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"Sex säljer", eller?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka unga kvinnors upplevelser av sexualisering i reklam samt vilka hanteringssätt de använde sig av för att hantera detta i sitt vardagliga liv. Undersökningen grundades i kvalitativ metod med en kritisk realistisk ansats där tematisk analys och semantisk kodning tillämpades för att bearbeta datan. Sju kvinnliga studenter vid Lunds Universitet deltog i semi-struktuThe study captured young women’s experience of sexualization in advertising and examined the different coping strategies they adopt to tackle sexualization in everyday life efficiently. The study was grounded in a qualitative method with an epistemological approach of a critical realist nature. Thematic analysis and semantic coding was used to interpret the data. Seven semi-structured interviews w

Sanktioner trots goda intentioner: En kvantitativ studie om studenters uppfattning om politisk korrekthet och diskussionsklimatet på Socionomprogrammet vid Lunds Universitet

The faculty of Social Science of Lund University has experienced a change in the social debate; strong political beliefs have started to challenge scientific facts, together with a growing intolerance against theory and empirics that challenge one’s view of the world. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the social work students’ perception of the culture of political correctness and its

Does the Swedish specialized health care respond to competition inducing reforms? -Effects of the Freedom of Choice Act on quality, volume, efficiency and upcoding for elective patients.

This study aims to analyze the effects of competition on quality, efficiency, produced volume and gaming the system of specialized health care in Sweden, after implementation of the Freedom of Choice Act (LOV, Lagen om Vårdval). This is done by using data for specialized ophthalmology, which is a patient-elective diagnostic category. The motive behind the law, which established free entry for priv

Vi kan faktiskt ge ett val : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolkuratorers syn på skolans ansvar och insatser i förhållande till barnfattigdom

The aim of this study was to explore how school counsellors at schools in low-socioeconomic areas in Malmö act and work in relation to child poverty and how they reflect on the school’s responsibility regarding child poverty. The method chosen for this study was qualitative research method with semi structured interviews with eight school counsellors from seven different schools. When analysing ou

Influence from long-distance transport, local sources and precipitation on black carbon concentrations at a rural background field station in southern Sweden

The year 2018 was the first complete year with aerosol observations at the rural background station Hyltemossa in southern Sweden. The aim of this thesis was to analyse and investigate the influence from long-distance transport (LDT) aerosols, local sources and precipitation on the black carbon (BC) mass concentration by utilising the Aethalometer and the HYSPLIT model, which estimated the BC mass

The effect of sponsored equity research on stock prices

This paper examines the effect from issuer-sponsored equity research on stock prices in Sweden. This kind of reports has risen in popularity and today, over 290 firms in Sweden are covered by a sponsored equity research. To reach a conclusion, a traditional event study was performed on 141 Swedish firms between the years of 2008 and 2019. The result show that there are significant, at the 1%-level

Nya Ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler - En redogörelse och analys av reglernas utformning och syfte

Skatteverket uppmärksammade i en promemoria 2008 att det i stor utsträckning förekom skatteplanering med ränteupplägg. Skatteflyktlagen var inte tillämplig i dessa fall enligt regeringsrätten och Sverige valde att införa ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler 2009. Reglerna utvidgades 2013 för att den svenska bolagsskattebasen inte skulle urholkas. Till följd av Sveriges internationella åtaganden ändradesSwedish tax authorities discovered in a memo in 2008 that tax planning with deduction of interest were used in significant extent. The swedish tax avoidance law “Skatteflyktlagen” wasn’t applicable to these cases according to the supreme administrative court and Sweden choose to introduce interest limitation rules in 2009. The interest limitation rules were expand in 2013 in purpose to protect the

Formation and Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks

De första idéerna om hur planeterna i solsystemet bildades härstammar från den franske filosifen René Descartes på 1600-talet. Vad räknas solsystemet som - är denna teori bara kring planeterna eller hela solsystemet och dess komponenter?) Den teori som forskare tror på idag kan spåra sitt ursprung till mitten av 1700-talet, från den svenske forskaren Emanuel Swedenborg och den tyske filosofen ImmaA star forms with a surrounding protoplanetary disk after the collapse of a molecular cloud core. Subsequently, over a period of several Myr this protoplanetary disk of dust and gas is accreted onto the host star. We model the formation and evolution of such a protoplanetary disk using a one-dimensional numerical model. We find that disks form on a time scale of less than 1 Myr and that the size a

Utmaningar för Self-Service Business Intelligence: Ur praktikerns perspektiv

Denna uppsats undersöker vad praktiker, det vill säga utvecklare, konsulter och användare som arbetar med Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI), anser är SSBI. Praktikers beskrivning av SSBI diskuteras i förhållande till litteraturens beskrivning. Både praktiker och litteratur diskuterar SSBI som ett visualiseringsverktyg, men praktiker beskriver vidare att det inte är begränsat till en viss t

Våtmarkens kapacitet - kan en våtmark optimeras för att minska såväl eutrofiering som brunifiering?

