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Your search for "*" yielded 527063 hits

Transanal formation of anastomosis using C-REX device is feasible and effective in high anterior resection

Purpose: C-REX is a novel instrument for creating stapleless colorectal anastomosis by compression. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of C-REX in open and laparoscopic high anterior resections. Methods: A prospective clinical safety study on 21 patients reconstructed with C-REX colorectal anastomosis following high anterior resection of the sigmoid colon using

Probing Cage Relaxation in Concentrated Protein Solutions by X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy

Diffusion of proteins on length scales of their size is crucial for understanding the machinery of living cells. X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) is currently the only way to access long-time collective diffusion on these length scales, but radiation damage so far limits the use in biological systems. We apply a new approach to use XPCS to measure cage relaxation in crowded α-crystalli

Gemensamt haveri som ansvarsbegränsning

Denna uppsats kommer att behandla den internationella sjörättsprincipen gemensamt haveri samt ställa den mot den svenska lagstiftningen om ansvarsbegränsningar och friskrivningar. Syftet är att kolla på principen ur perspektivet vad den innebär för ansvarsbegränsningar för de inblandade parterna och för att sedan se vad den svenska rätten säger om ansvarsbegränsningar och ställa de två emot varandThis essay will cover the international maritime law principle of general average and put it against the Swedish legislation on limitations of liability and disclaimers. The purpose is to look at the principle from the perspective of what limitations of liability the principle entails for the parties involved and to then look at what Swedish law says about limitations of liability and set the two

Short-Time Transport Properties of Bidisperse Suspensions of Immunoglobulins and Serum Albumins Consistent with a Colloid Physics Picture

The crowded environment of biological systems such as the interior of living cells is occupied by macromolecules with a broad size distribution. This situation of polydispersity might influence the dependence of the diffusive dynamics of a given tracer macromolecule in a monodisperse solution on its hydrodynamic size and on the volume fraction. The resulting size dependence of diffusive transport

Risk-adjusted benchmarking of long-term overall survival in patients with HER2-positive early-stage Breast cancer : A Swedish retrospective cohort study

Aim: The main objective of the current study was to explore the value of risk-adjustment when comparing (i.e. benchmarking) long-term overall survival (OS) in breast cancer (BC) between Swedish regions. We performed risk-adjusted benchmarking of 5- and 10-year OS after HER2-positive early BC diagnosis between Sweden's two largest healthcare regions, constituting approximately a third of the total

Kvalitetsindikatorer för kvinnojourer, hjälp eller stjälp? En studie om Socialstyrelsens konstruktion av kvalité bland kvinnojourer utifrån kvalitetsindikatorerna

Quality Indicators: Help or hinder? - The study examines the National Board of Health and Welfare's construction of quality in women's shelters in relation to women's safety and security. The study is based on the quality indicators developed by the National Board of Health and Welfare on behalf of the government. The National Board of Health and Welfare is an authority in Sweden with

Maternal health leaders’ perceptions of barriers to midwife-led care in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Somalia, and Uganda

Objective: To identify and examine barriers to midwife-led care in Eastern Africa and how these barriers can be reduced Design: A qualitative inductive study with online focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews using content analysis Setting: The study examines midwife-led care in Ethiopia, Malawi, Kenya, Somalia, and Uganda -five African countries with an unmet need for midwives and

Vertical distribution of sources and sinks of volatile organic compounds within a boreal forest canopy

The ecosystem-atmosphere flux of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) has important impacts on tropospheric oxidative capacity and the formation of secondary organic aerosols, influencing air quality and climate. Here we present within-canopy measurements of a set of dominant BVOCs in a managed spruce- and pine-dominated boreal forest located at the ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation Syste

Meaningful Activities and Recovery (MA&R) : a co-led peer occupational therapy intervention for people with psychiatric disabilities. Results from a randomized controlled trial

