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Konsumentens köp av apoteksprodukter - En kvalitativ uppsats om vad som påverkar konsumenten vid köp av apoteksprodukter

Forskningsfråga: Vilka faktorer påverkar konsumenters köp av apoteksprodukter? Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att skapa en förståelse kring vad som påverkar konsumenter att köpa apoteksprodukter. Således kan denna uppsats användas som ett teoretiskt bidrag inom forskningsområdet konsumentbeteende och ligga till grund för framtida forskning. Metod: För att besvara uppsatsens syfte har en kvalitatiResearch question: What factors influence consumers’ purchase of pharmacy products? Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to generate an understanding of what influences consumers to purchase pharmacy products. Consequently, this thesis can be utilized as a theoretical contribution within the research domain of consumer behavior and serve as a foundation for future research. Methodology: To address

The fluorescent ligand bTVBT2 reveals increased p-tau uptake by retinal microglia in Alzheimer’s disease patients and App NL−F/NL−F mice

Background: Amyloid beta (Aβ) deposits and hyperphosphorylated tau (p-tau) accumulation have been identified in the retina of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and transgenic AD mice. Previous studies have shown that retinal microglia engulf Aβ, but this property decreases in AD patients. Whether retinal microglia also take up p-tau and if this event is affected in AD is yet not described. In the

“It is an act of rebellion” The Intersectional Perspective on Bilingual Schools Experiences in Israel’s Ethnic Conflict

In the reality of Israel’s educational system, it is highly unlikely that Arab and Jewish students will ever meet at school. Within this state-segregated context, bilingual multicultural education, while having the potential to act as a catalyst for change and promote intercultural dialogue, remains on the brim of academic interests. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the complex interplay o

Relevance of breast cancer hormone receptors and other factors to the efficacy of adjuvant tamoxifen : patient-level meta-analysis of randomised trials

BACKGROUND: As trials of 5 years of tamoxifen in early breast cancer mature, the relevance of hormone receptor measurements (and other patient characteristics) to long-term outcome can be assessed increasingly reliably. We report updated meta-analyses of the trials of 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen.METHODS: We undertook a collaborative meta-analysis of individual patient data from 20 trials (n=21,4

Face to face with the Swedish security police in the interrogation room: The interrogation techniques, the questions asked and their efficacy

In Sweden, one of SÄPO’s tasks is counterespionage. Once a suspect has been arrested for a crime in chapter 19 of the Criminal Code, crimes against Sweden security, they are the ones conducting the interrogations. These interrogations may be the difference between a guilty spy walking free or not. It’s also a situation where information of the extent of damages to national security as well as clue

Supreme Courts legitimitet i en demokrati

Denna uppsats undersöker hur Supreme Courts roll i den amerikanska demokratin legitimeras. Metoden som används är en kvalitativ fallstudie, där materialet analyseras med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys. Materialet består av litteratur om Supreme Court, skrivna av konservativa och liberala amerikanska professorer i juridik. Uppsatsens teori utgår ifrån constitutional theory, som fokuserar på hur

Covid-19s påverkan på Sverigedemokraternas väljarstöd

Tidigare forskning om populism menar att populistiska partier ökar under kris. Utifrån det och faktumet att Sverige hade en vänsterpolitisk regering var vår hypotes således att Sverigedemokraterna borde fått ökat väljarstöd under det första året av covid-19. Denna hypotes stämde däremot inte in i den svenska kontexten, då regeringspartierna generellt ökade i stöd medan Sverigedemokraterna minskade

Optimization of the Storage Location Assignment Problem Using Nested Annealing

The Storage Location Assignment Problem (SLAP) has a significant impact on the efficiency of warehouse operations. We propose a multi-phase optimizer for the SLAP, where the quality of an assignment is based on distance estimates of future-forecasted order-picking. Candidate assignments are first sampled using a Markov Chain accept/reject method. Order-picking Traveling Salesman Problems (TSPs) ar

Urban green grabbing : Residential real estate developers discourse and practice in gentrifying Global North neighborhoods

In the movement towards building greener and more sustainable cities, real estate developers are increasingly embracing not only green building construction but broader strategies and action related to urban greening. To date, their motivations and role in this broader urban greening dynamic remains underexplored, yet essential to dissect how greening is sustained and real estate development legit

On the Digital Front-Line : Far-Right Memory Work in Baltic, Central, and East European Online Spaces

This anthology explores the memory work performed by Baltic and Central and East European far-right actors in the online space. Situated at the crossroads between memory studies, far-right studies, and media studies, the volume’s seven chapters show how a wide range of far-right actors, from small movements to major parties, have exploited digital communication technologies in order to establish t

Hydrological responses to future climate change in semi-arid region of Iran (Golabar and Taham Basins, Zanjan Province)

One of the most challenging and warning issues that have globally been introduced is the climate change and its effects on water resources. Climate change due to global warming has increased temperature and evaporation potential and has changed the precipitation pattern as well as precipitation amount in different seasons. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of climate change on the hydr

From particles to orbits : precise dark matter density profiles using dynamical information

We introduce a new method to calculate dark matter halo density profiles from simulations. Each particle is ‘smeared’ over its orbit to obtain a dynamical profile that is averaged over a dynamical time, in contrast to the traditional approach of binning particles based on their instantaneous positions. The dynamical and binned profiles are in good agreement, with the dynamical approach showing a s

A quantitative study of Swedish high school L2 learners' receptive knowledge of English lexical collocations

This paper investigates receptive knowledge of English lexical collocations among Swedish high school students. The study tests the claim that L2 (second language) learners of English have a low level of collocational competence and tend to recognise high-frequent collocations more than low-frequent since the former have been encountered more. The target items for this study consisted of 40 colloc

Är golare Lundquists polare? - En normativ analys av Göteborgs kommuns avståndstagande från angiverilagen

Denna uppsats undersöker Göteborgs kommunstyrelses beslut om att ta avstånd från angiverilagen som föreslagits i Tidöavtalet. Syftet är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning beslutet tar hänsyn till tjänstemannaetiska värden. För att definiera tjänstemannaetik används Lennart Lundquists teori om ett offentligt etos. Undersökningen görs genom en normativ metod som kompletteras med en kvalitativ texta

Can security be sustainable? Three perspectives on security and social sustainability : paradox, co-production, and deconstruction

Security and sustainability are prioritized goals in the “Western liberal” world. Maintaining democratic resources while simultaneously strengthening society’s ability to deal with security issues firmly resonates with ideals associated with social sustainability. However, merging normative theories like security and social sustainability produces conceptual difficulties that are hard to resolve.

Injustice in Urban Sustainability : Ten Core Drivers

This book uses a unique typology of ten core drivers of injustice to explore and question common assumptions around what urban sustainability means, how it can be implemented, and how it is manifested in or driven by urban interventions that hinge on claims of sustainability.Aligned with critical environmental justice studies, the book highlights the contradictions of urban sustainability in relat

Hypothermia vs Normothermia in Patients with Cardiac Arrest and Nonshockable Rhythm : A Meta-Analysis

Importance: International guidelines recommend body temperature control below 37.8 °C in unconscious patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA); however, a target temperature of 33 °C might lead to better outcomes when the initial rhythm is nonshockable. Objective: To assess whether hypothermia at 33 °C increases survival and improves function when compared with controlled normothermia in