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Violence Against Women in Lebanon

Published 2 July 2024 CMES researcher Rola El-Husseini has written an article published by the Arab Center Washington DC. The article, "Violence Against Women in Lebanon: The Challenge of Legislative Action", was published on 6 June 2024.AbstractIn March 2024, Lebanon’s “reform MPs,” a group of legislators who were elected in 2022 from outside the country’s traditional sectarian system, proposed a - 2025-03-17

Summer Celebration and Conclusion of MECW Project

Published 2 July 2024 Photo: Linda Eitrem Holmgren On June 13, the first three-year MECW project was successfully concluded with a seminar at CMES. The results from the project, AI in the Service of Socio-Politically Adapted Sustainable Dust-Storm Control in the Middle East, were presented by project members Hossein Hashemi (Water Resources Engineering), Amir Naghibi (Water Resources Engineering), - 2025-03-17

Christians in the Middle East

Published 3 July 2024 CMES researcher Svante Lundgren has written an article published in Sydsvenskan. The article, "Nej, den kristna historien i Mellanöstern håller inte på att ta slut" (English translation: "No, Christian history in the Middle East is not coming to an end"), was published on 23 June 2024.AbstractThe number of Christians has increased dramatically, but their share of the populati - 2025-03-17

CMES in Almedalen 2024

By linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Linda Eitrem Holmgren) - published 4 July 2024 LU i Almedalen On June 26, CMES organised two panels in Almedalen on global water resources and the Israel Palestine conflict. Israel Palestine - an unsolvable conflict?June 26, 2024 Illustration: Catrin Jakobsson What are the long-term consequences of the war? How can destructive spirals of - 2025-03-17

Knowledge as a Public Good

Published 4 July 2024 CMES affiliated researcher Sarah Anne Rennick has co-edited a book published by the Arab Reform Initiative. The book, Knowledge as a Public Good: Reconceiving the Purpose and Methods of Knowledge Production, was co-edited by Jamil Mouawad (American University of Beirut), Sarah Anne Rennick (CMES and Arab Reform Initiative) and Andrew Findell-Aghnatios (Arab Reform Initiative) - 2025-03-17

Teaching About Israel Palestine

Published 5 July 2024 CMES researcher Maria Småberg has participated in a podcast and written an article about what it is like to teach about Israel Palestine. The article, "Att undervisa om Israel-Palestinakonflikten efter den 7 oktober" (English translation: "Teaching about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after 7 October"), was published in Svenska Jerusalemsföreningens Tidskrift in June 2024. - 2025-03-17

CMES Policy Report: Europe’s Changing Perceptions and Policies Toward Iran

Published 5 July 2024 Photo: Nastaran Taghipour/Unsplash Read the summary conclusions from the CMES policy-research dialogue that explored the multifaceted relationship between Iran and Europe. The report is based on a policy-research dialogue organised by CMES in April 2024 with international scholars and practitioners. Executive SummaryFor more than two decades, Iran’s nuclear program has been a - 2025-03-17

Job Opening: Postdoctoral Fellow in Earth Observation in the Middle East

Published 11 July 2024 Come work with us as a postdoctoral fellow! Apply by 14 August. Postdoctoral Fellow in Earth Observation of Land Cover and Vegetation Dynamics in the Middle East Work duties The main duties involved in a post-doctoral position is to conduct research. Teaching may also be included, but up to no more than 20% of working hours. The position shall include the opportunity for thr - 2025-03-17

Freja Morris’ thesis highlights the documentation burden in Swedish schools

Published 20 February 2025 On Friday 14 February Freja Morris successfully defended her thesis “Tenacious Documents: Exploring the Allure of Documentation in Swedish Compulsory Schools” and is now a doctor in sociology. For over a decade, Swedish teachers have voiced their frustration over the increasing demands for documentation, which they feel detracts from valuable teaching time. Despite vario - 2025-03-17

Aube Tollu is a doctor in sociology after successful defence of thesis on studying jihadists

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 4 March 2025 Aube Tollu after the defence with external reviewer Professor Laura Sjoberg, University of Oxford. Aube Tollu has successfully defended the thesis “Queer Intimacies: Rethinking Epistemology of Conducting Research with Jihadist Group Members” and is now a doctor in sociology. The thesis offers a fresh perspec - 2025-03-17

International coverage of Mulinari’s study on Pharmaceutical Industry

Published 2 March 2015 The study on pharmaceutical industry self-regulation that Shai Mulinari and co-authors recently published in PLOS Medicine has received considerable attention internationally. The study has recently been discussed in The British Medical Journal (published by the British Medical Association), The Pharmaceutical Journal (published by the UK Royal Pharmaceutical Society) and Th - 2025-03-17

New book: Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf

Published 20 November 2014 Abdulhadi Khalaf of the Sociology Department has together with co-editors just published the book "Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf". The states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar) form the largest destination for labour migration in the global South. In all of these states, ho - 2025-03-17

Inspiring research day from science mapping to Rwandan farming

Published 16 December 2014 The Department of Sociology held their annual PhD Research Day Friday 12th December, which provided an opportunity for PhDs candidates from Education, Social Anthropology and Sociology to present their ongoing doctors thesis. A total of 13 PhD candidates presented their work which ranged from the emotion work and impression management of loyalty used by defense lawyers, - 2025-03-17

Many researchers and activists on queer migrant groups brought together in International Workshop

Published 23 September 2014 The Department of Sociology hosted an international migration workshop on the theme “Queer Migrations and Mobilities: Sexuality, Gender, Citizenship, and Intimacy from a European Perspective” on the 11th and 12th of September. The workshop, funded by the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Societies (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), brought together 25 researchers, scholar - 2025-03-17

Associated Senior Lecturer in Sociology

Published 6 March 2014 The successful candidate will conduct sociological research and teach sociology at the BA, MA, and PhD levels. The position includes 50 percent research and 50 percent teaching and administration. Associated Senior Lecturer in SociologyBiträdande lektor (Sw), Assistant Professor (US) In addition to conducting high-quality research and teaching insociology, the successful can - 2025-03-17

The punk identity in Sweden and Indonesia

Published 10 April 2015 Erik Hannerz’ book Performing Punk has just been published with Palgrave Macmillan. See more details here.  Summary of bookArguing against the presumption that subcultural meaning constitutes a single set of meaning, Hannerz addresses how punks draw upon plural definitions of the mainstream and notions of subcultural authenticity.Drawing from an exceptionally rich fieldwork - 2025-03-17

Mulinari on Understanding Offspring’s Birthweight

Published 4 June 2015 Shai Mulinari has published a co-authored article on “Does Maternal Country of Birth Matter for Understanding Offspring’s Birthweight?  A Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity in Sweden” in PLOS ONE.More information at AbstractBackgroundMany public health and epidemiological studies have found differences between populations (e.g. maternal countrie - 2025-03-17

Brante's cross-disciplinary research receives royal prize

Published 5 June 2015 The Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of Uppsala has awarded Thomas Brante this year's prize for the best cross-disciplinary contribution of distinguished quality. The prize is awarded every second year and is worth up to 100,000 SEK. In his research, the Prize Committee states, Thomas Brante shows "how science and practice are unified in the modern knowledge society. In a f - 2025-03-17