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Your search for "*" yielded 533866 hits

Judging those closest from afar: The effect of psychological distance and abstraction on value-judgment correspondence in responses to ingroup moral transgressions

The purpose of the present research was to examine the effect of psychological distance and abstraction on judgment of ingroup moral transgressions. Based on Construal Level Theory (Trope & Liberman, 2010), we hypothesized that psychological distance and high level construal increases the degree to which moral value preference determines judgment (value-judgment correspondence) in response to

A multi-purpose imaging endstation for high-resolution micrometer-scaled sub-second tomography

Time-resolved imaging of dynamic processes, ranging from biological in vivo studies to materials under in situ and in operando conditions, requires a flexible endstation capable of controlling complex components that interact in different configurations and at high speeds. At the X02DA TOMCAT beamline we have recently achieved in situ tomographic measurements at a rate of 20 Hz. Independently, we

Isolation and cultivation of anaerobes

Anaerobic microorganisms play important roles in different biotechnological processes. Their complex metabolism and special cultivation requirements have led to less isolated representatives in comparison to their aerobic counterparts. In view of that, the isolation and cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms is still a promising venture, and conventional methodologies as well as considerations an

Prognostic impact of epigenetic classification in chronic lymphocytic leukemia : The case of subset #2

ABSTRACT: Based on the methylation status of 5 single CpG sites, a novel epigenetic classification of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) was recently proposed, classifying CLL patients into 3 clinico-biological subgroups with different outcome, termed memory like CLL (m-CLL), naïve like CLL (n-CLL), and a third intermediate CLL subgroup (i-CLL). While m-CLL and n-CLL patients at large corresponded

Content-based caching in a managed runtime computing environment

A computer-implemented method of caching data in a managed runtime computing environment can include loading source data and comparing content of the source data with at least one of a plurality of cache entries. Each cache entry can include a representation of previously received source data and a transformation of the previously received source data. A transformation for the source data from a c

Yeast Pathway Kit : A Method for Metabolic Pathway Assembly with Automatically Simulated Executable Documentation

We have developed the Yeast Pathway Kit (YPK) for rational and random metabolic pathway assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using reusable and redistributable genetic elements. Genetic elements are cloned in a suicide vector in a rapid process that omits PCR product purification. Single-gene expression cassettes are assembled in vivo using genetic elements that are both promoters and terminators

Gaia Data Release 1 : Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties

Context. At about 1000 days after the launch of Gaia we present the first Gaia data release, Gaia DR1, consisting of astrometry and photometry for over 1 billion sources brighter than magnitude 20.7. Aims. A summary of Gaia DR1 is presented along with illustrations of the scientific quality of the data, followed by a discussion of the limitations due to the preliminary nature of this release. Meth

Global socio-technical regimes

This paper addresses the question why socio-technical transitions followsimilar trajectories in various parts of the world, even though the relevant material preconditions and institutional contexts vary greatly between different countries. It takes a critical stance on the implicit methodological nationalism in transition studies’ socio-technical regime concept and proposes an alternative ‘global

Outset of the Morphology of Nanostructured Silica Particles during Nucleation Followed by Ultrasmall-Angle X-ray Scattering

Nucleation and growth of SBA-15 silica nanostructured particles with well-defined morphologies has been followed with time by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and ultrasmall-angle X-ray scattering (USAXS), using synchrotron radiation. Three different morphologies have been compared: platelets, toroids, and rods. SEM observations of the particles confirm that two key physical parameters control

A structure of CdS/CuxS quantum dots sensitized solar cells

This work introduces a type of CdS/CuxS quantum dots (QDs) as sensitizers in quantum dot sensitized solar cells by in-situ cationic exchange reaction method where CdS photoanode is directly immersed in CuCl2 methanol solution to replace Cd2+ by Cu2+. The p-type CuxS layer on the surface of the CdS QDs can be considered as hole transport material, which not only enhances the light harvesting of pho

IL1RAP antibodies block IL-1-induced expansion of candidate CML stem cells and mediate cell killing in xenograft models

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is currently treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, but these do not effectively eliminate the CML stem cells. As a consequence, CML stem cells persist and cause relapse in most patients upon drug discontinuation. Furthermore, no effective therapy exists for the advanced stages of the disease. Interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP; IL1R3) is a coreceptor

Ordovician reef and mound evolution : the Baltoscandian picture

The widespread growth of reefs formed by a framework of biogenic constructors and frame-lacking carbonate mounds began on Baltica during Ordovician time. Previously, Ordovician reef and mound development on Baltica was considered to be sporadic and local. A review of all known bioherm localities across the Baltic Basin reveals a more consistent pattern. Ordovician bioherms grew in a wide E–W-align

Modelling of pervaporation : Models to analyze and predict the mass transport in pervaporation

The modelling of the ma ss transfer in pervaporation is one of the fundamental aspects to understand and therefore improve the process performance. This paper reviews the different models to analyse and predict the mass transport through the selective layer in pervaporation. It therefore provides an overview combined with some guidance about the different models proposed in the literature and the

Influence of impermeable components on the permeation of aqueous 1-propanol mixtures in hydrophobic pervaporation

Hydrophobic pervaporation is rarely considered in the biotech industry despite several potential advantages and some applications. This is related to fact that the majority of studies have been with binary feed systems, while real feed mixtures are often multi-component and might contain impermeable components, such as salts and sugars. In order to successfully optimise hydrophobic pervaporation,

Könsskillnader i sjukfrånvaro : en aktuell fråga i historisk belysning

I denna rapport diskuteras skillnader mellan kvinnors och mäns sjukfrånvaro i ett långsiktigt historiskt perspektiv. Detta görs utifrån en sammanställning av det relativa sjuktalet (kvinnor/män) från 1901 till 2015. Denna tidsserie visar att kvinnors sjuktal, i förhållande till mäns, idag är högre än någonsin tidigare under perioden. Vid 1900-talets början hade kvinnor i genomsnitt samma antal sju

Two-step production of monoamines in monoenzymatic cells in the spinal cord : A different control strategy of neurotransmitter supply?

Monoamine neurotransmitters play an important role in the modulation of sensory, motor and autonomic functions in the spinal cord. Although traditionally it is believed that in mammalian spinal cord, monoamine neurotransmitters mainly originate from the brain, accumulating evidence indicates that especially when the spinal cord is injured, they can also be produced in the spinal cord. In this revi