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Improving a plant’s operations by applying lean manufacturing on the material flow and layout design

Toyota Motor Company förändrade världen med sitt produktionssystem. Genom att ta bort aktiviteter som inte adderade värde till produkten, kunde företaget bli agilt med korta ledtider till kunden och till en låg produktionskostnad. För att bli konkurrenskraftiga tvingades företag världen över förändra sina produktionsprocesser och en västlig variant av Toyotas produktionsfilosofi uppstod. Denna varToyota Motor Company changed the world with their production system. By removing activities in the manufacturing process that were not adding any value to the product, the company could become agile and offer products to the customer with short lead time as well as to a low cost. Companies in other countries needed to change their manufacturing processes in order stay competitive and a western var

Maskulinitetens roll inom svensk fotboll: En beskrivande analys

Swedish football is seeing great problems with violence, degrading expressions and civil disobedience. Groups of women are afraid to go to football games because of the culture and its structure. People are being threatened for life working towards gender equality in Swedish football, this is a never-ending problem. This paper has a two-parted purpose. The first part aims to describe the structur

Local NGOs and their empowerment of women

This thesis intends to contribute cumulatively to the understanding of the circumstances that women’s rights-focused NGOs work in when operating in a post-conflict country with an authoritarian regime. It also aims to argue on the importance of the NGOs’ role to empower women by political participation under those circumstances and discuss why it’s often very challenging for the mentioned NGOs to

Modeling and Control of Reaction Calorimeter System

In dealing with calorimetry, safety aspects are very important. It is therefore very useful to be able to study a process before carrying out experiments on it. A computer model can then be very useful to save time and money. The purpose of this thesis was to construct a computer model of the Chemisens reaction calorimeter, in the modeling software Dymola. For the purpose of the modeling, a new Dy

Evaluation of Automatic Code Generation Tools

There are different tools for automatic code generation today. A comparison between different tools is necessary in order to highlight the differences between the tools according to specific aspects. TargetLink from dSPACE and Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder from The MathWorks are two tools that have been evaluated and tested in order to point out the differences between the performance of those

En omsorgsfull förvaring? : En narrativ studie av livsberättelser från ett lågtröskelboende

The aim of this study was to examine how people who live in supported housings for active addicts shape their life stories based on their current geographical and social position. And how their stories can be understood in relation to prevailing political discourses on homelessness and substance abuse. A combination of unstructured life story interviews and ethnographic methods where used to colle

Design and Evaluation - Streamlining the handling of R&D projects

Agile software development promotes process adaptability throughout the life cycle of a project. A project is often broken down into smaller tasks and each task involves a cross-functional team working with all functions. There are many different agile methods, which focus on different aspects of the software development life cycle. Two of these agile methods are Kanban and Scrum, which focus on m

Domstols riskbedömning - ett alltför stort risktagande? En studie av domstols bedömning av risk för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet vid omvandlingsprövning av livstidsstraff

Genom införandet av lag (2006:45) om omvandling av fängelse på livstid (OmvL) skapades ett nytt frigivningssystem för livstidsdömda genom en rätt att ansöka om omvandling hos Örebro TR efter att ha avtjänat tio år av det utdömda livstidsstraffet. Omvandlingsprövningen består av fem kriterier, varav ett innebär en bedömning av om det föreligger risk för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet. Om konkretBy the passing of the Act (2006:45) on conversion of imprisonment for life (OmvL), a new system for the release of a prisoner serving life sentence was created, by enabling an entitlement to apply for conversion after having served ten years of the imprisonment. The adjudicate consists of five conversion criteria, one of which involves an assessment of whether there is a risk of a recidivism into

Model Predictive Control for Stock Postfolio Selection

The motivation behind the thesis lies in some interesting results in the article 'Portfolio Optimization Applications of Stochastic Receding Horizon Control' written by James Primbs, regarding applying control theory to problems in the financial market. The purpose will be to implement a method called Model Predictive Control, MPC, for selecting optimal portfolio weights in two portfolios

Fast Photoneutron Detection

The purpose of this project was to investigate fast photoneutron production from a series of materials commonly used for backing neutron beam guides. Fast neutrons were knocked out of these materials by exposing them to to high-energy photons at the Tagged-Photon Facility at MAX-lab in Lund, Sweden. Liquid scintillator detectors at different angles around the targets registered the photoknockout n

När är det tillräckligt ömmande? En utredning om särskilt ömmande omständigheter i utlänningslagen ur ett barnrättsperspektiv

Sedan 2005 har uppehållstillstånd beviljats en utlänning om det vid en samlad bedömning av utlänningens situation föreligger sådana synnerligen ömmande omständigheter att han eller hon bör tillåtas stanna i Sverige. I juli 2014 trädde en bestämmelse i kraft som stadgar att barn kan få stanna i Sverige om det föreligger särskilt ömmande omständigheter. Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda rättsläget för Since 2005 an alien can be granted residence permit if, after an overall assessment of the alien’s situation, there are such exceptionally distressing circumstances that he or she should be allowed to stay in Sweden. In July 2014 a provision came in force which stipulates that children may stay in Sweden if there are particularly distressing circumstances. The purpose of this thesis is to determin

Resource Management for Mobile Robots

As more functionality and complex systems are combined in limited settings the need for resource management is becoming increasingly important. Resources such as computing capacity, battery power and communication channels need to be divided between different applications and hardware to achieve the highest global performance. Traditionally the computing capacity has been handled by the system sch

Subspace-based Identification of a Parallel Kinematic Manipulator Dynamics

This thesis deals with the identification of the dynamics of a Parallel Kinematic Manipulator, namely the Gantry-Tau patented by ABB located in the Robotics lav at LTH, Lund. The approach considered for modelling is subspace-based identification of linear models, where measurements from the robot motion are used to estimate the unknown parameters in the models. Rigid body dynamics and flexible bod

A Home Automation Prototype

This master thesis concerns the current and future development in the area of intelligent houses and home automation. It also describes a system for home automation developed for this thesis. Key words in the design are dynamic behaviour, flexibility, transparency and adaptability. The prototype has been built with a central, Java based, server. To this server, modules handling different communica

Controlling a Robot with Two Force Sensors in a Lead-Through Programming Scenario

To simplify the programming of industrial robots a method called lead-through programming has been developed where the programmer basically leads the robot using his/her hands. The objective of this thesis has been to see how a safety system (protecting the tool from large forces) for a lead-through programming controller could be achieved by using an extra force sensor mounted at the tool. A modi

Modelling, Identification and Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter

This thesis work focused on the study of a quadrotor helicopter. The dynamic system modelling and the control algorithm evaluation were carried out. To test the results, a simulator and a real platform were developed. The Newton-Euler formalism was used to model the dynamic system. Particular attention was given to the group composed of the DC-motor, the gear box and the propeller which needed als

Testing and implementation of a backlash detection algorithm

Backlash is a well documented and rather common non-linearity which is present in most mechanical and hydraulic systems. The amount of backlash varies depending on the dynamics of the system, for example a gear box in a car needs some space for heat expansion and consequently some amount of backlash in order to function. It is of interest to detect and estimate the amount of backlash automatically

Modeling and Balancing of Spherical Pendulum using a Parallel Kinematic Manipulator

The balancing act of an inverted pendulum with a robotic manipulator is a classical benchmark for testing modern control strategies in conjunction with fast sensor-guided movements. From the control design perspective, it presents a challenging and difficult problem as the system is open-loop unstable and includes nonlinear effects in the actuators, such as friction, backlash, and elasticity. In a