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Your search for "*" yielded 525829 hits

Staten, klimatet och ekonomisk tillväxt: En regressionsanalys av offentliga utgifter riktade mot miljöskydd och dess effekter på tillväxttakten i BNP per capita

Economic growth has a historical correlation with environmental degradation which consequently manifests as a risk for future growth. This study aims to examine the relationship between public expenditure on environmental protection and economic growth in the EU member states, using economic theory and multiple linear regression analysis. EU member states are utilized because of the shared similar

Income Inequality and Economic Growth: An empirical investigation of the European Union 1991–2019

This thesis examines the effect of income inequality on economic growth within the European Union (EU) during the period 1991–2019. For the empirical investigation, the analysis includes four measures of income inequality. The data points for these measures have been collected from the World Income Inequality Database (WIID). The regression procedure is carried out using panel data with fixed effe

’Save file empty’ : ABM-institutioners och spelföretags tankar kring digitalt spelbevarande

‘Save file empty’: ALM institutions’ and game developers’ thoughts regarding digital games preservation This master’s thesis examines attitudes towards the preservation of digital games in Malmö, Sweden. Malmö is one of Europe’s largest gaming hubs and is home to many game studios. Digital games are one of Sweden’s largest cultural exports but very little has been done in order to preserve this h

When you are kindly asked to stay at home

Purpose: The aim is to apply technology acceptance research on elderlies’ use of digital services during a global pandemic, where risks associated with the corresponding physical alternatives are obvious but use is voluntary. By examining constructs based on a modified UTAUT2 framework, the following research question will be answered: Which factors influence elderlies' intention to use digita

Inflationens påverkan på den ekonomiska tillväxten

This paper examines whether the impact of inflation on economic growth has changed over the last few decades. It uses linear panel data for 81 countries over the time period 1960-2020. The study builds on the research done by Robert Barro (1995) which concludes that during the time period 1960-1990 inflation had a negative impact on economic growth. This study confirms that Barro’s results hold an

Naming Injustice, Reimagining Justice: How Victim-Survivors of Sexual Violence in Portugal Perceive Criminal Justice and its Alternatives

This thesis addresses the sexual violence justice gap in Portugal descriptively by questioning how victim-survivors of these crimes experience and/or perceive criminal justice, including those that have resorted to formal law and those that haven’t Normatively, it reflects on the justice needs of victim-survivors of sexual violence and connects these needs to the restorative justice movement - an

To Protect Lives or Personal Data?

The adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation proclaimed Europe’s stance on the significance of the right to data privacy today whereas digital technologies have prevailed all around the globe and all spheres of our lives. Digitalization is thus a phenomenon that has ever since drawn attention from leaders and policymakers which why the Regulation along with other European privacy regimes

Media Portrayals of Protests : A Discursive Analysis of Newspaper Articles on Gilet Jaune protests in France

The way conflicts are understood depends on how identities are conveyed through media. Newspapers’ reports of the Gilets Jaunes protests in France during the autumn 2018 are no exception. One factor that can influence which choices are made in describing identity, is the distance between the place of publication and the location of events. Articles from Le Figaro and The Times are analysed using d

Energy and Circadian Assessment of a Combination Between Integrative Lighting and Daylight Harvesting

This study deals with the health and wellbeing of humans who work in offices as well as the energy use for the lighting. The focus is on how integrative lighting and daylight harvesting can be combined in an attempt to reduce the energy consumption while still eliciting a circadian response for the workers. The aim of this study is to investigate a combination of integrative lighting and daylight

Klientcentrerad arbetsterapi inom palliativ vård - en litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Den palliativa vården ska utgå från klientens behov, önskemål och förutsättningar, vilket innebär att vårdpersonal ska arbeta klientcentrerat. Med ett klientcentrerat bemötande kan arbetsterapeuter möjliggöra individuellt meningsfulla aktiviteter och öka livskvaliteten i slutet av livet. Få studier har dock belyst hur arbetsterapeuter arbetar klientcentrerat inom palliativ vård. Syfte:

