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1 Local Licensing and Feature Copy in Language Production Roland Pfau (Inst. fr Dt. Sprache & Literatur II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitt, Postfach 11 19 32, 60054 Frankfurt am Main, In the generative tradition, there is a lot of talking about the ªpsychological reality of grammarsæ. Still, psycholinguists working on the development of production models hardly eve - 2025-03-17

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Nominative Subject or Object, what is the difference? The present paper investigates quirky subject and Case shift phenomena. An illustration from Russian is given in (1)-(2). These examples represent psychological constructions with Experiencer-Object (EO) verbs (in Bouchard’s 1995 terms) nadoest’ (to bore) (1) and udivit’ (to surprise) (2). In (a), a non-nominative argument (Experiencer) occupie - 2025-03-17

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The status of Dutch object pronouns revisited Marlies van der Velde University Paris-8 In this paper new data about the syntactic distribution of weak pronouns in Dutch will be presented. These data suggest that the feature [animate] and / or [gender] may play a role with respect to the possible positions of these elements in the sentence. Dutch has two series of pronouns, a series of full forms ( - 2025-03-17

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1 Wh-drop in Child Languages and Adult ASL Introduction This study concerns the dropping of wh-words (wh-drop) in wh-questions in child languages and adult ASL. Based on the analysis of children’s spontaneous speech data and the results of the experiments conducted, we show that the wh-drop occurs frequently in many child languages but occurs rarely in child Japanese. We argue that the occurrence - 2025-03-17

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The morphophonological structure of "words" in sign language Through time, the status of the sign language "word" has been and still is unclear. Until and even after the sixties, signs were seen as holistic units, without any internal structure. A first investigation of signs (Stokoe, 1960), however, showed that signs are built up from smaller, meaning distinguishing units: movements, places of ar - 2025-03-17

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Working Papers 55. 2015 Linguistics Lund University ISSN 0280-526X Lund University Centre for Languages and Literature General Linguistics Phonetics Working Papers 55. 2015 Proceedings from Fonetik 2015 Lund, June 8–10, 2015 Lund University Centre for Languages and Literature General Linguistics Phonetics Working Papers 55. 2015 Proceedings from Fonetik 2015 Lund, June 8–10, 2015 Edited by Malin S - 2025-03-17

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A syntactic treatment of logophoricity and anaphoricity: evidence from verbal agreement Sandhya Sundaresan, University of Tromsø (CASTL)/Universität Stuttgart Anaphoricity and logophoricity are standardly treated as underlyingly distinct, with the former receiving primarily structural treatments (Chomsky, 1981; Hicks, 2009; Reuland, 2011) and the latter predominantly semantico-pragmatic ones (Sell - 2025-03-17

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A Dual-Source Analysis of Gapping David Potter, Michael Frazier, Masaya Yoshida Gapping constructions (1) have long been known to be ambiguous with respect to the scope of modals and negation [11], with the scope-taking material scoping either under the coordina- tor, yielding distributed scope, or above the coordinator, yielding wide scope. Extant analyses of Gapping [2, 5, 4, 6, 9] stumble over - 2025-03-17

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Rajesh Bhatt & Stefan Keine (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Verb Clusters and the Semantics of Head Movement Background: Bobaljik & Wurmbrand (2005) argue for an analysis of German long passives according to which the embedded object undergoes raising to the matrix clause to receive case from matrix T. The crucial piece of evidence in support of this view is the emergence of obligatory wide - 2025-03-17

Microsoft Word - GLOW_sprouting.docx

Microsoft Word - GLOW_sprouting.docx Conditions on Sprouting Bradley Larson University of Maryland Aim: I argue that sprouting instances of sluicing are crucially conditioned by their inner antecedents being Given (Schwarzschild 1999). This contrasts with current analyses of sprouting which hold that it is conditioned by either syntactic or phonological absence of an antecedent. Further, this cond - 2025-03-17


Untitled The absence of coreferential subjects in TP coordination Bronwyn M. Bjorkman (University of Toronto) Since Ross (1967) much work on the syntax of coordination has been concerned with the con- ditions governing optionally “shared” material between two conjuncts. Much less attention has been given, however, to cases in which such sharing is obligatory. This paper investigates a requirement - 2025-03-17

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Anaphoric dependencies in real time: Processing of Russian numerical constructions Maria Polinsky and Eric Potsdam Harvard University and the University of Florida Natural language has numerous ways to encode anaphoric dependencies, including filler-gap (movement) constructions, antecedent-anaphor relations, control, variable binding, and coreference. Such relations can be created in the syntax (e - 2025-03-17


GLOW-Abstract2013-5 Constraining Local Dislocation dialect-geographically: V-T-AGR versus V-AGR-T in Dutch dialects Gertjan Postma (Meertens Institute Amsterdam, Theoretical frameworks that describe natural language often make a difference between phenomena that are central to the grammar and phenomena that are more peripheral, for instance the "exceptions" in trad - 2025-03-17

Repairing Final-Over-Final Constraint Violations: Evidence from Basque verb clusters

Repairing Final-Over-Final Constraint Violations: Evidence from Basque verb clusters Repairing Final-Over-Final Constraint Violations: Evidence from Basque Verb Clusters Ricardo Etxepare and Bill Haddican This paper discusses some implications of Basque for recent approaches to Final-Over- Final Constraint (FOFC) effects (Biberauer et al., to appear, henceforth “BHR”). We present evidence suggesti - 2025-03-17

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Stefan Keine (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Long-Distance Agreement, Improper Movement and the Locality of Agree Background: As is well-known, Hindi allows for long-distance agreement (LDA) between a matrix verb and the direct object of an embedded infinitival verb (see Bhatt 2005 and references cited there). LDA is generally optional and alternates with default agreement: (1) Raam-ne - 2025-03-17


Kucerova-GLOW2013-abstract Long-Distance Agreement in Icelandic revisited: An interplay of locality and semantics Ivona Kučerová (McMaster University) We argue that instances of long-distance agreement (LDA) with Nominative objects (NOM) in Ice- landic are fully reducible to a strictly local operation of Agree with v acting as a single probe. This type of analysis has been refuted in the past bec - 2025-03-17


OpacityMergeAgree_nonanonym Opaque interaction of Merge and Agree: on two types of Internal Merge Doreen Georgi (University of Leipzig) Claim I present a new empirical argument for a strictly derivational syntax based on timing of operations. The evidence comes from opacity effects which show that internal Merge (IM) is not a uniform operation. Rather, it must be split into IM triggered by edge fe - 2025-03-17

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Paths Gillian Ramchand, University of Tromsø/CASTL One of the potential benets of a decomposed and constructivist approach to phrase structure is that generalizations about meaning that have linguistic consequences can be represented within the core symbolic system of language (what we traditionally call the `syntax'), thus localizing recursion and generativity to a single module. However, it is n - 2025-03-17

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On the evolution of heterophony: lexical semantic pressures on phonological alternations Daniel Silverman, SJSU Through a combination of factors—(1) the low level phonetic variation inherent to speech 1 production, (2) the consequences of lexical semantic ambiguity and misunderstanding, and 2 (3) the tendency for speakers to reproduce the variation they perceive—sounds’ context-3 specific propert - 2025-03-17

GLOW 2013 Abstract named

GLOW 2013 Abstract named Synchronic Systems in Diachronic Change: The Role of Contrast B. Elan Dresher, Christopher Harvey, and Will Oxford University of Toronto Our paper addresses a question raised in the workshop prospectus, namely ‘how innovation comes into being and, once it has occurred, enters the synchronic computational system’. As suggested there, our account involves the relation betwee - 2025-03-17