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Befjädrad robotvinge banar väg för framtidens flaxande drönare

Av anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - publicerad 11 januari 2023 Forskaren Christoffer Johansson har utvecklat en befjädrad robotvinge för att bättre förstå hur fåglar flyger. Foto: Anders Örtegren Fåglar flyger mer effektivt genom att fälla in vingarna under uppslaget, visar en färsk studie från Lunds universitet och schweiziska EPFL. Resultaten kan innebära att - 2025-03-15

Honors och hanars förmåga att hantera stress kan vara skillnad mellan liv och död

Av anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - publicerad 24 januari 2023 Rudan reagerar med att växa på höjden när den simmar i vatten där det finns rovfisk. Foto: Jörgen Wiklund Honor och hanar av fiskarten ruda reagerar olika på rovdjursframkallad stress, enligt en ny studie från Lunds universitet. Hanarna förändrar sitt utseende genom att växa på höjden för att undkom - 2025-03-15

AI fördjupar förståelse för flyttfåglars inre klocka, karta och kompass

Av anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - publicerad 26 januari 2023 Fångstpersonal på väg att fånga nattskärror för loggning. Foto: Aron Hejdström Olika fågelarter som migrerar har olika genetiskt programmerade rutiner som ger dem signaler när det är dags att ge sig av och återkomma. Det kan handla om faktorer som dagsljus, temperatur, väder och jordens magnetism. D - 2025-03-15

Guldmedalj för studier av flyttfåglar

Publicerad 27 januari 2023 Professor emeritus Thomas Alerstam får Wahlbergska minnesmedaljen i guld 2023. Foto: Inger Ekström Thomas Alerstam, professor emeritus i biologi, har tilldelats Wahlbergska minnesmedaljen i guld 2023 ”för hans innovation att med hjälp av radar spåra flyttfåglar i realtid och för att därmed ha tagit vår kunskap om flyttfåglarnas rutter och flyttmönster långt bortom den kl - 2025-03-15

Gener styr lövsångarens flyttrutter

Av anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - publicerad 30 januari 2023 Lövsångarnas flyttningsriktning styrs av två platser i arvsmassan. Foto: Harald Ris Fåglars flyttningsresor mellan kontinenter har fascinerat människan sedan antiken. Nu visar en ny studie från Lund att det är två platser i arvsmassan som bestämmer om en lövsångare flyttar över Iberiska halvön till - 2025-03-15

Rovdjur och temperatur bestämmer kroppsstorleken hos insekter

Av anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - publicerad 1 februari 2023 Många fågelarter i tropikerna fångar och äter flick- och trollsländor. Här är en Rufous-tailed Jacamar som har fångat en stor trollslända i Atlantskogen i Brasilien. Foto: Erik Svensson Kroppsstorleken hos trollsländor varierar över jordklotet. Insekterna är större i de tempererade områdena än i tro - 2025-03-15

Per Samuelsson and Marcus Utterström have published the book Entreprenadrätten

Published 7 March 2024 Per Samuelsson, professor emeritus, and Marcus Utterström, associate senior lecturer, have published the book Entreprenadrätten (Norstedts Juridik 2024).The book is available at Norstedts Juridik.Per Samuelsson's research in the university's research portal.Marcus Utterström's research in the university's research portal. - 2025-03-15

The Rune and Lena Lavin Foundation for Legal Research at the Faculty of Law in Lund

Published 8 March 2024 Purpose: to promote legal research at the Faculty of Law in Lund. Through its activities, the Foundation will support, encourage and facilitate research at the faculty. Anyone actively conducting research at the Faculty of Law in Lund is eligible to apply for a grant. Grants will be awarded primarily for costs directly incurred while conducting or reporting on a research pro - 2025-03-15

Markus Gunneflo appointed new coordinator for graduate school on critical societal challenges, Sustainability and Agenda 2030

Published 11 March 2024 Markus Gunneflo, the new coordinator of the Agenda 2030 Graduate School. Photo: Kennet Rouna Late last year, Markus Gunneflo was appointed by the vice-chancellor to lead the Lund University Agenda 2030 graduate school. Markus has always felt at home in interdisciplinary environments, and working with PhD students has been the most enjoyable part of his professional life. A - 2025-03-15

