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Rapport 11 från Taxonomikommittén

Här presenteras de senaste besluten av BirdLife Sveriges Taxonomi­ kommitté. Detta är en förkortad version, den fullständiga rapporten med mer detaljer, referenser och extralimitala förändringar finns på Tk:s hemsida under ”Rapporter”. I denna omgång utökas inte Sverigelistan med nya arter, dock urskiljs ett antal som mycket väl kan uppträda i Sverige i framtiden. Flera välkända svenska häckfåglar

Making massive stars in the Galactic Centre via accretion on to low-mass stars within an accretion disc

The origin of the population of very massive stars observed within ∼0.4 pc of the supermassive black hole in the Galactic Centre is a mystery. Tidal forces from the black hole would likely inhibit in situ star formation whilst the youth of the massive stars would seem to exclude formation elsewhere followed by transportation (somehow) into the Galactic Centre. Here, we consider a third way to prod

Fewer hospitalizations and prolonged technique survival with home hemodialysis- a matched cohort study from the Swedish Renal Registry

Background: Patients on home hemodialysis (HHD) exhibit superior survival compared with patients on institutional hemodialysis (IHD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD). There is a sparsity of reports comparing morbidity between HHD and IHD or PD and none in a European population. The aim of this study is to compare morbidity between modalities in a Swedish population. Methods: The Swedish Renal Registry

Swedish School Reforms and Teacher Professionalism

The education policy of the last few decades has significantly changed the Swedish school system. Municipalization and deregulation reforms were implemented in parallel with an internationally prescribed professionalization of teachers. This seemingly contradictory combination has reshaped not only teachers’ attitudes and actions but also those of principals and students as managers and consumers.

Recent Issues in Trademark Adjudication in Japanese Courts

This paper principally concerns the fundamental issue in Japanese trademark legislation, namely that of confusion (kondô). After briefly passing over the development of trademark law in Japan, the paper presents the key articles in the Trademark Law that deal with the issue in hand. Thereafter the paper presents a number of cases heard by the Intellectual Property High Court, and provides cursory

The State of Japanese Legal Studies in Europe

Das Ziel des Beitrages ist es, einen Überblick über den Stand der Studien zum japanischen Recht in Europa (im weiteren Sinn) zu geben. Der Artikel ist in acht Länderberichte aufgeteilt, die jeweils von einem Experten des japani­schen Rechts aus dem betreffenden Land verfasst wurden. Analysiert wird die aktuelle Situation in Italien, Frankreich, Israel, Skandinavien, Spanien, den Niederlanden, Belg

ICU prognostication: Time to re-evaluate? Register-based studies on improving prognostication for patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU)

Background: ICU prognostication is difficult because of patients’ prior comorbidities and their varied reasons for admission. The model used for ICU prognostication in Sweden is the Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3 (SAPS 3), which uses information gathered within one hour of ICU admission to predict 30-day mortality. Since the SAPS 3 model was introduced, no biomarkers have been added to it to

The majority of people with type 1 diabetes and multiple daily insulin injections benefit from using continuous glucose monitoring : An analysis based on the GOLD randomized trial (GOLD-5)

Aim: To identify responders to continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in relation to reductions in HbA1c and percentage of time spent in hypoglycaemia after initiation of CGM for individuals with type 1 diabetes treated with multiple daily insulin injections. Materials and Methods: We analysed data from 142 participants in the GOLD randomized clinical trial. We evaluated how many lowered their HbA1c

The relationship between helping alliance and outcome in outpatient treatment of alcoholics : A comparative study of psychiatric treatment and multimodal behavioural therapy

During the last decades, a positive relation between a good alliance and a successful therapy outcome has been demonstrated across a variety of different therapeutic modalities. The relationship between alliance and drinking outcome in long-term treatment of alcoholics (12 months or more) has not, as far as we know, been presented. In the present study, alcoholics were randomized to two outpatient

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 2-thiophenecarboxylic acid, ethyl ester, CAS Registry Number 2810-04-0

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. 2-Thiophenecarboxylic acid, ethyl ester was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data show that 2-thiophenecarboxylic acid, ethyl ester is not genotoxic. T