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Is ignorance bliss? En uppsats om huruvida högintelligenta människor är mer benägna att uppleva ångest.

I följande uppsats undersöktes ångest och olika sätt att tänka genom en enkät i ett försök att hitta en koppling mellan olika kognitiva stilar och ångest. Detta resulterade i ett försök att hitta samband mellan objektiva, spatiala och verbala kognitiva stilar samt självupplevd ångest i en population bestående av högintelligenta personer och en kontrollgrupp. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av en kontrIn this following essay, anxiety and different ways of thinking were examined through a questionnaire in an attempt to find a connection between different cognitive styles and anxiety. This resulted in an attempt to find connections between objective, spatial and verbal cognitive styles, and self-perceived anxiety in a population which consisted of highly intelligent people and a control group. Th

Olika utgångsläge: Effekt på Upplevd och Faktiskt Prestation

Teorier inom områdena självperception och självuppfyllande profetior har föreslagit att människors självbild och beteende kan påverkas av externa stimuli och tidigare erfarenheter. Dessa teorier betonar också vikten av att förstå samspelet mellan individens föreställningar och deras beteende i olika kontexter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om upplevelsen av prestation och faktiskt prestationTheories in the fields of self-perception and self-fulfilling prophecies have suggested that people's self-image and behavior can be influenced by external stimuli and previous experiences. These theories also emphasize the importance of understanding the interplay between an individual's beliefs and their behavior in various contexts. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the

The Effects of Confirmation Bias on Memory: An Experimental Study

This study investigated the effects of confirmation bias on episodic memory. This was achieved through an experiment assessing people's attitudes towards drugs and their recall of pro, neutral, and anti-drug news headlines. Our hypothesis was that participants would be better at remembering headlines that were in support of their beliefs and worse at remembering those that were against. 109 pe

Att förstå prokrastinering: En kvantitativ undersökning av studenters livstillfredsställelse och vardagsbeteenden

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka samband mellan prokrastinering, rutin, livstillfredsställelse, inre motivation och fysisk aktivitet hos studenter på Lunds Universitet. Vidare undersöktes om det går att predicera både prokrastinering och livstillfredsställelse med resterande faktorer, och sist utforskades det om det fanns någon skillnad i resultaten mellan de olika fakulteterna vid universiThis study aimed to investigate the relationships between procrastination, routine, quality of life, intrinsic motivation, and physical activity among students at Lund University. Furthermore, the study examined whether procrastination and quality of life could be predicted by the other factors, and finally explored if there were any differences in the results between the various faculties at the

Spår från barndomen En studie om unga vuxnas anknytning och betydelsen av närvarande fäder

Denna studie har som mål att undersöka anknytningsmönster hos unga vuxna i relation till närvaron av fäder. För att skapa en förståelse för hur fäders närvaro under barndomen påverkar anknytningen genomfördes en enkät konstruerad specifikt för studiens ändamål. Totalt deltog 152 personer i åldern 18 till 35 år. Enkäten bestod av två huvuddelar; den första delen inkluderade 12 skattningsfrågor som This study aims to examine young adults' attachment patterns in relation to the presence of fathers. In order to create an understanding of how a father's presence during childhood affects young adults' attachment, a survey was constructed for the purpose of the survey. The survey had 152 participants who were between 18 and 35 years old. The questionnaire consisted of two main parts;

Rasismens många ansikten och dess konsekvenser: En enkätstudie om vita och icke-vitas attityder, känslor, upplevelser och beteendeintentioner kopplat till rasism

Denna studie undersökte samband mellan olika vidmakthållande faktorer vid rasism (delstudie 2) och sambandet mellan rasismens konsekvenser för de drabbade (delstudie 1). Studien undersökte två populationer; icke-vita personer (delstudie 1) och vita personer (delstudie 2). Gruppen icke-vita (n=163) besvarade enkäter om minoritetsstress, upplevd diskriminering, upplevda motreaktioner från vita och lThis study explored the relationship between different factors maintaining racism (study 2) and the relationship between the consequences of racism for those exposed to it (study 1). The study examined two separate populations; people of color (study 1) and white people (study 2). People of color (n=163) answered surveys regarding minority stress, experience of discrimination, experienced white co

När jämställdheten utmanar: Maskulinitetshot, incelkaraktäristiska drag och dess konsekvenser

Denna studie utforskar de potentiella hoten mot maskulinitet som uppfattas i samhällen med hög könsjämlikhet och undersöker om sådana hot kan kopplas till en ökning av incel (ofrivilligt celibat) karaktärsdrag bland den manliga befolkningen. Forskningen använder en kvantitativ metod med två experimentella villkor: ett med en hög jämställdhet och ett med en låg jämställdhet, som skildrar kontrasterThis study explores the potential threats to masculinity perceived in societies with a high gender equality and examines whether such threat can be linked to an increase in involuntary celibate (incel) traits among the male population in. The research employs a quantitative methodology with two experimental conditions: one featuring a high equal scenario and another a low equal scenario, depicting

Process of a Random Planar Quadrangulation

A process of a random graph, that grows in a box [0,N]^2 ⊂ R^2 and yields a quadrangulation when it stops growing, is investigated in this work. The random components in this model come from the Poisson distributed number of points, the position of those, and the either horizontal or vertical direction in which lines grow from these points. The model finds inspiration in a cellular automata model

