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Mechanisms underlying the responses of microbial carbon and nitrogen use efficiencies to nitrogen addition are mediated by topography in a subtropical forest

Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) are key parameters determining the fate of C and N in soils. Atmospheric N deposition has been found to heavily impact multiple soil C and N transformations, but we lack understanding of the responses of CUE and NUE to N deposition, and it remains uncertain whether responses may be mediated by topography. Here, a N addition ex

The Gaia -ESO Survey : Chemical evolution of Mg and Al in the Milky Way with machine learning

Context. To take full advantage of upcoming large-scale spectroscopic surveys, it will be necessary to parameterize millions of stellar spectra in an efficient way. Machine learning methods, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), will be among the main tools geared at achieving this task. Aims. We aim to prepare the groundwork for machine learning techniques for the next generation of sp

Grundvattenpåverkan från pumpkraft - En fallstudie vid Stärnö Stenbrott

Pumpkraft är en energilagringsteknik där elektrisk energi omvandlas till lägesenergi i syfte att kunna omvandla tillbaka lägesenergin till elektrisk energi i ett framtida skede. Detta sker genom att vatten pumpas från ett lågt beläget vattenmagasin till ett högre beläget vattenmagasin. Få studier har genomförts gällande vilken grundvattenpåverkan som kan uppstå vid denna typ av verksamhet, et

Fermion mass hierarchy in an extended left-right symmetric model

We present a Left-Right symmetric model that provides an explanation for the mass hierarchy of the charged fermions within the framework of the Standard Model. This explanation is achieved through the utilization of both tree-level and radiative seesaw mechanisms. In this model, the tiny masses of the light active neutrinos are generated via a three-loop radiative inverse seesaw mechanism, with Di

Introduction : The Dynamics of Truthfulness and Media

In this introduction to “Truth Claims Across Media,” we approach pressing questions related to facts and fakes, authority and authenticity, information and disinformation through an intermedial perspective. As digital technology allows us to blend different media and modes on an unprecedented scale, we need to delve deeper into how our media choices impact our perception of truthfulness. We presen

Accurate prediction of protein assembly structure by combining AlphaFold and symmetrical docking

AlphaFold can predict the structures of monomeric and multimeric proteins with high accuracy but has a limit on the number of chains and residues it can fold. Here we show that a combination of AlphaFold and all-atom symmetric docking simulations enables highly accurate prediction of the structure of complex symmetrical assemblies. We present a method to predict the structure of complexes with cub

Quantum and Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Witnesses of Boolean Matrix Products

The problem of finding maximum (or minimum) witnesses of the Boolean product of two Boolean matrices (MW for short) has a number of important applications, in particular the all-pairs lowest common ancestor (LCA) problem in directed acyclic graphs (dags). The best known upper time-bound on the MW problem for n × n Boolean matrices of the form O(n2.575) has not been substantially improved since 200

RNA sequencing unravels novel L cell constituents and mechanisms of GLP-1 secretion in human gastric bypass-operated intestine

Aims/hypothesis: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB) frequently results in remission of type 2 diabetes as well as exaggerated secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Here, we assessed RYGB-induced transcriptomic alterations in the small intestine and investigated how they were related to the regulation of GLP-1 production and secretion in vitro and in vivo. Methods: Human jejunal sample

Gene Duplication, Shifting Selection, and Dosage Balance of Silicon Transporter Proteins in Marine and Freshwater Diatoms

Numerous factors shape the evolution of protein-coding genes, including shifts in the strength or type of selection followinggene duplications or changes in the environment. Diatoms and other silicifying organisms use a family of silicon transporters(SITs) to import dissolved silicon from the environment. Freshwaters contain higher silicon levels than oceans, and marinediatoms have more efficient

From state-controlled to free migration : The income effects of the 2008 Swedish labour-migration reform

In 2008, Sweden changed its labour-migration policy to facilitate more labour migration from countries outside the EU. Most state ambitions to shape labour migration, including practices such as the use of labour-market tests and the assessment of migrants' human capital, were abandoned and the responsibility to select migrants was transferred to employers. We use Swedish register data and adopt a

Co-creating holistic injury prevention training for youth handball: Development of an intervention targeting end-users at the individual, team, and organizational levels.

BackgroundInterventions that are co-created with end-users, and that are informed by behavior change or implementation theories, support implementation in real world settings. However, injury prevention programs for youth athletes have typically been developed by experts with no, or insufficiently described, end-user involvement and without guidance by theories. The aim of the current study was to

A Process Approach to Product Repair from the Perspective of the Individual

Product repair plays an important role in the realisation of a circular economy (CE) and sustainable consumption, yet little is known about what repair entails for individual product owners or users, particularly in a realised CE. This paper proposes a comprehensive approach by conceptualising repair as a multi-stage, cyclical process, shaped by previous experiences and, in turn, impacting future