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AAAL 2023 Colloquium: The ESM in SLA research Saturday, March 18th, 8:00 – 10:00 am AAAL 2023 Colloquium Information The Experience Sampling Method in SLA research: Opportunities and challenges The Experience Sampling Method (ESM; also Ecological Momentary Assessment or Diary Methods) is an intensive data collection approach which involves repeatedly prompting research participants to answer short - 2025-01-17

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L A M i N A T E TA L K S LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, MULTILINGUALISM & TEACHING September 5 Hybrid event (SOL:H402) Pascal Gygax (University of Fribourg) Inclusive language: What is it? And what does it mean for mono- and bilinguals? September 19 Hybrid event (SOL:H402) Marieke Hoetjes (Radboud University) Using gesture to facilitate L2 phoneme acquisition: How important are gesture and phoneme complexi - 2025-01-17

LAMiNATE Fortbildningsdag 2023

LAMiNATE Fortbildningsdag 2023 FORTBILDNINGSDAG MODERNA SPRÅK 2023 14 NOVEMBER, 9–16 Språk- och litteraturcentrum, A129b 9:00 9:15 10:00 10:30 11:15 12:00 13:30 13:45 14:45 15:00 Introduktion Språkinlärning förändrar hjärnan, Johan Mårtensson Fika Skrivna texter och tonåringars skrivprocesser, Victoria Johansson Grammatik som redskap för skrivutveckling, Katarina Lundin Lunch Introduktion till eft - 2025-01-17

Laminate talks

Laminate talks LAMiNATE Talks S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 February 23 Gerardo Ortega (University of Birmingham) The role of gesture in the acquisition of a sign language as a second language Learners of a second language (L2) commonly rely on their first language (L1) to break into the novel linguistic system. But what happens when hearing adults who acquired a spoken L1 (e.g., English or Dutch) go on to - 2025-01-17

LAMiNATE Talks, vt 22

LAMiNATE Talks, vt 22 LAMiNATE Talks is a seminar series that aims to foster interdisciplinary discussion on language acquisition, multilingualism and language teaching. Talks are held every other Tuesday afternoon 15.15-16.30 CET, with participants not only from Lund but also with a wider audience. The spring Talks series starts on February 1st and will host 9 events with presentations given both - 2025-01-17

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LAMiNATE TALKS L A N G U A G E A C Q U I S I T I O N , M U L T I L I N G U A L I S M & T E A C H I NG The LAMiNATE research platform invites you to the LAMiNATE Talks series autumn 2021 All talks take place between 15:15-16:30 On zoom: Abstracts: Theme 1: The neurocognition of SLA September 21 Peter Indefrey (Heinr - 2025-01-17

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LAM i NATE TALKS LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, MULTILINGUALISM & TEACHING September 20 Karolina Larsson (Lund University), Polly Björk-Willén (Halmstad Kommun) Katarina Haraldsson (University of Gothenburg) & Kristina Hansson (Lund University) Children’s use of English as lingua franca in Swedish preschools October 4 Theme 1: Writing and writing development Debra Myhill (University of Exeter) Language tal - 2025-01-17

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LAMiNATE TALKS L A N G U A G E A C Q U I S I T I O N , M U L T I L I N G U A L I S M & T E A C H I N G The LAMiNATE research platform invites you to the LAMiNATE Talks series spring 2021 All talks take place between 15:15-16:30 On zoom: Abstracts: February 22 Gerardo Ortega (University of Birmingham) The role of ge - 2025-01-17

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L A M i N AT E TA L K S LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, MULTILINGUALISM & TEACHING September 10 Hybrid event (SOL:A158) Tanja Kupisch & Ilaria Venagli (Lund University, University of Konstanz) How L2 proficiency modulates reading and related cognitive skills in learners with and without dyslexia September 24 Hybrid event (SOL:A333) Sophia Juul (Lund University, PhD work in progress) Idiodynamic in the wild: - 2025-01-17

How do I get a library card at Lund University libraries? - FAQ

How do I get a library card at Lund University libraries? - FAQ Skip to Main Content Lund University Libraries FAQ English Warning: Your browser has javascript disabled. Without javascript some functions will not work, including question submission via the form. Q. How do I get a library card at Lund University libraries? Toggle menu visibility Ask a question! Search Browse: All Language English S - 2025-01-17

Do I have to be a student/researcher at Lund University in order to access electronic resources from

Do I have to be a student/researcher at Lund University in order to access electronic resources from home? - FAQ Skip to Main Content Lund University Libraries FAQ English Warning: Your browser has javascript disabled. Without javascript some functions will not work, including question submission via the form. Q. Do I have to be a student/researcher at Lund University in order to access electronic - 2025-01-17