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First nanowire long-wavelength infrared photodetector realized

Published 16 February 2018 A group of NanoLund researchers recently reported on the first nanowire photodetector sensitive to long-wavelength infrared radiation. The infrared response from 3 to 20 μm is enabled by intersubband transitions in InAsP quantum discs synthesized axially within InP nanowires. The intriguing optical characteristics, including unexpected sensitivity to normal incident radi - 2025-03-12

Conference: Tailored surfaces in operando conditions

Published 14 February 2018 June 11-14 2018 are the dates of the Marcus Wallenberg symposium Tailored surfaces in operando conditions. The meeting will take place in Ystad, Sweden, and is devoted to recent advances in operando investigation of reactivity at surfaces from both experimental and theoretical approaches. The aim of the workshop is to create a breeding ground for ideas by ensuring meetin - 2025-03-12

Materials for Energy grants

Published 8 February 2018 The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has announced their Materials for Energy (EM16) grants. We congratulate NanoLund member Kenneth Wärnmark, who is coordinator for the projects "Iron-Based Materials for Solar Energy Conversion Processes" which is granted 34,9 MSEK. Another project on "Low-defect-density III-Nitrides for green power electronics" led by Vanya Dar - 2025-03-12

Jesper Wallentin gets Starting Grant Fellowship

Published 12 February 2018 Swedish Foundations’ Starting Grant Fellows for 2017 were announced and Jesper Wallentin is one of the three new fellows. The grant is given for  one year at a time and awards the amount applied for from the ERC up to 1,5 M EUR over five years.Jesper will develop ultra-high resolution X-ray detectors based on semiconductor nanowires, whose spatial resolution will be radi - 2025-03-12

Lund Nano Lab is a member of LTH’s Open Door initiative

Published 7 February 2018 Lund Nano Lab is one of the six laboratories at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH), which is part of LTH’s Open Door project. The LTH Open Door initiative, officially inagurated on January 18, 2018, aims at providing access to LTH’s state-of-the-art equipment, facilities and networks for start-ups or established companies in Skåne. The project will help with innovation proc - 2025-03-12

Chris Palmstrøm named honorary doctor

Published 19 February 2018 Chris Palmstrøm from UC Santa Barbara has been named Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University.Chris Palmstrøm's research group focuses on heteroepitaxial growth of novel materials and structures to form the basis for making new electronic, optoelectronic, magnetic and micromechanical devices. Chris had been a valuable returning guest and adv - 2025-03-12

NNEN Meeting on Dry Etch and Thin Films at Lund Nano Lab

Published 4 December 2017 As part of cooperation between Scandinavian cleanrooms, Lund Nano Lab (LNL) organised a joint meeting of experts in Dry Etching and Thin Films on November 16-17, 2017. Such meetings arranges on a regular basis within the Nordic Nanolab Expert Network (NNEN) – a Scandinavia-wide discussion platform of experts and lab staff in dry etching, lithography, thin films, character - 2025-03-12

Anne Borg named honorary doctor

Published 8 February 2018 Anne Borg from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has been named Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Science at Lund University.Anne Borg is a physicist focusing om materials science and surface science and she has a long history of collaborating with Lund University and researching at MAX-lab. She is a former member of the NanoLund External Advisory Coun - 2025-03-12

Plasma Processing Workshop at Lund Nano Lab

Published 4 December 2017 On November 15-16, 2017 Lund Nano Lab (LNL) hosted a second joint LNL-Plasma-Therm Plasma Processing workshop. The Workshop focused on the fundamentals of plasma reactors, mechanisms of etching and deposition as applied to nanofabrication and covered state-of-the-art etching and deposition techniques. Dr. David Lishan (Plasma-Therm, USA) gave an overview of the modern pla - 2025-03-12

Billions to be invested in AI and quantum technology

Published 8 February 2018 Developments in quantum technology and artificial intelligence, AI, are predicted to transform research, as well as business and society as a whole. The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is awarding a total of SEK 1.6 billion over ten years to these promising fields, in two separate research projects involving several Swedish higher education institutions. Together wit - 2025-03-12

The unbelievable speed of electron emission from an atom

Published 28 November 2017 NanoLund Affiliated Member Anne L’Huillier has been involved in a study where researchers have clocked how long it takes for an electron to be emitted from an atom. The result is 0.000 000 000 000 000 02 seconds, or 20 billionths of a billionth of a second. The researchers’ stopwatch consists of extremely short laser pulses. Hopefully, the results will help to provide ne - 2025-03-12

Temperature can control a lock-and-key self-assembly mechanism

Published 23 October 2017 A group of Lund University researchers including Peter Schurtenberger have published a paper demonstrating that they can use oppositely charged thermoresponsive particles with complementary shapes, such as spherical and bowl-shaped particles, to implement an externally controllable lock-and-key self-assembly mechanism. The goal is to have the particles self-organize in or - 2025-03-12

Play on nanoplastic in aquatic environments

Published 10 October 2017 An interdisciplinary environmental project between the Lund based theater Sagohuset and the division of Chemistry and Structural Biology at Lund University has resulted in two plays and an exhibition which shows the effects of plastic in the oceans. Tommy Cedervall can answer questions about the project. Read more on the LU event page (in Swedish), in LUM (in Swedish), Sk - 2025-03-12

KAW grant to Kimberly Dick Thelander

Published 3 October 2017 A team of NanoLund scientists led by Kimberly Dick Thelander has been awarded 34,2 MSEK over five years for the project "Controlled atomic scale 3D ordering for exotic electronic phases". The grant was awarded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to projects of the highest international level, and potentially leading to future scientific breakthroughs. The grants gi - 2025-03-12

Plastic nanoparticles affects fish brains

Published 9 October 2017 A new study by NanoLund researchers shows that plastic particles in water may end up inside fish brains. The plastic can cause brain damage, which is the likely cause of behavioural disorders observed in the fish.“Our study is the first to show that nanosized plastic particles can accumulate in fish brains”, says Tommy Cedervall, a chemistry researcher at Lund University.T - 2025-03-12

European Workshop on Label Free Particle Sorting, 5-6 September

Published 2 September 2017 European Workshop on Label Free Particle Sorting will take place at Medicon Village in Lund, 5-6 September 2017. The workshop aim to utilise the comprehensive network and solid experience to put to use several microfluidics technologies to address important biomedical problems.For details please contact Prof Jonas Tegenfeldt (jonas [dot] tegenfeldt [at] ftf [dot] lth [do - 2025-03-12

ERC Starting Grant to Peter Jönsson

Published 12 September 2017 Peter Jönsson has been granted an ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 M Euro for 5 years. The project named SELFOR explores how an immune response starts at a molecular level, and how our immune system can separate between “self” and “foreign” molecules.Read the Lund University press release (in Swedish), the announcement from the Swedish Science Foundation (in Swedish and in Eng - 2025-03-12

Google invests in Glo's microLED technology

Published 25 August 2017 Rapidus reports that Google Inc has invested 120 MSEK in Glo in a funding round during the summer. Glo is developing RGB direct-emitting display panels with better contrast and lower power consumption than LCD screens while yielding higher overall brightness than OLED.In total Glo has attracted about 1200 MSEK since the start in 2008 when it spun out from research at NanoL - 2025-03-12

Two new nanolaboratories to be built

Published 29 August 2017 Two new nanofabrication facilities are scheduled to be built in Science Village Scandinavia neighboring MaxIV and ESS. One laboratory will be a bigger version of the Lund University run Lund NanoLab which is dedicated to education and blue sky research. The other is the ProNano facility which will belong to the RISE research Institute and house pilot production facilities. - 2025-03-12