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Study visit to Nymölla Paper Plant

Published 23 September 2022 Successful study visit to Nymölla Paper Plant as part of the master's course in environmental management in industry. On Monday 20 September, the IIIEE master's students (from the MESPOM programme together with Environmental Science students) went for a study visit to Nymölla Paper Plant. This is a big industry in Sweden and it makes a lasting impression to experience t - 2025-03-09

Examining the importance of individuals as well as society for changes to behavior patterns

Published 23 September 2022 What is the role of individual and society when it comes to changing our behavior patterns? Oksana Mont and Maria Wolrath Söderberg argue for going beyond the traditional dichotomy towards seeing linkages and dependencies. The Swedish National coordinator för Agenda 2030 has initiated a podcast series on sustainable consumption and production. In the podcast series of t - 2025-03-09

Social norms, pro-environmental behaviour and sustainable energy use

Published 26 September 2022 How can we assess the impacts of social norms on low-carbon mobility options? One recent study experimenting and assessing the impacts on social norms on low-carbon mobility options indicates that for social norms to be effective, other policy instruments are critically needed too. Policymakers and scientists are paying increasing attention to how social norms can promo - 2025-03-09

New journal paper on "Climate change, mindsets, agency and visions"

Published 28 September 2022 ​​​​​​​How do people in Sweden perceive their wellbeing, agency and future in a changing climate? A recent study found that climate actions are perceived as leading to improved (rather than reduced) wellbeing. At the same time, climate anxiety and frustration about structural and governance issues limit agency. Still, people seem optimistic about what a sustainable futu - 2025-03-09

Can Europe’s Climate City Contracts Shake Up Urban Climate Action?

Published 29 September 2022 The key mechanism behind the climate neutral cities mission is a concept called Climate City Contracts. In a new blogpost, researchers Kes McCormick and Katherine Shabb, investigate how these work and suggest what they need to create maximum impact. Think big. Think bold. Think mission to the moon! That’s the goal of the European Commission’s Mission program, which aims - 2025-03-09

Report on the state of the sharing economy in Melbourne

Published 29 September 2022 A new city report from the Urban Sharing project focuses on Melbourne and in three sectors: space, mobility, and physical goods. The report finds that although the sharing economy in Melbourne is among the most vibrant and diverse in Australia, and most know of the larger sharing platforms, many smaller initiatives remain virtually unknown and struggle to scale up. As p - 2025-03-09

A Strong Sustainability Framework for Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Published 30 September 2022 What is the eco-sufficiency perspective? An IIIEE study has developed a framework for the preservation of cultural heritage through digitalisation and for minimising environmental impacts and maximising the potential of preservation. The intensifying effects of climate change are becoming one of the main threats to cultural heritage, posing risks of degradation or destr - 2025-03-09

A successful PhD dissertation with Heather Schoonover

Published 3 October 2022 On 30 September 2022, Heather Schoonover successfully defended the thesis “Business Models for Sustainable Consumption: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Rental and Reuse of Home Furnishings”. Opponent was Giulia Calabretta, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft, the Netherlands Congratulations Heather! Read more about Heather’s - 2025-03-09

EMP students to visit study SYSAV - as per tradition

Published 3 October 2022 Our new batch of EMP students visit waste management company SYSAV today. The visit gives great insights in current thinking about waste and waste prevention but also in-real-life opportunities to see and experience large scale waste incineration and recycling. The visit to SYSAV is a tradition in the EMP programme. We thank Ann Nerlund, Rustan Nilsson and SYSAV for insigh - 2025-03-09

Roland Zinkernagel has successfully defended his Licentiate Degree

Published 4 October 2022 On Monday 3 October Roland Zinkernagel has successfully defended his Licentiate Degree. The thesis is named “Localising the Sustainable Development Goals: tools and processes for building urban transformative capacity – the case of Malmö”. The opponent was Kristina Jönsson, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. Read more about the the - 2025-03-09

How to achieve sustainable consumption through policy interventions?

Published 4 October 2022 New article that suggests future research directions for policy interventions. Although policy-makers are starting to acknowledge the need for policy-intervention to achieve sustainable consumption it is difficult to achieve policy-making that leads to impactful consumption interventions.  IIIEE researchers Oksana Mont, Matthias Lehner, and Carl Dalhammar have published a - 2025-03-09

Upcoming "Mid-term seminar" with PhD-student Karolina Södergren

Published 5 October 2022 On 14 October, Karolina Södergren will present her mid-term seminar for the ongoing PhD work. Karolina's research focuses on how local governance modes, organization models and values matter for industrial symbiosis development in municipalities. Karolina Södergren’s mid-term seminar will be held at the IIIEE on the 14 October 2022. A mid-term seminar is an internally requ - 2025-03-09

IIIEE Strategy Meeting in Höör

Published 7 October 2022 The IIIEE Strategy Meeting took place on 6th October to discuss quality in education. IIIEE colleagues gathered in Höör for a full day programme. The discussions focused on delivering quality and value in Master's and & PhD education. All colleagues also enjoyed a beautiful autumn day together and as a fun fact took the chance to learn more about special monument indicatin - 2025-03-09

Citizen participation in the governance of nature-based solutions

Published 10 October 2022 How do we go beyond tokenistic forms of participation to collaborative multi-stakeholder forms of engagement? A recent paper looks at the current forms and implications of citizen participation in nature-based solution cases in 21 cities. The results show that although tokenistic forms dominate citizen participation, collaborative multi-stakeholder forms of engagement do - 2025-03-09

IIIEE launching a new podcast on “Talking Transformations”

Published 11 October 2022 Research shows conversations matter - both for learning and inspiring action. On the topic of transformations, the IIIEE will release new mini-series several times a year, consisting of a bundle of episodes around a common theme. First out is the series on 'Cities, Climate and Change'. The IIIEE is launching a new podcast collection “Talking Transformations”  with thought - 2025-03-09

Long-time visiting Prof. Don Huisingh back to meet with staff and students

Published 17 October 2022 Professor Don Huisingh, visiting Professor of Sustainable Development and master of Cleaner Production, and distinguished source of inspiration to the IIIEE, met up with both colleagues and students. Professor Don Huisingh, visiting Professor of Sustainable Development and master of Cleaner Production, and distinguished source of inspiration to the IIIEE, visited for a co - 2025-03-09

Citizens gathered in a project workshop on '1,5° Lifestyles'

Published 13 October 2022 On October 1st, 22 citizens from across the Swedish population gathered for a full-day workshop at the IIIEE to discuss and envision how to change their lifestyles to fit within the 1,5° Paris-goal. The participants showed great interest in the topic, despite bringing a variety of views to the discussion table. The central piece of the workshop was the ‘Climate Puzzle’, w - 2025-03-09

New publication on behavioural insights for sustainable energy use

Published 2 November 2022 ​​​​​​​The global energy crisis and the challenges of climate neutrality are showing, more than ever, the strong need to foster and materialise sustainable energy behaviours as soon as possible. A new publication shows current opportunities and challenges. This Special Issue, jointly developed with the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre and the ZHAW Zurich University of Appli - 2025-03-09

Interactions of governmental policies and business models for a circular economy: A systematic literature review

Published 18 October 2022 How do we transition to a circular economy through governmental policies and business models? A literature synthesis shows that there is a multitude of possible interactions between governmental policies and business models. Governmental policies and business models are considered key elements for a transition to a circular economy. In current literature, there is a lack - 2025-03-09