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Assembling your nanowire : An overview of composition tuning in ternary III-V nanowires

The ability to grow defect-free nanowires in lattice-mismatched material systems and to design their properties has made them ideal candidates for applications in fields as diverse as nanophotonics, nanoelectronics and medicine. After studying nanostructures consisting of elemental and binary compound semiconductors, scientists turned their attention to more complex systems - ternary nanowires. Co

Quantifying the impacts of urban morphology on modifying microclimate conditions in extreme weather conditions

It is well-known that the morphology of urban areas modifies the variations of climate variables at microscale; known as microclimate conditions. The complexity of urban morphology can lead to undesired wind conditions or excessive air temperature; particularly in extreme weather conditions. This study attempts to quantify the impacts of urban morphology on the evolution of wind speed and air temp

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Abstract in GermanIm Artikel wird eine Untersuchung zur Übersetzung satzwertiger Partizipialkonstruktionen vom Deutschen ins Schwedische präsentiert. Es geht um unflektierte Partizipialphrasen wie in München angekommen (mit dem Partizip Perfekt) bzw. gegen den Wind kämpfend (mit dem Partizip Präsens).Auch wenn sich ein propositionaler Inhalt in beiden Sprachen sowohl durch einen vollständigen Satz

Analyzing the Stressors for Frontline Soldiers Fighting Against Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic

This study aimed to analyze stressors to which medical staff is vulnerable due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. It also imposes a hierarchy on complex relations among stressors for excavating underlying structure and builds a model of interrelationships contrasting reality. The design of this study comprises a literature survey, data collection from primary sources, and analysi

Impacts of Warming on Reciprocal Subsidies Between Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems

Cross-ecosystem subsidies are important as their recipients often rely on them to supplement in situ resource availability. Global warming has the potential to alter the quality and quantity of these subsidies, but our knowledge of these effects is currently limited. Here, we quantified the biomass and diversity of the invertebrates exchanged between freshwater streams and terrestrial grasslands i

Evaluating building envelopes for energy efficient buildings : Energy- and moisture performance considering future climate change

Buildings account for a signifi cant proportion of the energy use thatgenerates greenhouse gases and consequently drives the ongoing climatechange. As the population of the world increases, the need for buildingsincreases, while the energy use needs to decrease. A reduction in energyuse and increased use of renewable energy are important measures forclimate change mitigation. A fi rst step in decr

A possible neutron-antineutron oscillation experiment at pf1b at the institut laue langevin

We consider a possible neutron–antineutron (n − ¯n) oscillation experiment at the PF1B instrument at Institut Laue Langevin. It can improve the best existing constraint on the transition rate and also allow the testing of the methods and instrumentation which would be needed for a later larger-scale experiment at ESS. The main gain factors over the most competitive experiment, performed earlier at

On the use of multilayer Laue lenses with X-ray free electron lasers

We report on the use of multilayer Laue lenses to focus the intense X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) beam at the European XFEL to a spot size of a few tens of nanometers. We present the procedure to align and characterize these lenses and discuss challenges working with the pulse trains from this unique X-ray source.

Samhällsekonomisk analys av antibiotikaresistens

Research in the field of socio-economic analysis of antibiotic resistance is limited and needs to be developed. Such analyzes include calculating in-creased care costs and societal costs. According to the Swedish Public Health Authority’s calculations of future costs for antibiotic resistance, the number of cases detected in Sweden with notifiable resistance types will quadruple from 15.500 cases

Transcriptional and Epigenetic Changes Influencing Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Context: Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle is a major risk factor for the development of type 2diabetes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Despite this, the mechanisms underlyinginsulin resistance in PCOS are largely unknown.Objective: To investigate the genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression patterns inskeletal muscle from women with PCOS and controls and relate them to

Encoding contexts are incidentally reinstated during competitive retrieval and track the temporal dynamics of memory interference

The ability to remember an episode from our past is often hindered by competition from similar events. For example, if we want to remember the article a colleague recommended during the last lab-meeting, we may need to resolve interference from other article recommendations from the same colleague. This study investigates if the contextual features specifying the encoding episodes are incidentally

Repeated measures of Heparin-binding protein (HBP) and procalcitonin during septic shock : biomarker kinetics and association with cardiovascular organ dysfunction

BACKGROUND: Heparin-binding protein (HBP) is a neutrophil-derived pro-inflammatory protein, an inducer of endothelial dysfunction and vascular permeability and a promising prognostic biomarker in sepsis. This exploratory study aims to describe the kinetics of plasma HBP during septic shock and investigate an association between repeated measures of HBP concentration and cardiovascular organ dysfun