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Dålig service analyseras i ny bok

Publicerad 14 maj 2014 Vesa Leppänen och Malin Åkerström har, tillsammans med Erika Andersson Cederholm; Katarina Jacobsson och Filippa Säwe, publicerat boken "Servicemötets gnissel och skav" (Gleerups). Alla har en intuitiv uppfattning om vad bra och dålig service är. Men hur kan man analysera ett servicemöte – hur fångar man vad som gick rätt och vad som gick fel med hjälp av samhällsvetenskapli - 2025-03-12

Utökning av kurslitteratur på danska

Publicerad 12 maj 2014 Vilken betydelse har sociologin för praktiskt socialt arbete? Vad menas med sociologins avslöjande ambition? David Wästerfors lärobok i Sociologi för socionomer (författad tillsammans med Katarina Jacobsson och Joakim Thelander, Gleerups 2010) finns nu på danska: Sociologi for socialrådgivere, Hans Reitzel Forlag. Boken finns även sedan tidigare på norska: Sosiologi for sosi - 2025-03-12

Socialbidrag löser inte fattigdom

Publicerad 23 april 2014 Johan Sandbergs avhandling visar att bidragen inte har så goda effekter som man tidigare trott skriver OmVärlden på sin hemsida. I sina fallstudier i Uruguay och Guatemala visar Johan Sandberg att villkorat socialbidrag inte är så effektivt som man tidigare trott.Många familjer är i stort behov av pengarna och överlever tack vare bidraget. Men i längden hjälper det inte ti - 2025-03-12

Ungdomshemmens lektioner i motvind

Publicerad 4 april 2014 David Wästerfors har publicerat boken Lektioner i motvind. Om skola för unga på institution utgiven av Égalité i Malmö. Så här beskriver Égalité boken på sin hemsida: Det finns en lång tradition av att placera unga människor som begår brott på ungdomshem. Ute på landet, bortom storstadens förmodat destruktiva inflytande, ska de behandlas och anpassas till ett konventionellt - 2025-03-12

Arbetsmarknadsdag för samhällsvetare 2 april

Publicerad 25 mars 2014 SAMarbete är en arbetsmarknadsdag för samhällsvetare som arrangeras av Samhällsvetarkåren vid Lunds universitet. Syftet med SAMarbete är att inspirera studenter när det kommer till vad de kan göra efter sina studier samt ge studenter och utställare ett tillfälle att träffa potentiella framtida arbetsgivare respektive potentiella anställda.SAMarbete 2014 äger rum den 2:a apr - 2025-03-12

Två tjänster som utbildningsadministratör

Publicerad 24 mars 2014 Sociologiska institutionen har utlyst två tjänster som utbildningsadministratör med omfattning 75 %. Sista ansökningsdag är 2014-04-14. För mer information se Lediga anställningar på Lunds universitets centrala webbplatsör diarienummer: SPA 2014/111
Utbildningsadministratör diarienummer: SPA 2014/112 - 2025-03-12

Bosnienkrigets berättelser intressanta i Dhaka

Publicerad 17 mars 2014 Goran Basic vid Sociologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, var huvudtalare vid den andra årliga konferensen för Urban forskning och utveckling som hölls vid universitetet i Dhaka i Bangladesh den 12-13 mars 2014. Temat för konferensen var "Demokrati, medborgarskap och urbant våld" och handlade främst om bangladeshiska upplevelser av hur ojämlikheten och social polariser - 2025-03-12

A new version Records Management Plan

Published 20 May 2020 A new version of Lund University’s Records Management Plan applies from 1 May. The Records Management Plan is continuously updated in line with new surveys and changes to regulations. Among the changes this time are new instructions for the handling of intermittent employment, an entirely new case type for promotion matters, and a reduced retention period, which means that, f - 2025-03-12

