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40 Hz invisible spectral flicker and its potential use in Alzheimer's light therapy treatment
Alzheimer's disease (AD) not only takes an emotional toll on the individual with the disease, their families, relatives, and caretakers, it also has immense socioeconomic consequences on the health care system and society. Moreover, the socioeconomic consequences are expected to increase significantly, thus reducing the social and economic cost of AD is of high importance. Recently, exposure to 40
Remissyttrande: FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (Ds 2008:23)
The Regulation of Human Papillomavirus Type16 Early Gene Expression
AbstractHuman papillomaviruses (HPVs) are small non enveloped viruses that contain a double-stranded circular DNA genome of approximately 8kb in size. It has been estimated that approximately 5% of all cancers are caused by HPV infection. Cervical cancer represents the majority of HPV-associated anogenital cancers worldwide. HPV type16 (HPV16) accounts for 65% of cervical cancer and approximately
Eye contact avoidance in crowds : A large wearable eye-tracking study
Eye contact is essential for human interactions. We investigated whether humans are able to avoid eye contact while navigating crowds. At a science festival, we fitted 62 participants with a wearable eye tracker and instructed them to walk a route. Half of the participants were further instructed to avoid eye contact. We report that humans can flexibly allocate their gaze while navigating crowds a
EDGE : What shapes the relationship between H i and stellar observables in faint dwarf galaxies?
We show how the interplay between feedback and mass-growth histories introduces scatter in the relationship between stellar and neutral gas properties of field faint dwarf galaxies (M∗ 106, M⊙). Across a suite of cosmological, high-resolution zoomed simulations, we find that dwarf galaxies of stellar masses 105 ≤ M∗ ≤ 106, M⊙ are bimodal in their cold gas content, being either H i-rich or H i-defi
School Psychologists’ Assessment of the Use of Psychological Knowledge in Schools: Development of the Use of Psychological Constructs in Schools
Teaching and learning could be guided by psychological knowledge to a larger extent. The aims of this study were to examine school psychologists’ (N = 117) assessments of how psychological constructs related to learning are being used by teachers in Swedish schools. In addition, we aimed to evaluate school psychologists’ awareness of teachers’ implementation of psychological knowledge. A theoretic
A Phase II Trial of a Personalized, Dose-Intense Administration Schedule of 177Lutetium-DOTATATE in Children With Primary Refractory or Relapsed High-Risk Neuroblastoma–LuDO-N
Background: Half the children with high-risk neuroblastoma die with widespread metastases. Molecular radiotherapy is an attractive systemic treatment for this relatively radiosensitive tumor. 131I-mIBG is the most widely used form in current use, but is not universally effective. Clinical trials of 177Lutetium DOTATATE have so far had disappointing results, possibly because the administered activi
In Situ Study of Zinc Peroxide Decomposition to Zinc Oxide by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations
The Zn K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy is used to investigate in situ the decomposition of zinc peroxide ((Formula presented.)) to zinc oxide (ZnO). Principal component and linear combination analyses of the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra are employed to identify the phase composition of the oxide upon heating to 900 °C. Only the (Formula presented.) phase is found u
Remissyttrande: En reformerad arbetsrätt - för flexibilitet, omställningsförmåga och trygghet på arbetsmarknaden (Ds 2021:17) : A2021/01332 Dnr V 2021/1940
Dermatology Life Quality Index as a Prognostic Tool for Predicting Need for Healthcare in Patients with Eczema : A Pilot Study
The primary aim of this study was to determine whether an increase in DLQI score can predict an eczema flare up and thus a need for treatment escalation/physician appointment. The secondary aim was to explore variations in DLQI over time.
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från Drakegården, Sigtuna, RAÄ 195
Rutinmässig screening med APTT är inte indicerad före operation
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) is widely practiced in preoperative screening. The value of using this test to predict the risk of perioperative bleeding is not well documented in Sweden. In this article, a literature review is performed to determine whether unselected APTT testing can predict abnormal perioperative bleeding. The current literature does not support coagulation screeni
Territorial structure: An early Marxist theorisation of geography
Robust derivation of transplantable dopamine neurons from human pluripotent stem cells by timed retinoic acid delivery
Stem cell therapies for Parkinson’s disease (PD) have entered first-in-human clinical trials using a set of technically related methods to produce mesencephalic dopamine (mDA) neurons from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Here, we outline an approach for high-yield derivation of mDA neurons that principally differs from alternative technologies by utilizing retinoic acid (RA) signaling, inste
Stress, unmanageability, FOMO, and lack of recovery: new perspectives on adolescent mental health
Gymnasieelevers hälsa
Regulated Emissions and Detailed Particle Characterisation for Diesel and RME Biodiesel Fuel Combustion with Varying EGR in a Heavy-Duty Engine
This study investigates particulate matter (PM) and regulated emissions from renewable rapeseed oil methyl ester (RME) biodiesel in pure and blended forms and contrasts that to conventional diesel fuel. Environmental and health concerns are the major motivation for combustion engines research, especially finding sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels and reducing diesel PM emissions. Fatty acid
Physical Activity Levels, Perceived Body Appearance, and Body Functioning in Relation to Perceived Wellbeing Among Adolescents
This study aimed to investigate self-reported physical activity levels, perceived body appearance, and body functioning in relation to perceived wellbeing among adolescents. A cross-sectional survey was performed in four upper secondary schools in one municipality in southern Sweden. Data were obtained from questionnaires completed by 1,491 adolescents (55.4% females; median age 16; range 15–17 ye