Background: Activity and participation are critical to health and wellbeing. Limited evidence exists on how to support people with mental illness in participating in everyday activities. Aim: To investigate the effectiveness of Meaningful Activities and Recovery (MA&R), a co-led peer occupational therapy intervention focusing on activity engagement, functioning, quality of life, and personal r

Assessment of risk reduction strategies for terrorist attacks on structures

Attacks on infrastructure have been a common feature of terrorism over many decades. The weapon of choice is often a Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) or a person-borne or other type of IED. The consequences of a successful attack in terms of casualties, physical damage, and other direct and indirect costs including societal costs can be catastrophic. Protectives and other risk red

Last interglacial seasonal hydroclimate in the North Sea–Baltic Sea region

The Last Interglacial (LIG) experienced substantial changes in seasonal insolation compared with the present day, which may have affected the hydrography and water-mass exchange in the North Sea and Baltic Sea region. Here we investigate the effects of solar radiation and greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing on the regional climate by analyzing model simulations of the LIG (127 ka BP), pre-industrial (PI,

Cell Identification from Microscopy Images using Deep Learning on Automatically Labeled Data

In biology, cell counting provides a fundamental metric for live-cell experiments. Unfortunately, most researchers are constrained to using tedious and invasive methods for counting cells. Automatic identification of cells in microscopy images would therefore be a valuable tool for such researchers. In recent years, deep learning-based image segmentation methods such as the U-Net have been explo

Use of crushed mussel shells for the remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils

Can mussel shells cure heavy metal polluted soils? Heavy metal contamination in soils has become a global concern, as it has recently been increasing due to anthropogenic factors, such as agricultural and mining activities. These practices have led to elevated and unsustainable metal concentrations in soils, causing toxicity and fatality to plants and other living organisms. Heavy metal polluted

The Text-Package : An R-Package for Analyzing and Visualizing Human Language Using Natural Language Processing and Transformers

The language that individuals use for expressing themselves contains rich psychological information. Recent significant advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning (DL), namely transformers, have resulted in large performance gains in tasks related to understanding natural language. However, these state-of-the-art methods have not yet been made easily accessible for psychology

False-positive recalls in the prospective Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial

Objectives: To evaluate the total number of false-positive recalls, including radiographic appearances and false-positive biopsies, in the Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial (MBTST). Methods: The prospective, population-based MBTST, with 14,848 participating women, was designed to compare one-view digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to two-view digital mammography (DM) in breast cancer scre

The prognostic impact of IKZF1 deletions and UKALL genetic classifiers in paediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treated according to NOPHO 2008 protocols

We investigated 390 paediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (BCP-ALL) patients treated according to NOPHO ALL 2008, regarding copy number alterations (CNA) of eight loci associated with adverse prognosis, including IKZF1. The impact on outcome was investigated for each locus individually, combined as CNA profiles and together with cytogenetic information. The presence of IKZF1 de

Mycena species can be opportunist-generalist plant root invaders

Traditional strict separation of fungi into ecological niches as mutualist, parasite or saprotroph is increasingly called into question. Sequences of assumed saprotrophs have been amplified from plant root interiors, and several saprotrophic genera can invade and interact with host plants in laboratory growth experiments. However, it is uncertain if root invasion by saprotrophic fungi is a widespr

Simulations of the Tenuous Upper Atmospheres of Exoplanets

Over the last decade, the interest in research on extraterrestrial planets has expanded dramatically. With the number of confirmed exoplanets having increased tenfold over the last ten years, we now know that many different types of exoplanets exist. Modern telescopes, both ground- and space-based, like the Very Large Telescope (VLT) or the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will drive forward the

Deep learning-based classification of organs at risk and delineation guideline in pelvic cancer radiation therapy

Deep learning (DL) models for radiation therapy (RT) image segmentation require accurately annotated training data. Multiple organ delineation guidelines exist; however, information on the used guideline is not provided with the delineation. Extraction of training data with coherent guidelines can therefore be challenging. We present a supervised classification method for pelvis structure delineat