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Transition Towards Sustainable E-Commerce: A Design Thinking Approach
AimTo achieve the sustainable development goals there is no doubt that we need to transform e-commerce into a sustainable system. Individual efforts are not enough. We need changes at the system level. We also know that research and innovation are crucial for tackling this global and complex societal challenge. How do we transform e-commerce into a sustainable system? What key areas and issues nee
Does the ‘Chinese model’ of environmental governance demonstrate to the world how to govern the climate?
This debate concerns the relevance and suitability of the ‘Chinese model’ of environmental governance for the rest of the world as other countries grapple with how to govern climate change. Tianbao Qin and Meng Zhang argue that heavily directed and enforced environmental regulation, as manifested in China, is an efficient and effective form of governance for bringing about the necessary structural
Development of China’s environmental legislation
Is China a superhero intent on saving the world economy or a monster focused on damaging the global environment? As a developing country with the largest population in the world, China has wrought a stunning miracle of economic development. However, this rapid economic growth, like a double-edged sword, has given rise to severe environmental problems, such as climate change, water pollution and re
Emissions trading in China
Validation and quantification of left ventricular function during exercise and free breathing from real-time cardiac magnetic resonance images
Exercise cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can unmask cardiac pathology not evident at rest. Real-time CMR in free breathing can be used, but respiratory motion may compromise quantification of left ventricular (LV) function. We aimed to develop and validate a post-processing algorithm that semi-automatically sorts real-time CMR images according to breathing to facilitate quantification of L
Characterisation of Grains and Flour Fractions from Field Grown Transgenic Oil-Accumulating Wheat Expressing Oat WRI1
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the major staple crops in the world and is used to prepare a range of foods. The development of new varieties with wider variation in grain composition could broaden their use. We characterized grains and flours from oil-accumulating transgenic wheat expressing the oat (Avena sativa L.) endosperm WRINKLED1 (AsWRI1) grown under field conditions. Lipid and star
The dynamics and (job) qualities of sustainable work
Sex differences in neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease dementia : a meta-analysis
Background: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are common in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia, but substantial heterogeneity exists in the manifestation of NPS. Sex differences may explain this clinical variability. We aimed to investigate the sex differences in the prevalence and severity of NPS in AD dementia. Methods: Literature searches were conducted in Embase, MEDLINE/PubMed,
Riva, cirkulera, bygga nytt eller renovera? Energianvändning i hela livscykeln.
Bostads- och servicesektorn i Sverige står idag för ungefär 40% av Sveriges totalaårliga energibehov (Energimyndigheten, 2021). Förutom detta används en stormängd energi för nyproduktion, underhåll och rivning av byggnader. Att minskaenergianvändningen i byggsektorns hela livscykel är en nyckel för att nå uppsattaenergi- och klimatmål. I detta projekt analyseras vad som är bäst ur ettenergiperspek
Climate change and the individual : a perspective of China
As a state where the ruling communist party operates in a central planning mode, the policies of the ruling party and central government exert a great influence on national affairs with a long historical tradition in China, which can be even more obviously illustrated in the issues of climate change. But on the other hand, there is still no specific national climate legislation in China, which is
Site-specific N-glycan profiles of α5β1 integrin from rat liver
Background Information: Like most other cell surface proteins, α5β1 integrin is glycosylated, which is required for its various activities in ways that mostly remain to be determined. Results: Here, we have established the first comprehensive site-specific glycan map of α5β1 integrin that was purified from a natural source, that is, rat liver. This analysis revealed striking site selective variati
Multicomponent binders for PcBN performance enhancement in cutting tool applications
This study proposes a novel design of binders for polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PcBN) cutting tool materials. Well-known binder phases TiC and TiN were combined with transitional metal nitrides ZrN, VN, and HfN. Performance screenings of longitudinal turning Inconel 718 and AISI 316 L highlighted the superior performance of PcBN materials with mixed TiC-ZrN and TiC-VN binders. These two sys
Mental Health Interests of Adolescents in Secondary Education
This study explores the relative interest in various mental-health topics among adolescents. The results of this study will be used to develop relevant information material for the age-group and for interested mental-health practitioners as well as teachers. The participating adolescents were between 13-19 (N = 2058) recruited through social media. In the sample 922 participants attended lower secThis study explores the relative interest in various mental-health topics among adolescents. The results of this study will be used to develop relevant information material for the age-group and for interested mental-health practitioners as well as teachers. The participating adolescents were between 13-19 (N = 2058) recruited through social media. In the sample 922 participants attended lower sec
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Confident Assessment in Higher Education
En ny generation lärostycken : Frågor till de införstådda
Avhandlingen utgår från lärostycket som en historisk idé om en teater som produceras i förhållande till en politisk rörelse. Genom deltagande i det kollektiva skapandet av två teaterföreställningar, Våld & pedagogik och Kropp & straff, blir avhandlingsarbetet en del av lärandet i två samhälleliga fenomen, med syfte att svara på frågan: Hur kan jag delta i skapandet av en ny generation läroThis dissertation proceeds from the learning play as a historical idea about a theatre produced in relation to a political movement. Through the participation in the collective creation of two theatre performances, Violence & Learning and Corpus & Punishment, it takes part in the learning about societal phenomena in an attempt to answer the question: How can I participate in the creation o
Risk-based multi-criteria decision analysis method for considering the effects of climate change on bridges
Recent studies have identified many potential climate change impacts on bridges. Considering the sheer number of these potential impacts, how can a bridge owner prioritise which impacts to consider, and for which bridges? This paper proposes a risk-based multi-criteria decision analysis method for systematically addressing these two questions simultaneously. The proposed method can be used to addr
The role of detectability in the evolution of avian-dispersed fruit color
If the primary function of avian-dispersed fruit coloration were the maximization of detectability, then the commonest avian-dispersed fruit colors should be the ones most detectable to birds. We tested this prediction by photographing 63 fruit species primarily dispersed by birds, in situ in Sweden and Australia, with a multispectral camera closely mimicking the predominant spectral sensitivities