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Expedition Giza : När Karl XII sände sin präst till visdomens vagga

Även om Egypten på 1600- och 1700-talet var ett otillgängligt land för européerna så var det inte okänt eller främmande. I stället ingick Egypten som en viktig referenspunkt i den europeiska religiösa kulturen och historiesynen. Via kyrko­målningar och i predikan återgavs Bibelns be­rättelser om Moses i vassen, Josefs drömtydning och flykten från Egypten. Den forntida egyptiska civilisationen hyll

Association between self-rated health and venous thromboembolism in Malmö Preventive Program : A cohort study

Introduction: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) share some risk factors such as smoking, obesity, and dietary habits. Poor self-rated health (SRH) has been shown to be a predictor of arterial CVD and mortality for both men and women. The association between SRH and VTE has only been investigated in one previous Swedish study with a cohort that just contained women. This

Making a vague difference : Kagan, Nefsky and the Sorites Paradox

In collective harm cases, bad consequences follow if enough people act in a certain way even though no such individual act makes a difference for the worse. Global warming, overfishing and Derek Parfit’s famous case of the harmless torturers are some examples of such harm. Shelly Kagan argues that there is a threshold such that one single act might trigger harm in all collective harm cases. Julia

Canonical Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling Regulates Expression of Aquaporin-4 and Its Anchoring Complex in Mouse Astrocytes

Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) is the predominant water channel in the brain; it is enriched in astrocytic foot processes abutting vessels where it is anchored through an interaction with the dystrophin-associated protein (DAP) complex. Enhanced expression with concomitant mislocalization of AQP4 along astrocyte plasma membranes is a hallmark of several neurological conditions. Thus, there is an urgent need t

Predictors of Safety Climate Outcomes in Firefighting

Safety climate refers to the perceived value an organization places on safety at a specific point in time. To determine key predictors of safety climate in the fire service, we distributed a questionnaire to 105 career firefighters in a Swedish city of approximately 110,000 and analyzed their responses. We used these data to investigate the role of individual, work-group, and organizational factor

A hybrid type I, multi-center randomized controlled trial to study the implementation of a method for Sustained cord circulation And VEntilation (the SAVE-method) of late preterm and term neonates : a study protocol

BACKGROUND: An intact umbilical cord allows the physiological transfusion of blood from the placenta to the neonate, which reduces infant iron deficiency and is associated with improved development during early childhood. The implementation of delayed cord clamping practice varies depending on mode of delivery, as well as gestational age and neonatal compromise. Emerging evidence shows that infant

Nonlinear optical techniques for ultrafast laser diagnostics : Development of femtosecond LIF, LIGS, CARS and backward lasing

The thesis work concerns development and application of four versatile nonlinear optical techniques, based on exploiting ultrashort laser pulses, for diagnostic purposes in gases and flames. The four techniques, all laser-based, are two-photon laser-induced fluorescence (TPLIF), hybrid femtosecond/nanosecond (fs/ns) rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (fs/ns RCARS), fs-laser-induced g