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Blood biomarkers for traumatic brain injury : A narrative review of current evidence

Introduction: A blood-based biomarker (BBBM) test could help to better stratify patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), reduce unnecessary imaging, to detect and treat secondary insults, predict outcomes, and monitor treatment effects and quality of care. Research question: What evidence is available for clinical applications of BBBMs in TBI and how to advance this field? Material and methods:

Spectral Changes of EEG Following a 6-Week Low-Dose Oral Ketamine Treatment in Adults With Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Suicidality

BACKGROUND: Ketamine has considerable therapeutic potential in alleviating major depressive disorder and chronic suicidality. However, the clinical diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders requires more robust diagnostic criteria. Electroencephalography (EEG) has shown promise in classifying depressive and suicidal patients from healthy individuals. The present study aimed to identify changes in th

Cyber Sovereignty: The Application of the Principle of Sovereign Equality of States in Cyberspace and its Impact on Human Rights

Uppsatsen siktar på att undersöka olika tolkningar av suveränitetsprincipens tillämpning på cyberoperationer som faller under trösklarna i våldsförbudet och non-interventionsprincipen. Vidare undersöks hur suveränitetsprincipens tillämpbarhet på dessa cyberoperationer kan påverka de mänskliga rättigheterna till yttrande- och åsiktsfrihet. Suveränitetsprincipen blir särskilt relevant när en cyberoThe purpose of the essay is to examine different interpretations of the applicability of the principle of sovereignty on cyber operations which fall below the thresholds of the principle of non-intervention and the prohibition of the use of force. The essay also investigates how the applicability of the principle of sovereignty on these actions in cyberspace can affect the rights to freedom of exp

“Dam- eller herrtoalett, vilken ska jag välja?” En kvalitativ studie om transpersoners och ickebinäras berättelser om att leva i en heteronormativ värld.

Studien undersöker hur samhällets könsnormer påverkar personer med normbrytande könsidentitet. Den syftar till att uppmärksamma hur samhällets könsroller och heteronormativa förväntningar påverkar transpersoner och ickebinära samt identifiera miljöer som är inkluderande och kan bidra till transpersoners och ickebinäras välbefinnande. Tidigare forskning visar att transpersoner och ickebinära upplev

Utveckling av ett fristående produktionsövervakningssystem

In a global market with increasing competition, the need for efficient production increases. By measuring production parameters, a company can identify efficiency losses and thus prevent losses and create a more efficient production. Unknown and unplanned downtime in a production process leads to disruptions and losses in efficiency. Being able to identify the causes of and remedy downtime is

Arbetsgivarens ansvar vid arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering - En studie av utformning och tillämpning av det arbetsrättsliga regelverket

Uppsatsen ämnar att undersöka arbetsgivarens ansvar vid arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering för arbetstagare med nedsatt arbetsförmåga till följd av sjukdom eller skada. Uppsatsen ämnar även att undersöka omfattningen av arbetsgivarens ansvar under rehabiliteringsprocessen. För att ge en övergripande bild av hur arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar ser ut, har en intervjustudie genomförts för att in

Plasma levels of PRO-C3, a type III collagen synthesis marker, are associated with arterial stiffness and increased risk of cardiovascular death

Background and aims: The N-terminal propeptide of type III collagen (PRO-C3) assay measures a pro-peptide released during type III collagen synthesis, an important feature of arterial stiffening and atherogenesis. There is a clinical need for improved non-invasive, cheap and easily accessible methods for evaluating individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this study, we investigate

Relationship between bonding strength and surface roughness in low-temperature bonding of glass for micro/nanofluidic device

The bonding of glass substrates is an important process in the fabrication of glass micro/nanofluidic devices. In this study, the influence of the surface roughness of glass substrates after low-temperature bonding is investigated. It is found that plasma etching can be used to control the surface roughness to the range 2-9 nm. Substrates with a roughness of 5 nm or less can be bonded. The pressur

A good international citizen? Examining the cause of the Netherlands’ willingness to repatriate colonial heritages

Many former colonial powers have been reluctant to return cultural heritages acquired during colonial context for various reasons. The Netherlands is a unique example where it is willing to repatriate cultural heritages acquired in colonial context back to its original country unconditionally. This thesis examines the causes of the Netherlands willingness to repatriate cultural heritages by using

Simulation of Experiments for Data Collection – a replicated study

Simulations can be used as a means for extension of data collection from empirical studies. A simulation model is developed, based on the data from experiments, and new data is generated from the simulation model. This paper replicates an initial investigation by Münch and Armbrust, with the purpose of evaluating the generality of their approach. We replicate their study using data from two inspec

Application of bipolar membrane electrodialysis for acidification of skim milk. A comprehensive study on process performance and effects on ion-exchange membranes

Bipolar membrane electrodialysis (EDBM) can be applied for the electro-acidification of skim milk (SM) using a water-splitting effect. A new method of SM acidification gives opportunities and perspectives to the development of alternative and novel products in the dairy industry. The present study assessed the effect of temperatures from 5 °C to 30 °C of EDBM on the electro-acidification of SM in