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Cantilever-based sensor with integrated optical read-out using single mode waveguides

This work presents the design, fabrication and mechanical characterisation of an integrated optical read-out scheme for cantilever-based biosensors. A cantilever can be used as a biosensor by monitoring its bending caused by the surface stress generated due to chemical reactions occurring on its surface. Here, we present a novel integrated optical read-out scheme based on single-mode waveguides th

PR in Fiction vs The Professional Project: Who tells the most convincing story?

In most genres of fiction representations of a profession, discipline or calling must broadly resonate with the conceptions of that role held by audiences. But very few represenations of PR practice to be found in novels written by UK-based writers draw a picture of PR activity that sits comfortably with the ”idealised” models offered by organisations such as the Chartered Institute of Public Re

Glass, alcohol and power in Roman Iron Age Scotland - a study of the Roman vessel glass from non-Roman/native sites in north Northumberland and Scotland

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling bygger på ett studium av romerska glaskärl funna på icke-romerska/inhemska fyndorter — huvudsakligen tillhörande den romerska järnåldern (0–400 e.Kr.) — bortom Hadrianus mur i norra Britannien. Romerska glaskärl har påträffats på inalles 60 fyndorter, varav en stor del utgörs av bosättningar av skilda slag, och endast en liten del härrör från gravar. SoThis thesis is based on a study of Roman glass vessels found on non-Roman/native sites - chiefly of Roman Iron Age date (AD 0-400) - beyond Hadrian’s Wall in northern Britain. Roman glass vessels have been discovered on 60 sites in total, the majority of which are settlements of various types, and only a minor part are graves. As a consequence of this, the greater part of the material is strongly

Health Promoting Effects of Bioactive Peptides in Milk - Studies on Cultured Normal Cells and Cancer Cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mjölk och mjölkprodukter har länge varit en viktig del av vår föda. Studier som undersöker förekomst av sjukdomar i olika befolkningsgrupper och vilka faktorer som påverkar dessa, så kallade epidemiologiska studier, har visat på ett samband mellan mjölkdrickande och minskad risk för flera cancerformer, bland andra tjocktarmscancer. Man vet att kalciumhalten i mjölk tillThis thesis concerns the bioactive peptides lactoferricin and ubiquitin and findings suggesting that they have ability to modify the risk of cancer. It is known that components in bovine milk may improve human health and modify the risk of diseases. Examples of such compounds are bioactive peptides, i.e. peptides with an effect on the body beyond the purely nutritional. Using cell culture as a mod