University Board members have been appointed

Published 4 May 2020 The members of the University Board have been appointed for the period 1 May 2020–30 April 2023. There are four new members. Chair and external members appointed by the Government:Former ambassador Jonas Hafström (chair)District court chief judge Gudrun Antemar (new)CFO Ingrid Bengtsson-RijavecR&D director Torbjörn Lundahl (new)Vice-chair Wanja Lundby-WedinProfessor Jens Odder - 2025-03-12

LU departments show considerable interest in developing new commissioned education courses

By emma [dot] holm [at] education [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Holm) - published 25 May 2020 The first round of applications for strategic funding to develop commissioned education closed on Thursday 14 May. “We are very satisfied with the large number of submitted applications, especially in the prevailing Covid-19 situation. The great interest in the call for applications shows that there is an incre - 2025-03-12

New phase requires stamina and consideration

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 29 May 2020 Elsa Trolle Önnerfors, from the Faculty of Law. Photo:Jenny Loftrup The first phase was filled with creativity and collective effort. Elsa Trolle Önnerfors was surprised by how smooth the transition to distance education was. However, now the focus is more on how students are feeling and on persever - 2025-03-12

The forgotten cancer 

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 29 May 2020 Mattias Högberg and Fredrik Liedberg want to develop a system to analyse bladder cancer to create better chances of survival. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter Bladder cancer is as common as malignant melanoma. However, in the past three decades, the death rate has remained high and the treatment has been the same sinc - 2025-03-12

Columnist and international coordinator Mikael Nyblom: Surfing with an uncertain outcome

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 29 May 2020 Mikael Nyblom: "It feels like it was lucky that we were exposed to the situation in Hong Kong.  It became a sort of dress rehearsal for what was to come" New epicentres of the pandemic are flaring up, borders are closing, partner universities are shutting their doors and international communications are - 2025-03-12

No threat to Lund University's finances thanks to agency capital

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 29 May 2020 Head of planning, Tim Ekberg, is amazed with the swift digitisation at LU. Photo:Britta Collberg The coronavirus pandemic has not put Lund University in any financial difficulty. There is money in the University's coffers, assures the head of planning Tim Ekberg. The agency capital currently amounts - 2025-03-12

Everyday life in in the wake of the corona crisis

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 29 May 2020 Anna Löthman and Tove Eriksson: "Right now LU is a race car! Ordinarily, LU is a great ship with hundreds of smaller boats moving in its wake. Every movement is slow. Usually, it is practically impossible to turn that ship. Now things have happened fast! How has life and work changed during the pand - 2025-03-12

Free admission to Skissernas Museum

Published 29 May 2020 Skissernas Museum wants more people at Lund University to discover the University’s own art museum and is now offering free admission for all employees. Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art is a unique art museum, focusing on the artistic, creative process. It houses the world’s largest collection of sketches, models and studies for Swedish and Intern - 2025-03-12

Syrian linguist given sanctuary at LU

By malin [dot] sjoberg [at] sol [dot] lu [dot] se (Malin Sjöberg) - published 29 May 2020 "I never would have left Syria if it were not for the war. I had it all. I was teaching a couple of hours per week, working on my research and I had a beautiful farm with space for the whole family", Moheiddin Homeidi says. Four months ago, Professor Moheiddin Homeidi came to Lund from Syria as the first rese - 2025-03-12

New communication guide

Published 29 May 2020 The “Lund University Communication Guide” will shortly be distributed to faculties/ departments/divisions/equivalents (with the exception of the School of Economics and Management, which has its own communication guide, and LTH, which is to produce its own). It is the first university-wide guide of its kind and is aimed at all University staff, not just those who work specifi - 2025-03-12

Reporting from the RQ20 Subject Panel Week

Published 29 May 2020 In early May, the RQ20 Subject Panel Week was completed, with the 32 external panels (193 advisors) meeting the authors behind the self-assessments, i.e. representatives from the 161 research environments (UoAs), to discuss the present and future conditions of research at Lund University. Originally, the panels were expected to meet in Lund; however, with the repercussions fo - 2025-03-12