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Vi söker en ny doktorand!

Av irene [dot] pelsyo_lind [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (Irene Pelayo Lind) - publicerad 1 september 2017 Genusvetenskapliga institutionen utlyser en ny doktorandtjänst som ska ingå i VR finansierat projekt, Beyond racism. Ethnographies of antiracism and conviviality (2016-05186). Arbetsuppgifter: Doktoranden ska ingå i ett VR finanasierat projekt, Beyond racism. Ethnographies of antiracism and co - 2025-03-13

Guest Professor Irene Padavic will be at the department between 5-15 th September

Av rebecca [dot] selberg [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (Irene Pelayo Lind) - publicerad 7 september 2017 The Department of Gender Studies welcomes our new Guest Professor Irene Padavic, Mildred and Claude Pepper Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Florida State University, USA. Professor Padavic will give guet lectures and present ongoing projects related to her research on gender, class, race an - 2025-03-13

Global Gender Matters Workshop's programme is now available

Av irene [dot] pelayo_lind [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (Irene Pelayo Lind) - publicerad 14 september 2017 Gender and Rights in Geographical Imaginaries: Contested Meanings and Realities The topic of the workshop this year is Gender and Rights in Geographical Imaginaries: Contested Meanings and Realities. Imagined geographies is a concept developed by a postcolonial scholar Edward Said to grasp th - 2025-03-13

KRIS: Kritiska studier av kris

Publicerad 14 september 2017 Under hösten 2017 och våren 2018 kommer KRIS/CRISIS gruppen att organisera en rad seminarier och workshops vid Pufendorf Institutet. Den nylanserade KRIS Advanced Study Group är mångfacetterad och interdisciplinär. Gruppens arbete tar avstamp i alarmerande media- och forskningsrapporter om kris förorsakade av orkaner och översvämningar, politisk instabilitet och oförsä - 2025-03-13

Dr. Anindita Datta guest researcher at SASNET

Av irene [dot] pelayo_lind [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (Irene Pelayo Lind) - publicerad 10 oktober 2017 Dr. Anindita Datta is spending 10 Days as a guest researcher at SASNET: Swedish South Asian Studies Network Anindita Datta is Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Her research interests are in the area of feminist geography, conce - 2025-03-13

Congratulations to our colleagues Helle Rydström and Maria Tonini

Av irene [dot] pelayo_lind [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (Irene Pelayo Lind) - publicerad 7 november 2017 Our colleagues Helle Rydström and Maria Tonini (together with Katarina Kinnvall and Lisa Eklund)has just been awarded a VR research grant for their project Precariousness at work: Workplace Violence against Women Employees in Nordic Companies Outsourced to Asia. Research Team: Lisa Eklund, Asso - 2025-03-13

Jasmine Prize to Jens Rydström

Publicerad 21 december 2017 Jasminepriset 2017 The Jasmine Prize was awarded to Jens Rydström for his work on the history of sex workers' organisations This year's Jasmine Prize was announced on December 17, the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, and was shared between Lilian Andersson and Jens Rydström. In 1977, Lilian Andersson was one of the co-founders of 'Sexual Political - 2025-03-13

Jack Halberstam ska hålla en föreläsning den 24 maj i Lund

Publicerad 9 mars 2018 Jack Halberstam, som har nyligen blivit hedersdoktor vid samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, med genusvetenskap som värdinstitution ska hålla en offentlig föreläsning med titel " Trans*: A Quick Guide to Gender Variability". Den 24 maj kl 10-12 på Kulturens Auditorium, Tegnérsplatsen 6, Lund.In the last decade, public discussions of transgenderism have increased exponentially. - 2025-03-13

Vi firar 40 år!

Publicerad 22 mars 2018 Välkommen till jubileumsevenemang under hela året.  År 1978 grundades Genusvetenskapliga institutionen på Lunds universitet genom ett nätverk av forskare och doktorander. Under 2018 firar vi 40 års feministisk forskning och utbildning med en rad öppna evenemang som speglar den postdisciplinära aspekten av viktiga feministiska samtal.Håll utkik i kalendariet, eller klicka på - 2025-03-13

Abortion in Contentious Europe: A symposium on reproductive rights in times of European (dis)integration

Publicerad 10 april 2018 A symposium on reproductive rights in times of European (dis)integration.In Sweden and across Europe, the debates, tensions and mobilisations around reproductive rights in general and abortion in particular have intensified during the last decade. Ranging from attempts to change legislation through various forms of disputes in courts at national and EU level, to local, nat - 2025-03-13

New book on Feminism and the Power of Love

Publicerad 23 april 2018 Our colleague the postdoctoral fellow Lena Gunnarsson has co-authored with Adriana Garcá-Andrade and Anna G. Jónasdóttir the bok Feminism and the Power of Love: Interdisciplinary Interventions Our colleague the postdoctoral fellow Lena Gunnarsson has co-authored with Adriana Garcá-Andrade and Anna G. Jónasdóttir the bok Feminism and the Power of Love: Interdisciplinary Int - 2025-03-13

Public lecture with Nikita Dhawan

Publicerad 15 maj 2018 Transnational Justice and Gendered Vulnerability – Feminist Politics and (Im)possible Solidarities
 In this public lecture Professor Nikita Dhawan will be critically engaging with the prospects and limits of discourses of global gender equality and justice from a postcolonial perspective.Nikita Dhawan, a philosopher by training, is a Professor of Political Science (Political - 2025-03-13

International Symposium on June 8th, 2018

Av irene [dot] pelayo_lind [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (Irene Pelayo Lind) - publicerad 22 maj 2018 Very welcome to "Critical Explorations of CRISIS: Global Entanglements and Gendered Ramifications" Organized by the Pufendorf Institute Advanced Study Group on CRISIS The Pufendorf Institute Advanced Study Group have organized this international symposium entitled "Critical Explorations of CRISIS: - 2025-03-13

Vi kan bättre än så, kvinnolobbyn!

Publicerad 11 juni 2018 Tolv forskare har skrivit en opinionsartikel där de reder ut en rad sakfel som organisationen Sveriges Kvinnolobby framfört angående regeringens förslag till ny lagstiftning kring könstillhörighet. Bland dessa forskare hittar vi våra arbetskollegor Anna Olovsdötter Lööv, Jens Rydström och Irina Schmitt. Läs hela opinionsartikel här - 2025-03-13

The conference Anti-racism and Diversity in Academia

Av irene [dot] pelayo_lind [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se (Irene Pelayo Lind) - publicerad 12 juni 2018 The conference was organized within the project “Collaborative toolbox towards ant-racism and academia" On the 28th of May we organized a full-day conference ANTI-RACIST STRATEGIES IN TEACHING, LEARNING, RESEARCH AND INSTITUTIONAL LIFE as a cooperation between scholars gathered in the local group - 2025-03-13

The 3rd International Marxist Feminist Conference

Publicerad 2 oktober 2018 300 scholars and activists coming to Lund!  This weekend, the Department of Gender Studies hosts the 3rd International Marxist Feminist Conference. In this collaboration with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Transform!Europe, participants will be able to partake in workshops on topics ranging from how to resist increasing bureaucratization to ecofeminism and Marxist feminist - 2025-03-13