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What are ideal outcomes at COP16?

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 18 October 2024 Vaupes in the Colombian Amazon – a view of forest coverage in an Indigenous managed territory. The photo was taken 2015 by Carlos Alberto Hernandez Veléz. COP16 in Cali, Colombia, is the first Conference of the Parties since the adoption of the landmark Biodiversity Plan in 2022 in which countries pledged to sa - 2025-03-05

Professor Emily Boyd's expectations on COP29

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 12 November 2024 COP29 participants pictured during day one, 11th November, of the climate conference. UN Climate Change - Habib Samadov COP29, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, has just started in Baku, Azerbaijan. Running from 11th to 22nd November, a key priority for this year's climate conference is to secure a - 2025-03-05

LUCSUS at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 12 November 2024 COP29, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, has just started in Baku, Azerbaijan. Running from 11th to 22nd November, a key priority for this year's climate conference is to secure a new goal on climate finance, ensuring every country has the means to take much stronger climate action, slashing greenh - 2025-03-05

Mapping hotspots for sustainable and unsustainable agriculture in Europe

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 8 December 2024 Out of 283 districts in Europe, only two collective regions perform well in both social and environmental sustainability. This is concerning as it suggests that the EU farm subsidy scheme, the Common Agricultural Policy, is failing to deliver on its aim to protect rural livelihoods, landscapes and the environme - 2025-03-05

Countries' unrealistic land demands to reach net-zero: an area a bit larger than the US

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 9 December 2024 Over 40% of the land pledged in the countries' climate plans is envisaged to be converted into forests from other land uses according to the researchers' study. Photo: Pixabay. A billion hectares – or an area a bit larger than the US – that is how much land that would be required globally to meet countries’ net - 2025-03-05

Lund University ranked third in the world in QS Sustainability Ranking: well deserved

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 11 December 2024 The University House pictured by Kennet Ruona. LUCSUS Director Barry Ness and Professor Lennart Olsson are proud that Lund University is ranked third in the world in Sustainability in the QS World University Rankings. It is a ranking well deserved they say. – Over the past 25 years, researchers at Lund Univers - 2025-03-05

Rethinking laws on climate adaptation - exploring resistance in flooded Cartagena

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 20 February 2025 The study shines a light on the need for adaptation laws and policies that empower vulnerable communities, rather than displacing them, say the researchers. Illustration: Catrin Jakobsson. How should societies adapt to rising seas, floods, and other climate threats? These questions are explored in a new study - 2025-03-05

Scarlet O´Donnell`s final defense in public international law

Published 17 November 2023 We hereby announce that:LL.M Scarlet O´Donnell for the Degree of Doctor of Laws in Public International Law has written a doctoral dissertation entitled:International Responsibility for Activities in Outer Space in the Modern Space Age - Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty in the context of international space law and public international lawThe doctoral dissertation is - 2025-03-05

Torvald Larsson is awarded German-Nordic Lawyers Association’s Research Prize

Published 20 November 2023 LL.D. Torvald Larsson is awarded German-Nordic Lawyers Association’s (DNJV)  Research Prize 2023/24 for the doctoral thesis “Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions. Swedish, Danish and Austrian Law in a Comparative Perspective. The jury considers the thesis to be convincing in terms of both form and content and has a clear German-Nordic connection due to its compara - 2025-03-05

Max Hjärtström's final defense in private law

Published 24 November 2023 We hereby announce that:LL.M Max Hjärtströmfor the Degree of Doctor of Laws in  private law has written a doctoral dissertation entitled:Competition Law’s Market Failure Paradox: Economic Efficiency, Consumer Welfare and Public Policy in EU Antitrust and State Aid LawThe doctoral dissertation is made available at the university library  The defense will take place at Puf - 2025-03-05

A student from Lund is awarded in the Swedish Competition Authority's essay competition 2023

Published 4 December 2023 Emilia Holmberg is awarded first prize in the law class for her essay in the Swedish Competition Authority's essay competition 2023. "Ne bis In Idem in EU Competition Law. The Application of the Principle on the Relationship between Article 102 TFEU and the Digital Markets Act" is the title of the thesis.In the essay jury's motivation, they emphasize that it is a clear, w - 2025-03-05