Medarbetarskap och arbetsplatsohövlighet på arbetsplatsen En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Arbetsplatsohövlighet är ett omfattande och växande problem som drabbar många verksamheter. Tidigare studier visar på olika bakgrundsorsaker till arbetsplatsohövlighet, där en del lyfter brister hos individen, andra ser brister i organisationen eller ledarskapet. Samtidigt har ledarskap länge fått stort fokus i forskning, medan medarbetarskap börjat få fart under de senaste decennierna. Studier vi

Corporate Social Responsibility in Variegated Political Environments: A Comparative Study of CSR Disclosure between China and Sweden

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a widely publicised corporate practice that has become widespread across the globe in the context of globalisation. Still, past research has found considerable variation in the understanding and practice of CSR among companies in different national contexts. China and Sweden, two countries with very different political and economic environments, have been c

The trials and tribulations of engaging the powerful employee - a flexible working day at home or chit-chat with the colleagues by the coffee machine at the office? -A study of subordinates and HR-managers experiences of employee engagement while working from home during the pandemic

This thesis process started with us wondering what happens with employee engagement in an organisation where the employees have been forced to conduct their work from home. We were also interested in the view of subordinates as well as HR-managers, their experiences and perceptions of employee engagement and how this was managed while working from home. This is what we have investigated in a finan

Testing the wildland urban interface fire evacuation tool WUI-NITY: A case study of a rural community

This thesis makes use of a freely available platform based on multi-physics simulations, named WUI-NITY, to model WUI fire evacuation. This simulation platform includes three sub-models addressing fire spread, pedestrian movement and traffic movement allowing the representation of their interaction to produce outputs useful for dynamic vulnerability assessment. The goal of the thesis is to test th

Hör varumärken hemma på Clubhouse? En kvalitativ studie om realtidsbaserad varumärkeskommunikation på ett ljudbaserat socialt nätverk

Hör varumärken hemma på Clubhouse? Studien syftar till att bidra med förståelse för hur organisationer kan använda det nya sociala nätverket Clubhouse i sin varumärkeskommunikation. För att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor samlades data in genom en kombinerad kvalitativ metod i form av kvalitativ intervju, netnografisk observation samt en virtuell fokusgrupp. Metodtrianguleringen möjliggjorde en Do brands belong on Clubhouse? This study aims to provide an understanding of how organizations can use the new social network Clubhouse in their brand communication. In order to answer our research questions a combined qualitative method was applied, consisting of qualitative interviews, netnographic observations and a virtual focus group. This method of triangulation allowed us to include both a

Vikten av att se svårigheter med samexisterande ångest och depression i klinisk praktik och forskning: en systematisk litteraturöversikt

Samexisterande ångest och depression är vanligt förekommande och associeras ofta med långvarig behandling med sämre prognos och risk för att utveckla ett kroniskt tillstånd. I syftet att förebygga utvecklingen av allvarligare former av psykiska problem, samt för att erbjuda adekvat behandling, har specifika kategorier för blandtillstånd av ångest och depression funnits som tillägg i befintliga diaAnxiety and depression often coexist. Separated diagnoses are many times associated with prolonged treatment and inferior prognosis, and the risk of developing chronic illness. In order to prevent this, and to offer adequate treatments, the inclusion of specific categories has been suggested in current diagnostic systems. This includes anxious depression according to ICD-11 and DSM-5, and mixed de

Går laget före jaget? Hur den visstidsanställda medarbetaren förstår ambassadörskap

Den ökande konkurrensen bland varumärken har höjt trycket på medarbetarnas betydelse för organisationernas externa rykte. Det finns dock begränsad forskning kring medarbetarnas egna upplevelser samt kring hur de själva upplever ambassadörskap. Inom ramen för denna studie, har det genomförts semi-strukturerade intervjuer med visstidsanställda medarbetare för att skapa förståelse för deras roll som The increased competition amongst brands has raised the importance of coworkers to strengthen the organizational reputation. The research seen from an employee perspective on how these coworkers themselves experience brand ambassadorship is although limited. Within the frame of this study, semi-structured interviews have been conducted to gain a broader understanding of how temporary employees are