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Your search for "*" yielded 532208 hits

Influence of final state interactions in attosecond photoelectron interferometry

Fano resonances are ubiquitous phenomena appearing in many fields of physics, e.g., atomic or molecular photoionization, or electron transport in quantum dots. Recently, attosecond interferometric techniques have been used to measure the amplitude and phase of photoelectron wave packets close to Fano resonances in argon and helium, allowing for the retrieval of the temporal dynamics of the photoio

Performance of the EULAR Systemic sclerosis Impact of Disease (ScleroID) questionnaire as a patient-reported outcome measure for patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis

Objective Systemic sclerosis Impact of Disease (ScleroID) is the first comprehensive patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) specifically developed for systemic sclerosis (SSc). We investigated the performance of ScleroID in patients with diffuse cutaneous SSc (dcSSc), as a prerequisite for its use in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) testing potentially disease-modifying drugs. Methods All pati

It is a matter of convenience : why welfare technologies have become domesticated in Swedish eldercare

Background: The use of welfare technology is gaining ground in municipal eldercare and is increasingly being integrated into everyday routines. However, the meanings that eldercare personnel attach to welfare technology in the care of older recipients, and thus the domestication of welfare technology, remain largely underexplored. This study explores how eldercare personnel understand and ascribe

Ketosteroid isomerase provides further support for the idea that enzymes work by electrostatic preorganization

One of the best systems for exploring the origin of enzyme catalysis has been the reaction of ketosteroid isomerase (KSI). Studies of the binding of phenolates to KSI have been taken as proof that the electrostatic preorganization effect only makes a minor contribution to the binding of the real, multiring, transition state (TS). However, our simulation study has determined that the difference bet

Examining the case for the effect of barrier compression on tunneling, vibrationally enhanced catalysis, catalytic entropy and related issues

The idea that tunneling is enhanced by the compression of the donor-acceptor distance has attracted significant interest. In particular, recent studies argued that this proposal is consistent with pressure effects on enzymatic reactions, and that the observed pressure effects support the idea of vibrationally enhanced catalysis. However, a careful analysis of the current works reveals serious inco

On the energetics of ATP hydrolysis in solution

ATP hydrolysis is the driving force of many life processes, yet the exact nature of and contributions to the energetics of this reaction are far from being clear. In particular, it is unclear how much of the driving force of this reaction is due to the separation of the already dissociated ADP + P(i) moieties rather than to the chemical event. This fundamental issue is explored here by ab initio c

On catalytic preorganization in oxyanion holes : highlighting the problems with the gas-phase modeling of oxyanion holes and illustrating the need for complete enzyme models

Oxyanion holes play a major role in catalyzing enzymatic reactions, yet the corresponding energetics is frequently misunderstood. The main problem may be associated with the nontrivial nature of the electrostatic preorganization effect, without following the relevant formulation. That is, although the energetics of oxyanion holes have been fully quantified in early studies (which include both the

Enzyme millisecond conformational dynamics do not catalyze the chemical step

The idea that enzymes catalyze reactions by dynamical coupling between the conformational motions and the chemical coordinates has recently attracted major experimental and theoretical interest. However, experimental studies have not directly established that the conformational motions transfer energy to the chemical coordinate, and simulating enzyme catalysis on the relevant timescales has been i

The role of metal ions in phosphate ester hydrolysis

Many phosphatases make use of metal ions to aid catalysis of phosphate ester hydrolysis. Here, we investigate the impact of metal ions on the potential energy surface (PES), and hence the preferred reaction mechanism, for a simple model for hydrolysis of phosphate ester monoanions. We show that, while both associative (A(N) + D(N)) and dissociative (D(N) + A(N)) mechanisms are represented on the p

On the interpretation of the observed linear free energy relationship in phosphate hydrolysis : a thorough computational study of phosphate diester hydrolysis in solution

The hydrolysis of phosphate esters is crucially important to biological systems, being involved in, among other things, signaling, energy transduction, biosynthesis, and the regulation of protein function. Despite this, there are many questions that remain unanswered in this important field, particularly with regard to the preferred mechanism of hydrolysis of phosphate esters, which can proceed th

Dineopentyl phosphate hydrolysis : evidence for stepwise water attack

Phosphate ester hydrolysis is ubiquitous in biology, playing a central role in energy production, signaling, biosynthesis, and the regulation of protein function among other things. Although the mechanism of action of the enzymes regulating this reaction has been the focus of intensive research in the past few decades, the correct description of this apparently simple reaction remains controversia

"A Halal Happy Ever After" : Envisioning Muslim Futures in Islamically Minded Children's Literature