Kompositionsstudenter i samarbete med spelutvecklare vid Malmö universitet

Av nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - publicerad 12 januari 2022 Vy ur spelet ANTI Alexander Westlund går utbildningen Komposition - musik för film och media på MHM som i veckan avslutar ett samarbete med studenter på kandidatutbildningen Spelutveckling vid Malmö universitet. Samarbetet med Malmö universitet har pågått hela hösten. I mindre grupper har studenterna u - 2025-03-05

Låt fjärilarna flyga i formationer – om konsten att hantera prestationsångest

Av bodil [dot] malmstrom [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Bodil Malmström) - publicerad 21 januari 2022 Sannolikheten att man någon gång som yrkesmusiker känner av scenskräck är hög. Därför är det viktigt att lära sig redskap för att hantera det. Foto: iStock photo. Francisca Skoogh, internationell konsertpianist, psykolog och forskare på Musikhögskolan i Malmö, vill stötta framtidens skolade musiker i - 2025-03-05

International conference about gender equality in higher music education

Publicerad 28 januari 2022 Lars Andersson, Programme director, Music teachers training Malmö Academy of Music is about to host the third GENUS Conference 14-15 March, targeting gender and equal opportunities for all in higher music education. Lars Andersson, Programme director at MHM, why is there a network and annual conference like GENUS? -This is ultimately a question of equality. Since there i - 2025-03-05

Sök JAA-stiftelsens stipendium

Publicerad 31 januari 2022 Nu kan du som med klassisk inriktning utövar sång, piano, violin/viola eller violoncell, på gymnasie- eller högskolenivå, söka stipendium ur familjen John Anderssons i Anderslöv Stiftelse. Observera att du inte behöver vara student vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö för att söka stipendiet. Ansökan är öppen mellan den 1 februari och 1 mars. Gå in och läs mer om hur du går tillvä - 2025-03-05

Vi hejar på Samira Manners i Mello!

Publicerad 7 februari 2022 Samira Manners går den ettåriga utbildningen till singer-songwriter på Musikhögskolan i Malmö. På lördag tävlar hon med den egenskrivna låten "I want to be loved" i Melodifestivalen och med sig på scen har hon Alice Castell på bas, som går första året på jazzutbildningen. Samira Manners har redan kontrakt med ett skivbolag, samma som representerade vinnarlåten med Frans - 2025-03-05

Interpreting 'Freedom in Music Education'

Publicerad 3 mars 2022 Between Februray 28 and April 4, Malmö Academy of Music is co-hosting an international panel series about 'Freedom in Music Education'. Organised by piano student Iveri Kekenadze. What is the context of the panel series? -It is a collaborative project between myself, the international office at Tbilisi State Conservatoire (Georgia) and Malmö Academy of Music. The aim is to o - 2025-03-05

Dags för UTSPEL - Kammarmusikfestivalen 2022

Publicerad 4 mars 2022 Lördagen den 9 april är det dags för årets UTSPEL på Musikhögskolan, en heldagsfestival med 14 kammarmusikensembler. Vi har ställt några frågor till producent Johan Antoni. Hej Johan, vem vänder sig UTSPEL till? -UTSPEL är en kammarmusikfestival för musikälskare där programmets breda palett rymmer något för alla. Du behöver alltså inte vara en inbiten kammarmusikentusiast fö - 2025-03-05

Grattis Mathilda!

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 16 mars 2022 Mathilda Bryngelsson har tilldelats Anders Walls Giresta-stipendium på 125,000 kronor. Mathilda är en mezzosopran och går andra året på Malmö Opera Academy, ett nära samarbete mellan Musikhögskolan och Malmö Opera.  Hej Mathilda, vad betyder det att få det här stipendiet?  – Att få årets Giresta-stipend - 2025-03-05

Passionerat på Musikhögskolan i Malmö

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 21 mars 2022 Foto: Louise Martinsson Johann Sebastian Bach är inte ensam om att skriva passioner, tvärtom har han fått konkurrens på senare år. Musikhögskolan i Malmös egen professor i komposition, Rolf Martinsson, är mannen bakom Lukaspassionen – en samtida passion i traditionell form med sångtexter av Göran Greide - 2025-03-05