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What is it good for, absolutely nothing? The European short-selling restriction and the effects on volatility during the Covid-19 pandemic

The aim of this study is to examine if the stated reason for the implementation of the short-selling restrictions by regulators during the Covid-19 crisis actually achieved a decrease in volatility. This study has its theoretical foundation in the role of short-sellers in equity markets. With the aim to investigate the effect that restricting short-selling have on volatility. The sample consists o

Sverige genom främmande ögon: En kvalitativ studie om hur tvärkulturell kommunikation kan stärka ett internt platsvarumärke

Det har skett stora förändringar i resebeteendet, inte minst under covidpandemin. Det ökade intresset för att resa inom landet förväntas bestå och ett lands varumärke samt identitet spelar en betydande roll för turistnäringen. Globaliseringen gör det allt svårare att differentiera sig som land, samtidigt som multikulturella befolkningar erbjuder nya möjligheter och utmaningar. Den här studien undeThere have been major changes in travel behavior, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The increased interest in domestic travel is expected to continue and the brand and identity of nations play a significant role in the tourism industry. Furthermore, globalization presents challenges for nations when differentiating themselves on the market, at the same time as multicultural populations offer

At least, I can write about it - the relationship between creativity and well-being

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker kopplingen mellan tre välmåendemått, life satisfaction, psykologisk flexibilitet and psykologisk inflexibilitet och tre kreativitetsmått, kognitiv flexibilitet, originalitet och creative self-efficacy. Huvudhypotesen var att det finns en koppling mellan kreativitet och välmående. Det var en kvantitativ tvärsektionell studie i forma av en enkät. 120 personer svaradeThis thesis investigated the connection between three well-being dimensions consisting of life satisfaction, psychological flexibility, and inflexibility and three creativity measures consisting of cognitive flexibility, originality, and creative self-efficacy. The hypothesis was that there was a connection between creativity and well-being. It was a quantitative study with a cross-sectional desig

"Man måste verkligen vilja" En fenomenografisk studie kring mentorers uppfattningar av mentorskap för nyexaminerade lärare

Mentorskapet betraktas över lag som en positiv instans inom läraryrket, trots att det inte finns en helt enhetlig bild kring vad det egentligen innebär, dess effekter samt hur det skall organiseras. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka mentorers uppfattningar kring mentorskap, samt relatera det till hur mentorskapet kan utformas för att på ett framgångsrikt sätt bidra till skolutvecklin

Supporting the Cause: How Can Football Supporters Engage with a Club's Brand Extensions

Title: Supporting the Cause: How Can Football Supporters Engage with a Club’s Brand Extensions Seminar Date: June 4th, 2020 Course: BUSN39: Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Peter Moane and Alessandro Solmi Supervisor: Ekaterini Drosou Thesis Purpose: This research aims at understanding what English supporters of football teams with a small fan base deem important in order to buy, engage

Does Previous Experience Matter? A case study of Swedish board members’ perception of experience diversity in decision-making

Decisions taken in the boardroom are considered to be of crucial importance for corporate governance, not least due to their wide-ranging implications for both an organization and its stakeholders. To take effective decisions on the board, the availability of the right skills and knowledge is deemed essential. Such skills and knowledge largely derive from board members previous educational and fun

Is Fashion for the People, loved by all the People?

Thesis purpose: The purpose is to enhance the understanding of the influence inclusion has on Generation Y consumers when utilised in fashion brands. By isolating two areas of interest namely marginalised gender and size, we aim to provide insight into their effects on the attitude and purchase intention. Methodology: A deductive approach and therefore a quantitative research design is chosen. T

”De små nyanserna…” - En undersökning av arbetsgivaransvaret för organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö då arbetstagaren arbetar hemifrån

I denna uppsats undersöks vilka förutsättningar det finns att, inom ramen för nuvarande arbetsmiljölagstiftning, på ett tillfredsställande sätt leva upp till arbetsgivarens organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljöansvar då arbetstagaren på arbetsgivarens inrådan helt eller till stor del arbetar hemifrån. Uppsatsen fokuserar på förhållanden applicerbara på konventionella anställningar för tjänstemänThis thesis examines the conditions that exist, within the framework of current work environment legislation, to satisfactorily live up to the employer's organisational and social work environment responsibilities when the employee, on the employer's advice, works entirely or largely from home. The thesis focus on conditions applicable to conventional employment for white-collar workers, a

Rooftop plant factories: effects on energy use for heating, cooling and electric lighting

Within the next thirty years, two thirds of the human population will live in a city. This growing urban population requires a major shift in the way we produce and distribute food, since industrial agriculture practices contribute to climate change, biodiversity losses, pollution of waterways, soil degradation, etc. Urban and peri-urban agriculture and forestry (UPAF) represent one of the strateg

Network Effects and Valuation

This study examines the association between revenue and user base for companies who operate a platform-mediated business model and benefit from network effects. More specifically, the study incorporates both an exponential and linear function in order to see which one most accurately explains the association. Previous research has theorized the notion of an exponential association between revenue

Modelling stellar streams around the Milky Way

Stellar streams around the Milky Way (MW) have been observed by wide sky surveys, and studied to understand the mass distribution of the MW. This is because streams are formed by a disruption of a globular cluster or a dwarf galaxy under the influence of the gravitational field of the MW. Moreover, the streams can provide an understanding of dark matter because they orbit in the far outer region o

Mår du bra på jobbet?