What future aspirations have informed the incentives for producing children's literature in Muslim minority communities? What social dynamics and theological debates have accompanied its visions of Islamic futures? What narrative tropes, visual-aesthetics norms and literary genres has it appropriated, while maturing into an innovative religious-pedagogic-literary expression? Probing such questions

"Persona non Greta" - En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk medias rapportering om Greta Thunberg

This thesis studies the different discourses prevalent in Swedish mass media, regarding climate activist Greta Thunberg and her stance in support for Palestine in the late autumn of 2023. The study is done using the methodology and theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis, CDA, stating that language never is neutral and can be used to exercise power over groups of people. In the case o

Improving the sustainability of biopharmaceutical downstream processing through buffer recycling

The production of biopharmaceuticals is a chemical- and water-intensive process. The consumption of water and chemicals is partly due to the need for many different buffers in large volumes during the downstream process, typically consisting of several chromatography steps. Given the global commitment to the goals for sustainable development and the anticipated growth of the biopharmaceutical mark

Häkta eller skydda? - Två motstridiga intressen vid häktning av unga

Häktning beskrivs ofta som det mest ingripande tvångsmedlet inom den svenska strafflagstiftningen. Att frihetsberöva en människa bör därför göras med stor omsorg, i synnerhet när den misstänkte är under 18 år. Unga lagöverträdare tillerkänns en särbehandling som gör sig märkbar redan vid inledningsstadiet av ett brott. I takt med en allt mer grov och organiserad brottslig-het blir häktning ett effDetention is often described as the most intrusive coercive measure within the Swedish criminal legislation. Therefore, the deprivation of liberty should be carried out with great care, especially when the suspect is under 18 years of age. Young offenders are treated differently, which becomes apparent already at the initial stage of an offense. As crimes become increasingly more serious and organ

Upphovsrätt till brukskonst och bruksanvisningar - I ljuset av konsumentens rätt till reparation

Den svenska regeringen presenterade år 2023 en strategi för hur vi ska ställa om till en cirkulär ekonomi. Samtidigt har ett antal nya EU-direktiv år 2024 trätt i kraft som tar sikte på regler för hur fler konsumentprodukter kan repareras för att få en förlängd livscykel. En aspekt att beakta vid strävan mot en mer cirkulär ekonomi genom nya konsumentregler för produkter är hur upphovs-rätten tillIn 2023 the Swedish government presented a strategy for how to implement a circular economy. At the same time, several EU directives have come into force during 2024 that aims to regulate how more consumer products can be repaired to prolong their life cycle. One aspect to consider when pursuing a more circular economy through reparation is how copyright to products and user manuals affects the po

Misstagsbetalningar till konkursbon - Om möjligheten att återfå misstagsbetalningar

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera de juridiska möjligheter som finns för en borgenär att återfå en felaktig betalning som gjorts till ett konkursbo. I uppsatsen analyseras hur konkursrätten och avtalsrätten samverkar för att lösa dessa frågor. Uppsatsen utgår från ett specifikt fall där en borgenär, som av misstag betalat en skuld till ett konkursbo istället för att använda kvittningsrätteThe purpose of this thesis is to analyze the legal avenues available for a creditor to reclaim an erroneous payment made to a bankruptcy estate, focusing on how Swedish bankruptcy law and contract law intersect to address these issues. The thesis is based on a specific case in which a creditor mistakenly paid a debt to a bankruptcy estate instead of exercising the right of set-off and later attemp

Farerekvisitets gränsmarker - En kritisk granskning av underrättsavgöranden 2020-2024 gällande ringa fara och konkret fara i farebedömningen vid förberedelse till mord

Förberedelsebrottet infördes i svensk rätt med syfte att förhindra allvarlig brottslighet genom att kriminalisera vissa brott redan på planeringsstadiet. Förberedelsebrottet består av ett uppsåtsrekvisit, ett gärningsrekvisit och ett farerekvisit. Dessa tre delar av skuldbedömningen måste vara uppfyllda. Konkret fara måste sedermera föreligga för att straffansvar ska kunna utdömas, motsatsvis föraPreparation to commit an offence was introduced into Swedish law with the aim of preventing serious criminal activity by criminalizing certain crimes at the preparation stage. Preparation to commit an offence consists of three elements in the culpability assessment: intent, conduct, and the danger element. These three components must all be fulfilled for criminal liability to apply. Concrete dange

Carbohydrate, dietary glycaemic index and glycaemic load, and colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study in China

A carbohydrate-rich diet results in hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia; it may further induce the carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer. However, epidemiological evidence among Chinese population is quite limited. The aim of this study was to investigate total carbohydrate, non-fibre carbohydrate, total fibre, starch, dietary glycaemic index (GI) and glycaemic load (GL) in relation to colorectal c