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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits
Lineage tracing of stem cell-derived dopamine grafts in a Parkinson's model reveals shared origin of all graft-derived cells
Stem cell therapies for Parkinson's disease are at an exciting time of development, and several clinical trials have recently been initiated. Human pluripotent stem cells are differentiated into transplantable dopamine (DA) progenitors which are proliferative at the time of grafting and undergo terminal differentiation and maturation in vivo. While the progenitors are homogeneous at the time of tr
Choral Works
The three short movements in “Aspects of Snow” are united by the theme of snowy landscapes depicted in the poems and also share concentrated musical material. The piece was written in 2012 and premiered the same year by the Malmö Academy of Music Chamber Choir under the direction of Mats Paulsson. Else Lasker-Schüler (1869–1945) was one of the leading German writers in the decades after the turn o
The transition from children to young people living with home mechanical ventilation
Purpose: This study aimed to examine how young people living with Home Mechanical Ventilation experience the transition from childhood to young adulthood in relation to everyday life, perceived health and transition into adult professional healthcare. Methods: Nine young adults (three females and six males aged 18–31) were interviewed, and data was primary analysed using phenomenological hermeneut
Price Discrimination
3D micro-CT and O-PTIR spectroscopy bring new understanding of the influence of filler content in dental resin composites
Background: Dental resin composites' performance is intricately linked to their polymerisation shrinkage characteristics. This study compares polymerisation shrinkage using advanced 3D micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and traditional 2D linear assessments. It delves into the crucial role of filler content on shrinkage and the degree of conversion in dental resin composites, providing valuable
Hot gas accretion fuels star formation faster than cold accretion in high-redshift galaxies
We use high-resolution (35pc) hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation to investigate the relation between gas accretion and star formation in galaxies hosted by dark matter haloes of mass at. At high-redshift, cold-Accreted gas is expected to be readily available for star formation, while gas accreted in a hot mode is expected to require a longer time to cool down before being able to form
Hörmander's Inequality and Point Evaluations in de Branges Space
Let f be an entire function of finite exponential type less than or equal to σ which is bounded by 1 on the real axis and satisfies f(0)=1. Under these assumptions Hörmander showed that f cannot decay faster than cos(σx) on the interval (−π/σ,π/σ). We extend this result to the setting of de Branges spaces with cosine replaced by the real part of the associated Hermite-Biehler function. We apply th
Residential Adaptive Reuse in Post-pandemic Times
In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the accelerated shift to remote and hybrid work modes has left many office buildings vacant. Meanwhile, many cities struggle with providing housing. Adaptive reuse (AR) is the process of giving an existing building a new life, typically through an extensive renovation and refurbishment. Residential adaptative reuse specifically refers to adapting for hous
Where to restore - an approach to spatial prioritization of connectivity forests for forest landscape restoration
Risk of anxiety disorders in men with prostate cancer : A national cohort study
Background: Men with prostate cancer (PC) may experience significant psychosocial distress from physical symptoms, treatment side effects, or fear of recurrence. However, little is known about the long-Term risk of anxiety disorders in men with PC. Methods: A national cohort study was conducted of 180189 men diagnosed with PC during 1998-2017 and 1801890 age-matched population-based control men in
The Association between Physical Frailty and Cognitive Performance in Older Adults Aged 60 to 96 Years : Data from the “Good Aging in Skåne” (GÅS) Swedish Population Study
Background: The association between physical frailty and performance in different cognitive domains in the absence of cognitive disorders is poorly understood. Hence, we aimed to explore the associations between frailty levels based on the Fried Physical Frailty Phenotype and performance of different cognitive domains. We also aimed to examine the associations between cognitive function and each c
Infant positioning for promoting development and preventing morbidity in preterm infants
This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the benefits and harms of infant positioning, nesting, and swaddling for promoting development and preventing morbidity in preterm infants.
Telomere length and 4-year changes in cognitive function in an older Mediterranean population at high risk of cardiovascular disease
Background: Cognitive decline, a common process of brain ageing, has been associated with telomere length (TL). Delving into the identification of reliable biomarkers of brain ageing is essential to prevent accelerated cognitive impairment. Methods: We selected 317 non-smoking 'Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea-Plus' (PREDIMED-Plus) participants (mean age, 65.8 ± 5.0 years) with metabolic syndrome
Patterns of Entry of Women Judges into Arab Judiciaries : Glass Ceiling, Glass Cliff, or Simple Tokenization?
The Rise of Transnational Education Corporations in the Asia Pacific
The last decade has witnessed the emergence of a new type of player in primary and secondary education in the Asia Pacific. This type is the transnational corporation (TNC) specializing in schools. I refer to these organizations as Education TNCs, which I define as private firms that operate for-profit schools in multiple countries. This paper examines the rise of Education TNCs that run internati
A procedure for the dynamic range characterization of X-ray imaging linear and TDI detectors
This paper presents a methodology to fully characterize the dynamic range of a linear X-ray detector, usually employed to perform radiography and tomography. The proposed procedure analyzes each pixel of the detector and presents the results both in terms of general performance of the detector and as a spatial distribution of different parameters for each pixel. This method has been applied to thr
Optimizing miRNA transfection for screening in precision cut lung slices
Precision cut lung slices (PCLS) are complex three-dimensional (3-D) lung tissue models, which preserve the native microenvironment, including cell diversity and cell-matrix interactions. They are an innovative ex vivo platform that allows studying disease as well as the effects of therapeutic agents or regulatory molecules [e.g., microRNA (miRNA)]. The aim of our study was to develop a protocol t
Polarization Vision of Crustaceans
This chapter reviews polarization vision in diverse crustaceans with a specific focus on work completed since the 2014 edition of this book. Almost all crustaceans are sensitive to the planar polarization of light. They commonly possess two channels of orthogonally arranged photoreceptors with intrinsically polarization-sensitive ordered microvilli. These two channels are compared to impart linear
The soliton resolution conjecture for the Boussinesq equation
We analyze the Boussinesq equation on the line with Schwartz initial data belonging to the physically relevant class of global solutions. In a recent paper, we determined ten main asymptotic sectors describing the large (x,t)-behavior of the solution, and for each of these sectors we provided the leading order asymptotics in the case when no solitons are present. In this paper, we give a formula v