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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Envisioning sustainable carbon sequestration in Swedish farmland

Negative trends of climate change and biodiversity loss are closely linked with farming practices, and it is therefore essential to re-think how agricultural systems can sequester more carbon, and simultaneously create vital ecosystems. The overall aim of this research is to imagine Swedish farms as carbon sinks rather than sources, and how to re-design the current farm- and food system to also ad

Phase II trial demonstrates the efficacy and safety of individualized, dosimetry-based 177Lu-DOTATATE treatment of NET patients

Purpose: Radionuclide therapy with 177Lu-DOTATATE is well established for patients with advanced somatostatin receptor–positive neuroendocrine tumors with a standard schedule of 7.4 GBq at four occasions. However, this approach does not consider individual variability affecting the tumor radiation dose or dose to organs at risk. Therefore, it is important to assess more personalized strategies. Th

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Elbow Are Not Associated With Plasma Levels of Caspase-3, Caspase-8 or HSP27

Background: Nerve compression disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and ulnar entrapment at the elbow (UNE), may be associated with apoptosis and neuroprotective mechanisms in the peripheral nerve that may be detected by biomarkers in the blood. The relationships between CTS and UNE and two biomarkers of apoptosis, i.e., caspase-3 and caspase-8, and the neuroprotective factor Heat Shock

HnRNP D activates production of HPV16 E1 and E6 mRNAs by promoting intron retention

Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E1 and E6 proteins are produced from mRNAs with retained introns, but it has been unclear how these mRNAs are generated. Here, we report that hnRNP D act as a splicing inhibitor of HPV16 E1/E2- and E6/E7-mRNAs thereby generating intron-containing E1- and E6-mRNAs, respectively. N- and C-termini of hnRNP D contributed to HPV16 mRNA splicing control differently.

Drought recorded by Ba/Ca in coastal benthic foraminifera

Increasing occurrences of extreme weather events, such as the 2018 drought over northern Europe, are a concerning issue under global climate change. High-resolution archives of natural hydroclimate proxies, such as rapidly accumulating sediments containing biogenic carbonates, offer the potential to investigate the frequency and mechanisms of such events in the past. Droughts alter the barium (Ba)

Identifying causal relationships of cancer treatment and long-term health effects among 5-year survivors of childhood cancer in Southern Sweden

Background: Survivors of childhood cancer can develop adverse health events later in life. Infrequent occurrences and scarcity of structured information result in analytical and statistical challenges. Alternative statistical approaches are required to investigate the basis of late effects in smaller data sets.Methods: Here we describe sex-specific health care use, mortality and causal association

European Stroke Organisation guidelines on treatment of patients with intracranial atherosclerotic disease

The aim of the present European Stroke Organisation guideline is to provide clinically useful evidence-basedrecommendations on the management of patients with intracranial atherosclerotic disease (ICAD). The guidelines wereprepared following the Standard Operational Procedure of the European Stroke Organisation guidelines and accordingto GRADE methodology. ICAD represents a major cause of ischemic

A starch‐ and sucrose‐reduced dietary intervention in irritable bowel syndrome patients produced a shift in gut microbiota composition along with changes in phylum, genus, and amplicon sequence variant abundances, without affecting the micro‐RNA levels

Background/AimA randomized clinical trial with a starch- and sucrose-reduced diet (SSRD) in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients has shown clear improvement of participants' symptoms. The present study aimed to explore the effects of the SSRD on the gut microbiota and circulating micro-RNA in relation to nutrient intake and gastrointestinal symptoms.MethodsIBS patients were randomized to a 4-we

Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents—Psychometric Analyses of Gaming Behavior, Gender Differences and ADHD

Background: Internet gaming disorder (IGD) was recently added in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder as a “condition for further studies.” There is no consensus regarding which rating scales should be used but many scholars suggest the GASA (Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents) and a ranking of the criteria, “the core approach” to avoid over-diagnosing of disordered gaming. M

Sverige måste stoppa den iranska regimens framfart

Efter rättegången mot den folkrättsbrotts- och mordåtalade Hamid Noury kommer Iran att öka sina operationer i Sverige. Prästregimen i Iran bedriver redan ett omfattande flyktingspionage i vårt land, skriver Ardavan Khoshnood, docent, Lunds universitet.Following the trial of Hamid Noury, accused of violations of international law and murder, Iran will increase its operations in Sweden. The clerical regime in Iran is already conducting extensive espionage agianst refugees in our country, writes Ardavan Khoshnood, associate professor, Lund University.

Impact of SM parameters and of the vacua of the Higgs potential in gravitational waves detection

In this work we discuss two different phases of a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model (SM) together with an extension that also includes new fermion fields, in particular, a Majoron model equipped with an inverse seesaw mechanism. All considered scenarios contain a global U(1) symmetry and allow for first-order phase transitions while only two of them are strong enough to favour the de

Harmonic structure, a promising microstructure design

The harmonic structure is a recently introduced concept paving the way for engineering metallic materials to achieve excellent mechanical performance. They consist of soft coarse-grained regions (Core) that are three-dimensionally surrounded by a connected network of hard ultra-fine grained regions (Shell). The interaction in these Core–Shell regions produces a synergistic effect, during plastic d

Breast Imaging

Imaging is an integral part of breast cancer diagnosis, staging and follow-up. Breast imaging is also important for radiation therapy planning. The radiation oncologist needs to review patient’s imaging (e.g. mammography) to evaluate the extent of disease (for radiation planning, not for diagnostic purposes) and for treatment planning. Pre-treatment imaging is the key for planning radiation target

Progressionsplaner som stöd för lärande, undervisning och utveckling inom högre utbildning

Om måluppfyllelse ska kunna säkerställas för alla studenter behöver förutsättningar ges för lärandeprogression mot utbildningens mål. För att stärka dessa förutsättningar har progressionsplaner utvecklats för de naturvetenskapliga utbildningarna vid Lunds universitet. Progressionsplanen konkretiserar varje examensmål i etappmål med gradvis ökade krav och ger därigenom en överblick över den förvänt