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Words Speak Louder Than Numbers: Post-intervention Language-Based Assessments Outperform Rating Scales' Accuracy in Classifying Different Affect Intervention Conditions.

Language-based assessment (LBA) from open questions (e.g., how are you feeling?) analysed with natural language processing has predicted corresponding rating scales scores towards the theoretical upper limits. However, rating scales do not hold objective truth regarding psychological constructs. Therefore, the present pre-registered study set out to further validate LBA in a natural setting. Using

Deviations in delineated GTV caused by artefacts in 4DCT

Background and purpose: Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) is used for breathing-adapted radiotherapy planning. Irregular breathing, large tumour motion or interpolation of images can cause artefacts in the 4DCT. This study evaluates the impact of artefacts on gross tumour volume (GTV) size. Material and methods: In 19 4DCT scans of patients with peripheral lung tumours, GTV was delineate

Clinical Implications of Discrepancy between One-stage Clotting and Chromogenic Factor IX Activity in Haemophilia B

BACKGROUND: Discrepancy in factor IX activity (FIX:C) between one-stage assay (OSA) and chromogenic substrate assay (CSA) in patients with haemophilia B (PwHB) introduces challenges for clinical management.AIM: To study the differences in FIX activity using OSA and CSA in moderate and mild haemophilia B (HB), their impact on classification of severity, and correlation with genotype.METHODS: Single

Where hype, hope, and reality meet: The relationships between expectations and experiences of new jobs and work culture

Due to labor shortages and an aging workforce, businesses are having difficulty hiring and maintaining talented staff. Employer branding is an important factor in attracting and keeping top employees. However, current research on job seekers' expectations and fulfillment is lacking. This study explores job seekers' expectations and how they align with job and organizational culture in real

Socialtjänstens arbete med social mobilisering av utsatta grupper

Den ekonomiska och sociala ojämlikheten har ökat väsentligt i Sverige under de senaste decennierna. Detta innebär stora utmaningar för socialtjänsten som möter de grupper som drabbats hårdast av denna utveckling. För att klara dessa utmaningar behöver socialtjänsten utveckla nya strategier som möjliggör hållbara sociala lösningar. I detta arbete kan social mobilisering bli ett viktigt redskap. I k

Forest growth under future climate change in the context of bioenergy – case studies of combined heat and power plants in Sweden

The pressure to achieve net-zero emissions has pushed for new technologies including carbon capture and storage (CCS) based on the combustion of biomass (BECCS). While bioenergy is a relatively mature industry in Sweden, the addition of CCS may increase the demand for local biomass. Furthermore, previous studies on the potential of BECCS in Sweden have not considered the impacts of climate change

A Population-Based Study of Unfavorable Prognostic Factors Associated With Pyogenic Liver Abscess

BackgroundPyogenic liver abscess (PLA) is a rare entity that is associated with substantial mortality and morbidity. Our objective was to investigate variables associated with mortality and subsequent PLA in patients diagnosed with PLA in southern Sweden.MethodsWe conducted a population-based observational study comprising all episodes of PLA that occurred between 2011 and 2020 in the county of Sk

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat as an orchestrator in global climate policymaking

Scholars have recently devoted increasing attention to the role and function of international bureaucracies in global policymaking. Some of them contend that international public officials have gained significant political influence in various policy fields. Compared to other international bureaucracies, the political leeway of the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Altered gut microbiota community structure and correlated immune system changes in dibutyl phthalate exposed mice

Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) is a ubiquitous environmental contaminant linked with various adverse health effects, including immune system dysfunction. Gut microbial dysbiosis can contribute to a wide range of pathogenesis, particularly immune disease. Here, we investigated the impact of DBP on the gut microbiome and examined correlations with immune system changes after five weeks oral exposure (10

Doses to carotid arteries after modern radiation therapy for hodgkin lymphoma : Is stroke still a late effect of treatment?