The purpose of this thesis is to study how work-related stress and the risk of burnout within the social services is perceived by professional caseworkers, who are a social worker that is employed by a government agency. In the study, we interviewed twelve caseworkers working in different municipalities in Sweden. When asking the questions, we used a qualitative method using semi-structured interv

Towards Regenerative (Agri)Cultures. An ethnographic case study of integrated socio-ecological restoration at the Hof Lebensberg community farm, Germany

Agriculture is today the human activity most vulnerable to Climate Change, and one of its leading causes. Regenerative Agriculture offers powerful tools to restore ecosystems, without sacrificing abundant food production; nevertheless, a systematic adoption of such practices is incompatible with the existing economic structures and calls for a radical societal change. This study aims at exploring

Making a stand for memory and place. The role of social leaders in the defense of the territory in the Putumayo (Colombia) and the implications of the violence against them

Five years into the present peacebuilding cycle in Colombia, violence is increasing again. In the Putumayo department, social-ecological conflicts between the state, armed groups and local communities persist. Social leaders, often representing local communities, are targets of violent actions and represent an extremely vulnerable group. In the Putumayo, at least 67 social leaders defending human

SEAS Project

This project is about developing a product that will contribute to an included evacuation on passenger ships. There are many types of evacuation plans for differentships and emergencies. However, not all people, considering to different functionalities, have been included when these evacuations plans were initially designed. Elevators may either be functional or appropriate to use in case of emer

IKBT på agendan: en ny behandlingsmetod på BUP Skåne

Internet KBT (IKBT) har funnits för vuxna sedan slutet av 1990-talet. Under senare år har IKBT utvecklats för barn och ungdomar men forskningen är begränsad. IKBT-programmet ”Ångesthjälpen ung” implementerades på BUP i Region Skåne 2017. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka föräldrarnas uppfattning av programmet ”Ångesthjälpen ung” beroende på deras tillgång till föräldramoduler eller ej, saInternet CBT (ICBT) has been around for adults since the late 1990s. In recent years ICBT has been developed for children and young people but research is limited. The ICBT program "Ångesthjälpen ung" was implemented at Child and adolescent psychiatry in Region Skåne in 2017. The purpose of this essay was to investigate parents' perception of the program "Ångesthjälpen ung"

Vad leder till ett lönsamt förvärv?

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ifall det finns ett signifikant samband mellan egenskaper relaterat till sponsorerna och den kortsiktiga avkastningen efter ett förvärv. Teorierna som används är principal-agent-teorin, informationsasymmetri och den effektiva marknadshypotesen. Studiens urval består av 80 SPAC-bolag från den amerikanska marknaden som har utfört ett förvärv mellan 2019-20. MThe purpose of this study is to investigate if there is a relationship between attributes related to SPAC sponsors and the short term return after an acquisition is made. The theories that are used are the principal agent theory, information asymmetry and the efficient market hypothesis. The research sample consists of 80 SPACs listed on the American market that have made an acquisition between 20

What waste are you- Analyzing 46 pilot cities’ MSW management program from the perspective of authoritarian environmentalism

The problem of growing waste and its management is global. The Chinese central government has tried several municipal solid waste (MSW) management pilot programs, but few of them succeeded. In this case study, the 2017 program applied the Target Responsibility System (TRS) to incentive 46 pilot cities to implement the specific requirements by the end of 2020.This thesis analyzes the heterogeneity

”Nej, lilla gumman, så fungerar det inte här” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om tjänstemäns upplevelser av tystnadskultur inom kommunala verksamheter

Tystnadskultur bland tjänstemän inom kommunala verksamheter har varit ett debatterat ämne i Sverige de senaste åren. Svenska tjänstemän har en unik position i den kommunala verksamheten där de både ska vara opolitiska och samtidigt bidra med objektiv fakta till beslutsunderlaget. Befintlig forskning argumenterar för hur strategisk intern kommunikation kan användas för att skapa ett öppet kommunikaThe experience of a culture of silence among officials in municipal workplaces in Sweden has been a debated topic for the last few years. Swedish officials have a unique position in municipalities where they both must be unpolitical and at the same time contribute objective facts to the decision-making process. Existing research argues that strategic internal communication can be used to create an