dominant firms. It is a very interesting and hot topic as the attitude of the Commission and the European Courts have many implications on the consumer welfare and total efficiency in common market and innovation capacity and the economic development of the Eu

The European Union and the International Criminal Court - Analyzing an international relationship

EUs institutional and historical particularities create challenges for the organization when promoting international criminal law in general and ICC in particular. This has however not hindered EU from emerging as a staunch supporter of the ICC. To this end, the Presidency, the Council and the Commission have acted with one voice to promote ICC.EUs position towards ICC is formalized through the ad

Why compulsory licensing of genetically modified food will not be a possible way of fighting world hunger

Over 800 million people in the developing world are affected by chronic hunger today. Hunger reduction is necessary for accelerating development and poverty reduction. It has been argued that genetically modified food (GM food) could be the solution to the third world hunger problem. Scientific progress in modern biotechnology has resulted in new medical treatments and vaccines. Biotechnology in t

Fast driftställe och vinstallokering - enligt nationell och internationell reglering

De skatterättsliga kriterierna rörande begreppet näringsverksamhet enligt svensk intern rätt återfinns i 13:1 IL. Där stadgas att näringsverksamhet föreligger när verksamhet bedrivs yrkesmässigt och självständigt. Med yrkesmässigt avses varaktigt och med vinstsyfte. När ett företag uppfyller dessa rekvisit bedriver det enligt svensk intern rätt näringsverksamhet. Detta kan utan svårighet applicera