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Connected Autonomous Driving Using Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces

Beyond 5G/6G communication systems promise to significantly impact the development of a New Generation of CCAM. Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces (RIM) are by now established as a key enabling technology for 6G Systems. They have been extensively investigated the last few years, as they possess exotic properties allowing for precise control over any aspect of an impinging wave. As such, they

The legal position of academic staff in a changing university landscape : A comparative analysis of Finland, Norway, and Sweden

The higher education system has since the 2000s changed fundamentally in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. One reason behind this is so-called managerialism as a part of NPM, which means a shift towards more managerial forms of leadership, business-oriented aspects, and neoliberal university policies. Managerialism in all the Nordic countries conflicts with decades of collegial institutional tradition.

Trace elements and APOE polymorphisms in pregnant women and their new-borns

We investigated the relationship between lipid binding glycoprotein apolipoprotein E (apoE; gene APOE) polymorphisms (ε4 allele carriers versus no carriers = ε4+/ε4−) and trace elements (TEs) (e.g., (methyl)mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, selenium, manganese, copper, and zinc) in mothers (N = 223) and their new-borns (N = 213) exposed to potentially toxic metal(loid)s from seafood consumption. Th

Fragmentation in Collisions of Snow with Graupel/Hail : New Formulation from Field Observations

Secondary ice production (SIP) has been attributed to the generation of most ice particles observed in precipitating clouds with cloud tops warmer than 2368C, from various aircraft- and ground-based field observations across the globe. One of the known SIP mechanisms is fragmentation during collisions among ice particles. It has been studied with our theoretical formulation, which has been applied

ALAD and APOE polymorphisms are associated with lead and mercury levels in Italian pregnant women and their newborns with adequate nutritional status of zinc and selenium

The impacts of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ALAD and VDR genes on Pb health effects and/or kinetics are inconclusive at low exposure levels, while studies including APOE SNPs are rare. In this study, we examined the associations of ALAD, VDR and APOE SNPs with exposure biomarkers of Pb and other trace elements (TEs) in Italian pregnant women (N = 873, aged 18–44 years) and their newbo

”Kraftringen har blivit en belastning för Lundaborna.”

Sveriges högsta elkostnader är resultatet av Kraftringens spretighet och dess historiskt höga benägenhet att investera i allsköns misslyckade projekt långt utanför Lunds kommungräns, skriver Lars Jonung, professor emeritus i nationalekonomi på Lunds universitet och Jan Rydenfelt, tidigare finansdirektör.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in men and lactating women in Slovenia : Results of the first national human biomonitoring

In the first national human biomonitoring study in the Slovenian population of adults (18–49 years), including men (n = 297) and lactating primiparous women (n = 304), exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was evaluated. Nine urinary metabolites of four parent PAHs were determined. These included 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHPYR), 2-hydroxynaphthalene (2-OHNAP), 2-hydroxyphenanthrene (2-OHPH

Trace elements and ALAD gene polymorphisms in general population from three uranium legacy sites – A case study in Kyrgyzstan

At three uranium (U) legacy sites in Kyrgyzstan, namely, Kadji Sai, Mailuu-Suu and Sumsar, an initial human bio-monitoring programme was introduced as a complementary activity to environmental impact studies in these areas. The aim was to assess trace element (TE) contents in blood and genetic susceptibility for Pb as one of the contaminants. The programme included the determination of 9 TE in blo

Glyphosate and AMPA in Human Urine of HBM4EU Aligned Studies : Part A Children

Few data are available on the exposure of children to glyphosate (Gly) in Europe. Within HBM4EU, new HBM exposure data were collected from aligned studies at five sampling sites distributed over Europe (studies: SLO CRP (SI); ORGANIKO (CY); GerES V-sub (DE); 3XG (BE); ESTEBAN (FR)). Median Gly concentrations in urine were below or around the detection limit (0.1 µg/L). The 95th percentiles ranged

Seasonal glyphosate and AMPA levels in urine of children and adolescents living in rural regions of Northeastern Slovenia

There are extensive data on the toxicity of glyphosate (GLY) based herbicides (GBH), however the interpretation of some data (e.g. carcinogenic effect) are subject to controversy. For the appropriate health risk assessment more data on exposure levels in the general population, especially in susceptible groups such as pregnant women, the elderly and children are needed. The aims of the present stu

From curriculum to clinic : A qualitative study of junior doctors' perceptions of global health and sustainable development

Introduction The role of global health and sustainable development in medical education is often debated. However, research regarding medical doctors' views on the application of their global health knowledge in the clinical setting remains scarce. This study aimed to explore junior doctors' perceptions of global health and sustainable development, the education they have received on these issues

Estimating Herbaceous Aboveground Biomass Using an Indirect Method Based on the Herbaceous Layer Characteristics

Background: In the Sahel, one of the largest semi-arid areas in the world, pastoral livestock is the main source of protein for the local population. The quantification of herbaceous biomass in the Sahelian rangelands is of major importance since it provides food for the livestock. The main method used to monitor the biomass consists of cutting, drying, and weighting it. However, indirect methods

Photoswitch dissociation from a G protein-coupled receptor resolved by time-resolved serial crystallography

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of cell surface receptors in humans. The binding and dissociation of ligands tunes the inherent conformational flexibility of these important drug targets towards distinct functional states. Here we show how to trigger and resolve protein-ligand interaction dynamics within the human adenosine A2A receptor. For this, we designed seven photo

Insights into simple crater formation: The Hummeln impact structure (Småland, Sweden)

Hummeln-strukturen har varit föremål för geologiska undersökningar under nästan två hundra år. Den udda förekomsten av paleozoiska block och en cirkulär djupanomali i den i övrigt förkastningsdominerade sjön har gett upphov till många teorier. Det var faktiskt inte förrän 2015 som fynd av chockad kvarts kunde bekräfta att den märkliga formen skapades av ett meteoritnedslag. Den här studien är den The Hummeln structure has been subject to geological investigations for nearly two centuries. The odd occurrence of Paleozoic blocks and a circular depth-anomaly in the otherwise fault dominated lake sparked plenty of theories. It was however not until 2015 that findings of shocked quartz could confirm that the structure originat- ed from a hypervelocity impact event. The present study is the firs

Higher target attainment for B-lactam antibiotics in patients with Gram-negative bloodstream infections when four times actual minimum inhibitory concentrations and epidemiological cutoff values are applied compared to clinical breakpoints

IntroductionBeta-lactam antibiotics are essential in the treatment of Gram-negative bloodstream infections. The effect of beta-lactam antibiotics depends on the time of unbound antibiotic concentration above the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). An antibiotic concentration above MIC during the whole dosing interval (100% ƒT > MIC) has been suggested as a target for severe infections. The aim