Unwavering Potential – Optimizing and Estimating the Power Output from a Wave Energy Converter

Vågkraft är en energikälla som på många sätt sticker ut från andra förnybara energikällor. Å ena sidan har havsvågor en helt annan regelbundenhet än till exempel vind eller solsken och har därför potentialen att utgöra en mycket mer tillförlitlig energikälla än dessa. Energiinnehållet i världens havsvågor är dessutom oerhört stort och jämförbart med världens totala förbrukning av elektricitet. Å aWave power is a type of renewable energy which holds great potential, but this potential remains largely unused due to difficulties in implementing commercially viable wave energy converters. This study uses Monte Carlo integration to optimize and estimate the electrical power output of a Simulink model based on a real wave energy converter developed by Waves4Power. For 78 sea states defined by th

Comparative study of ThinLink-based routing optimization

In recent decades, advancements in silicon technology have led to a substantial increase in chip complexity, primarily driven by the integration of more transis-tors within a given unit of chip area. Consequently, routing connections between these transistors has emerged as a significant challenge for the physical design of the chips. AMBA’s AXI-4 based connectivity is a commonly employed scheme t

Konstnärligt uttryck: En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare uppfattar och undervisar i konstnärligt uttryck

”Konstnärligt uttryck: En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare uppfattar och undervisar i konstnärligt uttryck” Timmie Flygare & Oliver Svan Hall Denna studie grundar sig i hur lärare definierar, undervisar och bedömer konstnärligt uttryck i kursen instrument eller sång 2. Vi har upplevt och fått uppfattningen att betygskriteriet är svårtolkat och som blivande pedagoger är vi nyfikna på hur det k”Artistic expression: A qualitative study of how teachers perceive and teach artistic expression” Timmie Flygare & Oliver Svan Hall This study is based on how teachers define, teach and assess artistic expression in the course instrument or singing 2. We have experienced and gained the impression that the grade criterion is difficult to interpret and as future educators we are curious about h

Patients with rectal cancer are satisfied with in-hospital communication despite insufficient information regarding treatment alternatives and potential side-effects

Aim: Patients with rectal cancer may undergo treatment such as surgery and (chemo)radiotherapy. Before treatment, patients are informed of different options and possible side-effects. The aim of the study was to evaluate the patients’ experience of communication with healthcare personnel at time of diagnosis and after one year. Method: A total of 1085 patients from Denmark and Sweden were included

Timely access to care in the treatment of rectal cancer and the effect on quality of life

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate if a delay in a patient's first contact with a healthcare professional, and any subsequent delay in diagnosis, affected self-assessed quality of life prior to start of treatment for rectal cancer. Method: Questionnaires were administered when patients had been informed of the diagnosis and planned treatment. The primary end-point was self-assessed qual

Defining Dukeship : The Problem of Royal Spares and Dynasty Formation in Sweden, 1556-1622

This book examines how dukeship – the position of being a duke – was defined and negotiated in Sweden between the late 1550s and the early 1620s. The aim is to shed light on how the structural problem of royal spares, with dukes as pillars and perils of hereditary monarchy, influenced politics and the integration process of a ruling house. Through an institutional biography approach and a critical

Hydrophobicity Improvement of Cellulose-Based Material

The environmental challenges of plastic pollution and increasingly stringent legislative regulations have directed leading packaging companies to explore more sustainable and eco-friendly packaging materials. As part of these efforts, there has been a significant focus on developing bio-based and biodegradable materials. Among these, cellulose fiber-based materials have emerged as a highly promisi

Overpacked? A case study on aseptic packed beverages

Introduction: The current Tetra Brik Aseptic packaging contains a polyethylene-aluminium layer that is difficult to recycle. Alternative materials have been explored to eliminate this aluminium layer, resulting in reduced carbon emissions but a 30% shorter shelf life. This trade-off raises concerns about potential increases in food waste due to reduced shelf life. Therefore, this study aims to exp

Viscosity behavior of gluten free beta-glucan-PromOat® in oil-in-water emulsion

This master thesis project was completed in partnership with Lantmännen, known for producing Gluten Free (GF) PromOat®—a concentrated oat β glucan powder. The main aim of the thesis was to explore the properties of emulsions containing GF PromOat® oat β-glucan. It specifically focuses on the critical overlap concentration, viscosity, and stability before and after high-pressure homogenization

Assessing Data Quality in Image Recognition Datasets of Swedish Financial Reports

A great amount of financial statements of Swedish companies are registered with the Swedish companies registration office, Bolagsverket, as paper copies. These copies are then scanned and made available to the public as image-PDFs, meaning the financial information contained in them is not digitised and therefore not easily processed in an automated manner. Being able to do so, is valuable however

Development and Shelf-Life Assessment of Kvass Beverage with Viable Microbial Flora

The fermentation process is deeply ingrained in human history, not only for preservation but also for enhancing the nutritional value of foods. In the contemporary context, the surge in global food waste is driving innovative solutions, with surplus bread being explored due to its high rate of wastage. Simultaneously, there is a growing interest in reviving traditional fermentation practices amid