En våtmarks kapacitet – går det att optimera en våtmark för att minska såväl eutrofiering som brunifiering? Att använda en våtmark i syfte att minska såväl övergödning som brun missfärgning av vattendrag, är absolut möjligt, men hur och varför är frågor som behöver studeras mer grundligt. Däremot verkar placeringen i landet i kombination med våtmarkens procentuella storlek i förhållande till avrDue to changes in land use, as well as impacts from the climate change, our inland waters are now exposed to problems such as eutrophication and brownification. This complicates management to develop clean drinking water, as well as it leads to anoxic bottoms and reduces primary production. This literature review aims to see if wetlands can work as a natural filter to reduce both nutrients (nitrog

Elevhälsans uppfattning om arbetsterapi för grundskoleelever med psykisk ohälsa efter en pedagogisk intervention i form av information om arbetsterpi - En kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie

Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa bland barn och unga ökar i Sverige. Skolan är en av de miljöer som barn spenderar mycket tid i och forskning visar att detta kan påverka deras hälsa. Svenska skolor saknar idag modeller för att förstå och tolka barns svårigheter utifrån ett aktivitets- och delaktighetsperspektiv. Ny kompetens behövs i skolan och arbetsterapi skulle kunna vara ett komplement till elevhälsan

Somliga gator är somriga gator - En jämförande studie av Sveriges sommargågator

I städer finns det, något förenklat, bilgator och gågator. En sommargågata, däremot, är både ock. Den skapas genom att biltrafiken tillfälligt stängs av på en gata under sommarmånaderna vilket ger fotgängare tillgång till hela gaturummet. Den frigjorda ytan kan användas till verksamheter och restauranger som vill flytta ut i gatan, växter, bänkar, spel och lek, cykelställ och konstinstallationer. A summer street is created by temporarily closing the car traffic on a street during the summer months. The pedestrians get access to the entire street and the liberated space can be used for activities, greenery, benches, bike parking, art and by restaurants. During recent years major cities have made the concept known to the general public. My study shows that summer streets have a much longer

När oro blir sjukdom; En meta-analys om hälsoångestens utveckling hos universitetsstudenter

Syftet med denna meta-analys var att belysa fenomenet hälsoångest, och mer specifikt att undersöka om de generella nivåerna av hälsoångest ökat under de senaste tre decennierna. Ledande forskare på området har spekulerat kring om en ökning föreligger, då utan egentligt empiriskt underlag. Den aktuella studien hade som syfte att utgöra en del av det empiriska underlag som krävs för att göra mer säkThe purpose of this meta-analysis was to shed light on the phenomenon of health anxiety, and more specifically to investigate whether the general levels of health anxiety has increased over the past three decades. Previous research in this area has speculated whether an increase exists, although without actual empirical evidence. The purpose of this study was to be a part of the empirical evidence

Cannabis and Cancer: Early evidence on the remedying effects of recreational marijuana laws

Medical marijuana has been argued to supplement the treatment of cancer in terms of relieving symptoms and side effects occurring from treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As the legalisation of cannabis becomes more widespread across the United States not only for medical but also recreational use, any effects on the well-being on those who undergo cancer treatment could have importa

Standarder är till för att…? En innehållsanalys om tillämpningen av standarder i kursdokument på socionomprogrammet.

In Sweden, the social work programme is currently given at 15 different centres of higher education. The programs are standardised through legislation concerning the educational goals, this can be seen through curricula and syllabus. A few of the centres of higher education have chosen also to follow the global standards published by IFSW and IASSW. In this study, the curricula and syllabi from tw

It Is a Man's World but a Woman's Accountability. A Gendered Understanding of the Hybrid Peace Processes in Northern Ireland and Liberia.

Within Peace Research, there is a long tradition of studying the creations and conditions of peace. Within this, Hybrid Peace Theory has constituted a more critical strand, emphasising the importance of the interactions between international and local actors. This thesis has aimed to contribute to critical peace research by arguing for the importance of including a gender perspective on the Hybrid

Employing immersion to communicate archaeology: A visitor-centered approach

The present thesis examines how the museum visitor’s experience is being transformed by various developments and particularly by the advent of virtual reality technology. The research focused on identifying the problems of communicating the archaeological information to the museum audiences while highlighting best practices and proposing solutions. The immersive function of virtual reality was exa

The STM Study of Bi Adsorption on the InAs(111)B Surface

Semiconductors composed of group III and group V elements have a variety of promising applications, such as topological insulators and quantum computers. Among this category of semiconductors, bismuth (Bi)-containing III-V compounds are able to make these applications possible. However, the difficulty was found to alloy Bi atoms into the host lattice. To solve the problem of material fabrication,

Enzymatic Modification of the Interaction Between Lignin and Recycled Cellulose Fibers

Pappers- och pappersmassaindustrin har ökat markant under de senaste årtiondena. På grund av att samhället har blivit mer miljömedvetet har återvinning av papper blivit en allt viktigare del inom industrin. Återvunna pappersfiber är dock av lägre kvalité än nygjorda fibrer. Syftet med denna rapport är att analysera möjligheterna att använda ett enzym av typen lackas för att modifiera interaktionenThe pulp and paper industry have been a growing market during the last decades. Due to higher environmental concerns among people, the recycling of papers has become an even more important part of the industry. Recycled paper fibers however are of lower quality than virgin fibers. This report aims to analyze the possibility to use a laccase enzyme to modify the interaction between lignin and recyc