Purpose Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) survivors are at an increased risk of stroke because of carotid artery irradiation. However, for early-stage HL involved node radiation therapy (INRT) reduces the volume of normal tissue exposed to high doses. Here, we evaluate 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT), volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT), and proton therapy (PT) delivered as INRT along w

3d Finite Element Models Reconstructed From 2d Dxa Images Improve Hip Fracture Prediction Compared to Areal Bmd in Mros Sweden Cohort

Bone strength is an important contributor to fracture risk. Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) derived from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is used as a surrogate for bone strength in fracture risk prediction tools. 3D finite element (FE) models predict bone strength better than aBMD, but their clinical use is limited by the need for 3D computed tomography and lack of automation. We have ear

Photon and proton therapy planning comparison for malignant glioma based on CT, FDG-PET, DTI-MRI and fiber tracking

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to compare treatment plans generated using fixed beam Intensity Modulated photon Radiation Therapy (IMRT), inversely optimized arc therapy (RapidArc(R), RA) with spot-scanned Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) for high-grade glioma patients. Plans were compared with respect to target coverage and sparing of organs at risk (OARs), with special attention

The Howl of the Lone Wolf

Attacks of mass-harm perpetrated by lone actor terrorists, also known as lone wolves which they are called in this study, have been increasing in the last few decades and has become one of the main national security threats in Sweden. With the increase in attacks, so has the research on this type of terrorism, looking at ideological reasons, target selection and the radicalisation process as well

Beware Europe’s New Green Colonialism

Europe is leading the world in cutting carbon emissions. By 2020, the European Union had reduced emissions by an estimated 34 percent compared to 1990 levels, which puts its promised 55 percent reduction by 2030 safely within reach. By comparison, the United States has managed only a 7 percent reduction over the same period.However, this European success story comes with a big asterisk. The EU has

Islamiska regimen i Iran hetsar mot Sverige

Regimen i Iran missbrukar diplomatisk infrastruktur i operationer som underminerar internationell säkerhet. Sverige bör noggrant övervaka aktiviteterna vid Irans ambassad på Lidingö och överväga att stänga den helt och hållet. Det skriver Arvin Khoshnood, Irankännare och statsvetare samt Ardavan Khoshnood, docent Lunds universitet.The regime in Iran is abusing diplomatic infrastructure in operations that undermine international security. Sweden should closely monitor the activities at Iran's embassy in Lidingö and consider shutting it down entirely. This is written by Arvin Khoshnood, an Iran expert and political scientist, and Ardavan Khoshnood, an associate professor at Lund University.

Risk of developing cardiovascular disease after involved node radiotherapy versus mantle field for Hodgkin lymphoma

Purpose: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) survivors are known to have increased cardiac mortality and morbidity. The risk of developing cardiovascular disease after involved node radiotherapy (INRT) is currently unresolved, inasmuch as present clinical data are derived from patients treated with the outdated mantle field (MF) technique. Methods and Materials: We included all adolescents and young adults with

Motstånd utan avstånd; En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelser av stark företagskultur

Examensarbetets titel: Motstånd utan avstånd - En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelser av stark företagskultur. Seminariedatum: 2023-06-02 Kurs: FEKH49- Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Lisa Mattiasson, Ida Pålsson, Emma Schyldt Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Fem nyckelord: Företagskultur, organisationskultur, osynligt motstånd, omedvetet mots

Dosimetric benefit of DMLC tracking for conventional and sub-volume boosted prostate intensity-modulated arc radiotherapy

This study investigated the dosimetric impact of uncompensated motion and motion compensation with dynamic multileaf collimator (DMLC) tracking for prostate intensity modulated arc therapy. Two treatment approaches were investigated; a conventional approach with a uniform radiation dose to the target volume and an intraprostatic lesion (IPL) boosted approach with an increased dose to a subvolume o

A Framework Analysis of the life experiences of highly engaged Swedish adolescents: A Salutogenic approach

Samtida forskning om psykisk hälsa och välbefinnande har tagit upp behovet av att fördjupa vår förståelse om ungdomslivets beskaffenhet och sammanhang. Vårt forskningssyfte är att undersöka positiva och negativa erfarenheter gällande skola, familj, vänner och fritid hos ett urval av svenska 13–19-åringar. Vi använder ramverksanalys för att organisera data och närmar oss analysen genom att använda Contemporary research on mental health and well-being has addressed the need to deepen our understanding about the nature of adolescent life and contexts. Our research aim is to examine positive and negative experiences concerning school, family, friends, and leisure time in a sample of Swedish 13–19-year- olds. We use the framework method to organize data and approach the analysis by following An