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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

From Colonial Loot to Cultural Restitution: An Analysis of UNESCO Conventions and France’s SHURCWA Guidelines

This thesis investigates the restitution of cultural artefacts looted during the colonial-era, through the comparison between two United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Conventions and the newly proposed French guideline, Shared Heritage: Universality, Restitution and Circulation of Works of Art (SHURCWA). Through a qualitative case study employing Carol Bacchi’s

“The Other Yiddish Literature” : an Introduction to Old Yiddish Literature: Historical and Cultural Perspectives: A Special Issue of In geveb

This introduction opens the special issue on “Old Yiddish Literature: Historical and Cultural Perspectives,” which consists of five peer-reviewed articles, an interview, a book review, a report about a critical edition, and a creative work.It previews how these diverse contributions expand our knowledge of Old Yiddishliterature, ranging from the epic to the ethical will, from the religious hymn to

Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions in the Elderly : a Retrospective Analysis in Thailand

Background: Elderly people tend to be sicker than young people. They also take more medications, increasing the risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), which are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in this age group. Knowledge of cutaneous ADRs from medicine use in the elderly population is limited.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate demographic data, causative drug

Discussion about visual dependence in balance control : European society for clinical evaluation of balance disorders

The executive committee of the European Society for the clinical evaluation of balance disorders meets annually to address equilibrium problems that are not well understood. This is a review paper on discussions in the latest meeting we held. Materials and methods: Seeing patients with vestibular disorders who end up depending on visual information as part of their compensation process is a common

Rave Against The Machine - A Discourse Analysis of Activism and Cultural Preservation amidst Urban Development in Berlin

This thesis explores the discursive elements and practices of the activist community resisting the construction of the 17th extension of the A100 Highway in eastern Berlin. Focusing on linguistic strategies, rhetorical devices and methods of activism employed by actors opposing the highway project, this study utilises a combination of Manuel Castells’ Urban Social Movement Theory and Norman Faircl

Building Electoral Legitimacy Through Poll Worker Recruitment: The guiding ideas of Swedish electoral management bodies

Recruitment is a determinant of well-run elections. Through interaction with voters, poll workers affect public confidence in electoral integrity and legitimacy. This thesis studies poll worker recruitment as electoral legitimation strategies. Interviews conducted with Swedish local election administrators are analysed using discourse analytic methods buttressed by institutional and electoral mana

Den svenska paradoxen: lika delar humanitär hjälte som osolidarisk krigsfrämjare?

This thesis investigates Sweden’s foreign policy roles concerning aid and weapon exports from 2015 to 2023, using Yemen as a central example to illustrate a Swedish paradox. Despite significant Swedish weapon sales to conflict-afflicted nations, Sweden maintains substantial aid contributions to these same countries. Employing a scientific methodology, this study conducts a case study utilizing qua

Kulturrevolution i Sveriges Peking

This essay aims to evaluate the visions of the culture policy of the Swedish municipality of Norrköping during 2023. In Norrköping the municipal council has decided that costs for various parts of publicly funded culture are too high. Therefore they consider privatizing these institutions or making them perform commercial works to a larger extent. The study uses a normative method, where a norm ha

Som maskrosfrön i vindarna - En kvalitativ studie om challengerpartiet Miljöpartiets sakpolitiska förändring vid regeringsmakten

Challenger parties are a popular topic of interest in political science. Prior research on challenger parties is predominantly regarding their characteristics and effects on the political climate. However, the transition from challenger to mainstream is less investigated. Moreover, prior research on challenger parties is, albeit not exclusively, heavily focused on right wing populist parties. This

Indigenous Rights and Environmental Imperatives: A Normative Analysis of Green Mining

This essay explores the ethical dilemma surrounding the construction of green mines on indigenous lands and seeks to determine whether such actions can be justified. The aim is to show that a prioritisation between two seemingly good things is not always a given. Using a normative study framework, the research investigates a conflict of value between different interpretations of the value of the G

Reglering av lobbying

In this study, we conducted a qualitative comparative case study using text analysis and principal-agent theory to examine the effectiveness of transparency and accountability mechanisms in lobbying regulation. Our analysis delves into how these mechanisms function within different political systems, comparing the stringent regulations of the US to the more lenient framework of the EU. The thesis

Jämlikhet eller representation? Ett normativt dilemma kring ledares utbildningsnivå

This study analyses the educational levels of 240 different political leaders across 118 different countries between the years 1989 to 2015 to derive if the educational levels of leaders effect educational equality as well as health equality. The study is conducted with a quantitative approach and the results show us that a leader with a college degree is going to be more likely to increase equali

Sveriges psykologiska försvar: Ett medborgerligt ansvar?

During the past decade the security policy situation in Sweden has deteriorated to a point where the circumstances resemble the early 1950s, which has created a need for a strong psychological defense. The population contributes with essential conditions to the country’s resilience through strategies and abilities. Citizens therefore have a special role in creating stability in times of threats an

Att dribbla bort sanningen: Saudiarabiens framställning genom fotbollen

The main thing of this paper is the connection between Saudi Arabia and football, which contributes to the understanding of the political developments in the country. The upcoming football season in Saudi Arabia in 2023 is discursively constructed as a manifestation of a modernization of Saudi Arabia where only oil and Mecka will no longer be associated with the country. In official Saudi Arabian

Electoral Strategies in Contemporary Hybrid Regimes

National elections have been shown to be beneficial to autocratic ruling coalitions within hybrid regimes, and although the super-election year of 2024 is unfolding, there still is a gap in understanding this topic. Since most research has been quantitatively conducted on elections in hybrid regimes, few have examined the purpose elections serve. To understand the mechanisms underlying this, a qua

Från tal till handling: Betydelsen av kvinnors representation för kvinnofrågors genomslag i kommunpolitiken En jämförande studie av kommunerna Trelleborg och Landskrona

This bachelor thesis investigates how women's representation in municipal councils affects the political agenda in two Swedish municipalities, Trelleborg and Landskrona. Through a qualitative analysis of municipal council minutes from the year 2022, it compares how issues related to women's rights and interests are addressed in these municipalities. The study applies theories from Lena Wän

Gräset är alltid grönare - En argumentationsanalys om legalisering av cannabis i Oregon och Pennsylvania

This study examines the debate surrounding propositions of legalization of cannabis in Oregon and Pennsylvania through an argument analysis. The arguments are categorized into health, freedom, and economic perspectives. Analyzing the discourse reveals prevalent individual-focused arguments, such as health risks associated with cannabis use and personal freedom to use cannabis in one's own home

Sametinget i en värld av relationer: En utvärderingsanalys av Sametinget utifrån ontologiskt självbestämmande

Sametinget, the Sami parliament, was established 1993 as a way to increase the cultural autonomy of the Sami people in Sweden. Through its double sided role as both parliament and official authority, together with being mainly based upon Western political governing structures, criticism has been raised against Sametinget as a limited way of achieving Sami self-determination. According to the theor

Triangeldrama? Om olika markanvändningsintressen i Jämtlandstriangeln

This paper examines conflicting land use interests in Jämtland, Sweden, focusing on the relationship between reindeer herders, the Swedish Tourist Association and the County Administration Board. The studied area has a long history and tradition of tourism and reindeer herding and both are classified as national interests. However, in recent years, tourism has increased to new levels, leading rein