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Your search for "*" yielded 538739 hits

Physical fitness in male adolescents and atherosclerosis in middle age : A population-based cohort study

Objectives: To examine the associations between physical fitness in male adolescents and coronary and carotid atherosclerosis in middle age. Methods: This population-based cohort study linked physical fitness data from the Swedish Military Conscription Register during adolescence to atherosclerosis data from the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study in middle age. Cardiorespiratory fitness was as

Sex Differences in the Effectiveness of First-Line Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Psoriatic Arthritis : Results From the European Spondyloarthritis Research Collaboration Network

Objective: Women with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) may have reduced tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) effectiveness compared to men. We examined sex differences in treatment response and retention rates during 24 months of follow-up among patients with PsA initiating their first TNFi. Methods: Data from patients with PsA across 13 European Spondyloarthritis Research Collaboration Network registr

Spatial Aberrations in High-Order Harmonic Generation

We investigate the spatial characteristics of high-order harmonic radiation generated in argon and observe cross-like patterns in the far field. An analytical model describing harmonics from an astigmatic driving beam reveals that these patterns result from the order and generation position-dependent divergence of harmonics. Even small amounts of driving field astigmatism may result in cross-like


Feedforward control loops are used in numerous applications to correct process variables. While feedforward control loops correct process variables according to the expected behavior of a system at any given setpoint, feedback loops require measurements of the output to correct deviations from the setpoint. At MAX IV, a generic multi-dimensional input and output feedforward controller was implemen

A Technique to Increase the Linearity of the Bootstrapped Switch

We present a detailed investigation into a source of distortion that affects the classic bootstrapped switch. Our analysis reveals that the transition phase between track mode and hold mode is a critical factor in causing the distortion. To address this issue, we propose a novel technique that effectively mitigates the problem. Our results, based on simulations conducted using a 22-nm FDSOI CMOS p

Privacy Preserving Localization via Coordinate Permutations

Recent methods on privacy-preserving image-based localization use a random line parameterization to protect the privacy of query images and database maps. The lifting of points to lines effectively drops one of the two geometric constraints traditionally used with point-to-point correspondences in structure-based localization. This leads to a significant loss of accuracy for the privacy-preserving

The 'Most Ideal' Peter Handke? : Aesthetics and Ethics as Criteria for the Nobel Prize in Literature

The Nobel Prize in Literature to the Austrian writer Peter Handke in 2019 gave new attention to one of the basic, and historically highly disputed (cf. Espmark 2001, 2021), questions in relation to the practice of the world’s most important literary prize – on what grounds, aesthetic or otherwise, does the Swedish Academy award the prize? In the aftermath of the 2019 prize to Handke, there was an

Transporthistoriska underlag till nytta för infrastruktur och forskning : en förstudie

Rapporten är resultatet av ett tvåårigt samarbetsprojekt mellan Centrum för Näringslivshistoria och Statens maritima och transporthistoriska museer, finansierat av Trafikverkets FoI-medel. Förstudien syftar till att undersöka de väg-, civilflygs- och järnvägshistoriska samlingarnas potential som källa till historisk och annan forskning och som resurs i Trafikverkets planering och verksamhet. Målsä

Hur rösten räknas : Om valsystemet

Sverige har ett proportionellt valsystem, med en faktor som kan göra valresultatet mindre representativt - riksdagsspärren på fyra procent. Hur påverkar spärren väljares och partiers strategiska beteende? Vilka förändringar har genomförts i systemet de senaste femtio åren och hur kan det komma att utformas i framtiden?

Hippocampal theta activity during encoding promotes subsequent associative memory in humans

Hippocampal theta oscillations have been implicated in associative memory in humans. However, findings from electrophysiological studies using scalp electroencephalography or magnetoencephalography, and those using intracranial electroencephalography are mixed. Here we asked 10 pre-surgical epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial electroencephalography recording, along with 21 participants under

The Electoral Choices of Voters with Coalition-Straddling Consideration Sets

Objectives: Preelectoral party coalitions are common in multiparty systems. We examine the proposition that individuals who choose between parties from competing coalitions think and behave differently compared to those who only consider voting for parties of the same coalition. Part of the reason, we suggest, is that coalition-straddling voters play a key role in deciding who forms government. Me

Targeted memory reactivation during sleep can induce forgetting of overlapping memories

Memory reactivation during sleep can shape new memories into a long-term form. Reactivation of memories can be induced via the delivery of auditory cues during sleep. Although this targeted memory reactivation (TMR) approach can strengthen newly acquired memories, research has tended to focus on single associative memories. It is less clear how TMR affects retention for overlapping associative mem

Tracking the emergence of location-based spatial representations in human scene-selective cortex

Scene-selective regions of the human brain form allocentric representations of locations in our environment. These representations are independent of heading direction and allow us to know where we are regardless of our direction of travel. However, we know little about how these location-based representations are formed. Using fMRI representational similarity analysis and linear mixed models, we

AIRR-C IG Reference Sets : curated sets of immunoglobulin heavy and light chain germline genes

Introduction: Analysis of an individual’s immunoglobulin (IG) gene repertoire requires the use of high-quality germline gene reference sets. When sets only contain alleles supported by strong evidence, AIRR sequencing (AIRR-seq) data analysis is more accurate and studies of the evolution of IG genes, their allelic variants and the expressed immune repertoire is therefore facilitated. Methods: The

Doubly-Block Circulant Kernel Matrix Exploitation in Convolutional Accelerators

In this paper, we present a novel algorithmic and hardware co-design approach specifically tailored for efficient 2D convolution implementations, a crucial operation in convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Our method addresses the limitations of existing software-based solutions and hardware-based architectures, delivering significant improvements in asymptotic behavior for generic convolution ca