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The Risk of Serious Infections Before and After Anti-TNF Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease : A Retrospective Cohort Study
BACKGROUND: Serious infections have been observed in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) on anti-TNF use-but to what extent these infections are due to anti-TNF or the disease activity per se is hard to disentangle. We aimed to describe how the rates of serious infections change over time both before and after starting anti-TNF in IBD.METHODS: Inflammatory bowel disease patients naïve t
MOCCA-survey data base: extra galactic globular clusters – II. Milky Way and Andromeda
A comprehensive study of the co-evolution of globular cluster systems (GCS) in galaxies requires the ability to model both the large-scale dynamics (0.01–10 kpc) regulating their orbital evolution, and the small-scale dynamics (sub-pc – au) regulating the internal dynamics of each globular cluster (GC). In this work, we present a novel method that combine semi-analytic models of GCS with fully sel
Formulation and interpretation of optimal braking and steering patterns towards autonomous safety-critical manoeuvres
Stability control of a vehicle in autonomous safety-critical at-the-limit manoeuvres is analysed from the perspective of lane keeping or lane changing, rather than that of yaw control as in traditional ESC systems. An optimal control formulation is developed, where the optimisation criterion is a linear combination of the initial and final velocity of the manoeuvre. Varying the interpolation param
Review of Anna Nyqvist Thorsson, "När andra ser. Gravmonument, social praktik och aktörskollektiv under 1100– och 1200–talen i Vänerlandskapen" (2021)
Mechanochemical synthesis of stable, quantum-confined CsPbBr3perovskite nanocrystals with blue-green emission and high PLQY
Cesium lead halides are a family of bright, visible-light emitting materials with near-unity photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) in nanocrystals (NCs). The usual way to achieve visible light-emission tunability is by mixing halides, which often leads to phase separation and poor stability. While the NCs should also show size-dependent PL emission, reports on strong quantum confinement in these
Dendrokronologisk och C14 analys av ett miniporträtt av en brittisk kunglighet, eventuellt Elisabeth I
Gene-environment interactions and metal toxicity
Humans are exposed to various metals through many different routes and each person’s genetic background contributes to their susceptibility to metal toxicity. In addition, recent evidence points to a role for the genetics of the human microbiome in metal uptake and toxicity. DNA sequence variation in genes that regulate metal toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics influences metal accumulation and rete
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från Christiansborg slotsplads, Söminedepotet & Kattesundet, Köpenhamn
Dendrokronologisk analys av Hallens kyrka, Åre kommun i Jämtland
Dendrokronologisk analys av Perstorps kyrkas medeltida port, Perstorps kommun, Skåne
Dendrokronologisk analys av Ulvös gamla kapell, Nätra socken, Örnsköldsvik kommun
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från Monolit 446, Stockholm
Rheological modification of partially oxidised cellulose nanofibril gels with inorganic clays
This study aimed to quantify the influence of clays and partially oxidised cellulose nanofibrils (OCNF) on gelation as well as characterise their physical and chemical interactions. Mixtures of Laponite and montmorillonite clays with OCNF form shear-thinning gels that are more viscous across the entire shear range than OCNF on its own. Viscosity and other rheological properties can be fine-tuned u
Thermal resilience of ensilicated lysozyme via calorimetric and in vivo analysis
Ensilication is a novel method of protein thermal stabilisation using silica. It uses a modified sol-gel process which tailor fits a protective silica shell around the solvent accessible protein surface. This, electrostatically attached, shell has been found to protect the protein against thermal influences and retains its native structure and function after release. Here, we report the calorimetr
Dendrokronologisk analys av två arkeologiska fynd från Forumstorget i Uppsala
Dendrokronologisk analys av nedslagna pålar på Kungsgatan UM ARK8764 (korsningen Bävernsgränd) Uppsala
Structure of an Ultrathin Oxide on Pt3Sn(111) Solved by Machine Learning Enhanced Global Optimization**
Determination of the atomic structure of solid surfaces typically depends on comparison of measured properties with simulations based on hypothesized structural models. For simple structures, the models may be guessed, but for more complex structures there is a need for reliable theory-based search algorithms. So far, such methods have been limited by the combinatorial complexity and computational
Preliminary Research : Application of Non-Invasive Measure of Cytochrome c Oxidase Redox States and Mitochondrial Function in a Porcine Model of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Introduction: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas that is a leading cause of environmental poisoning in the USA with substantial mortality and morbidity. The mechanism of CO poisoning is complex and includes hypoxia, inflammation, and leukocyte sequestration in brain microvessel segments leading to increased reactive oxygen species. Another important pathway is the effects of CO o
The loyal defence lawyer
The work of defence lawyers entails managing emotions to ensure that they remain appropriate to the situation - whether that be a criminal trial or the law offices. This demands emotional dexterity and interactional skill, not least due to the particular role of defence lawyers who work closely with clients, view gruesome evidence and who often face moral suspicion. This chapter explores the vario