New Associate Professor in human rights

Published 5 April 2024 The Academic Appointments Board has today 4 April 2024 decided to appoint Anna Nilsson as Associate Professor (docent) in human rights. Anna Nilsson defended her PhD at the Faculty of Law in 2017 with a thesis on whether and, if so, under what circumstances, compulsory mental health care is lawful under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. After defe - 2025-03-15

New Associate Professor in public international law

Published 15 May 2024 The Academic Appointments Board has 13 May 2024 decided to appoint Matthew Scott as Associate Professor (docent) in public international law. Matthew Scott defended his PhD thesis in public international law at the Faculty of Law in 2018. The focus of his research was on the application of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees in situations of cross-border cl - 2025-03-15

Mia Rönnmar appointed as new Vice-Chancellor of Malmö University

Published 16 May 2024 The government has decided to appoint Mia Rönnmar as Vice-Chancellor of Malmö University for the period 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2030. The Dean of the Faculty of Law Henrik Wenander says:– We are proud and happy that Mia Rönnmar has been given this exciting assignment. She has the qualities and experience required to lead and develop Malmö University. It is of course sad for t - 2025-03-15

Yana Litins'ka is awarded the Pedagogical Prize by the Law Students' Union

Published 31 May 2024 Every year, the Law Students' Union (Juridiska Föreningen or JF) presents a pedagogical prize to a teacher at the faculty who students consider to be an excellent educator and who has thereby contributed to a better education. In 2024, Yana Litins'ka, senior lecturer, is being awarded the prize. The motivation states that Yana Litins'ka is awarded the prize for teaching with - 2025-03-15

Ellika Sevelin is awarded prize by the the Law Students' Union for particularly outstanding efforts towards the students

Published 31 May 2024 The Law Students' Union (Juridiska Föreningen or JF) has decided to award a prize for outstanding service to students to a teacher at the Faculty. Ellika Sevelin, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty, is awarded the prize 2024. The motivation states, that Ellika Sevelin is being recognized for always considering the students' perspectives and for her efforts to improve the situatio - 2025-03-15

Valentin Jeutner publishes Biography of Reasonable Person

Published 3 June 2024 Book cover Cambridge University Press has published Valentin Jeutner’s latest book, entitled The Reasonable Person: A Legal Biography. In the book, Valentin traces the common law’s concept of the reasonable person across time and space, and across a diverse number of legal fields including (ancient) legal history, contract, tort, and criminal law as well as jurisprudence and - 2025-03-15

Valentin Jeutner awared funding from LMK-Foundation for law & religion project

Published 3 June 2024 Valentin Jeutner and Hannah Strømmen (Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, CTR) have received 2.3 million SEK from the LMK- Foundation for a project on biblical and legal studies. The project will fund a postdoctoral position hosted at CTR and linked to Juridicum. The objective of the position is to study how biblical and legal studies relate to eachother in a contempor - 2025-03-15

Julian Nowag to arrange conference at Royal Swedish Academy of Science

Published 4 June 2024 Through a collaboration between Ragnar Söderbergs stiftelse and the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, Julian Nowag will arrange an academic conference at the Royal Academy during 2025-2026.The collaboration is aimed to provide distinguished, younger researchers to arrange an academic conference with internationally renowned speakers. With this initiative Ragnar Söderbergs sti - 2025-03-15

The Faculty's Research Day

Published 5 June 2024 On 30 May, the Faculty held its annual Research Day, where this year's honorary doctor and the new doctorates gave inspiring lectures. Pictured, from left, are Faculty Marshals Richard Croneberg and Anna Zemskova, new doctors Alexander Hardenberger, Lovisa Häckner Posse and Alezini Loxa, and Honorary Doctor David Lagnado.  The ceremony took place on 31 May. - 2025-03-15

Ragnar Söderberg Foundation announces funding for postdoctoral projects

Published 10 June 2024 Documentation must be sent to the faculty no later than 15 September 2024. The application must be submitted to the Foundation no later than 8 October 2024. Objectives of the callThe main objectives for the call are:to provide prominent early-career researchers in law with substantial funding that will allow them to advance in their academic career,to support new research fi - 2025-03-15

New Associate Professor in Public Law

Published 9 September 2024 The Academic Appointments Board decided on 5 September 2024 to appoint Yana Litins’ka as Associate Professor in Public Law. Yana Litins’ka holds a doctoral degree in medical law (Uppsala University, 2018). Her doctoral thesis concerns the capacity assessments to decide on medical treatment within national and international human rights law. From 2020 to 2022, she worked - 2025-03-15