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6 million SEK for project on infrastructure

Published 16 October 2015 Hanna Bäck is one of three researchers who has received 6 million SEK in infrastructure funds for the RJ-infrastructure project "Party Government in Europe Database". The project will be located in Umeå where Professor Johan Hellström will lead the project together with Professor Torbjörn Bergman, but the project will also be linked to Lund University through Professor Ha - 2025-03-10

35 million SEK for project on legitimacy in global governance

Published 16 October 2015 Magdalena Bexell, Catia Gregoratti, Kristina Jönsson, Anders Uhlin and Fariborz Zelli are part of a research programme led by Professor Jonas Tallberg, Stockholm University, which has been awarded over 35 million SEK by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ). The research project “Legitimacy in Global Governance” led by Professor Jonas Tallberg, the Department of Political Scienc - 2025-03-10

Transdemos on difficulties for democracy beyond the nation state

Published 23 October 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: The recently concluded research programme Transdemos- Democracy Beyond the Nation State? has published a final report for Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ). "Democracy Beyond the Nation State? Transnational Actors and Global Governance", abbreviated “Transdemos”, was a political science research programme with participants from Lund and Stockholm Un - 2025-03-10

Rigmar speaks about modernity in Sussex

Published 26 October 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Erik Ringmar is presenting a paper on "Heidegger on Attention and the Moods of Modernity" at a workshop at Sussex University, Brighton, on 29th October. More information on: heideggerandtheglobal.wordpress.comErik RingmarThe workshop will bring together a range of scholars from International Relations, political and social theory, philosophy and human - 2025-03-10

New book review looks at study of migration governance

Published 30 October 2015 Sara Kalm has reviewed Antoine Pécoud’s Depoliticising Migration: Global Governance and International Migration Narratives (Palgrave, 2015). The book makes a valuable contribution to the study of migration governance, by exposing the ways in which international organizations tend to ”depoliticize” and neutralize the issue of migration.The review is published in European J - 2025-03-10

Ina Möller on Malmö panel about climate confusion

Published 5 November 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: The public event “Klimatförvirring” (Climate Confusion) with the aim of explaining the 2015 Paris Climate Conference COP21 was held at Malmö University yesterday (4/11). Ina Möller, Doctoral student at the Department of Political Science, was on the local expert panel in Malmö.Five speakers from three different cities, Stockholm, Umeå and Malmö, were - 2025-03-10

Aggestam on peace mediation and international recognition games

Published 5 November 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Karin Aggestam has authored the article ”Peace mediation and the minefield of international recognition games” published in the journal International Negotiation. Abstract:This article analyzes the intricate dynamics between international mediation and the quest for recognition in protracted conflict. The overarching aim is two-fold: to analyze h - 2025-03-10

New Open Access Journal on the Politics of Human-Animal Relations

Published 11 November 2015 Kurtis Boyer has established a new Open Access Journal on the Politics of Human-Animal Relations. Politics and Animals is a peer-reviewed, open access journal exploring the human-animal relationship from the vantage point of political science and political theory.Politics and Animals has an international editorial board and hosts international, multidisciplinary research - 2025-03-10

Behravesh and Nelson at Gender Studies Looking Forwards

Published 6 November 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Maysam Behravesh and Moira Nelson participated in the event Gender Studies Looking Forwards at the Lund Department of Gender Studies on Wednesday (4/11). The Gender Studies Symposium Gender Studies Looking Forwards – A new light on approaches to gender and feminist research invited over 20 researchers from Lund University and other universities to giv - 2025-03-10

Brommesson and Hall in new book on community on a global scale

Published 9 November 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Douglas Brommesson is one of the editors of the recently published anthology “Global Community? Transnational and Transdisciplinary Exchanges”. Besides Brommesson Martin Hall of the Political Science department also contributes with a chapter. The book explores the range and depth of work currently being done in the humanities and social sciences - 2025-03-10

Stripple on the fourth era of environmental adaptation

Published 12 November 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Johannes Stripple has published 'Transnational Adaptation Governance: An emerging fourth era of adaptation’ in the journal 'Global Environmental Change’ (Volume 35, November 2015). AbstractClimate change adaptation, which has previously been seen as a national and local matter, is today systematically addressed by international institutions such - 2025-03-10

3 million SEK for project on responsibility for UN's new sustainable development goals

Published 15 November 2015 Magdalena Bexell and Kristina Jönsson have been granted 3 million SEK from the Swedish Research Council Formas for a research project that will study the responsibility for the realization of the UN's new sustainable development goals 2015-2030. The project will compare how responsibilities are allocated when Sweden and Tanzania take on the new goals at a national level. - 2025-03-10

Oels speaks at the Paris Climate Conference

Published 16 November 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Visiting Professor Angela Oels is hosting one of the official side events for the 2015 Paris Climate Conference COP 21 on 1st December ”The importance of social science research for understanding climate change induced migration”. The event is organized by three universities: Lund, Lancaster and Hamburg. Side events and exhibits were established as a - 2025-03-10

Bergman Rosamond talks about Popular Culture and World Politics in London

Published 19 November 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Annika Bergman Rosamond is the co-organiser of the international conference 'Popular Culture and World Politics - Worlding Popular Culture" that takes place at the Centre for the Study of Democracy and the Department of Politics and International Relation at the University of Westminster, 20–21 November 2015. At the conference she will also present h - 2025-03-10

Elgström on trends in development policies of the Nordic countries

Published 27 November 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Ole Elgström has contributed to a report commissioned by the Norwegian Church Aid with a short article titled ”Still a progressive vanguard in development policy?”. The report, ”The End of Nordic Exceptionalism?”, includes overviews of trends in the development policies of the Nordic countries. Ole ElgströmRead The End of Nordic Exceptionalism? - 2025-03-10

Zelli provides pluralistic knowledge base on global environmental governance

Published 30 November 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Fariborz Zelli is one of two editors of the newly released book Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, the Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in the gove - 2025-03-10

Karin Aggestam participates in panel discussion on Syria, ISIS and international law

Published 2 December 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: The Faculty of Law, Jus Humanis and the International Committee are hosting a panel discussion in English about Syria, ISIS and International Law this Thursday at 4.15 pm in the Pufendorf room at the Faculty of Law. Professor Ann Orford, Melbourne University, professor Gregor Noll, Law Faculty, and the human right activist Hanin Shakrah are also on th - 2025-03-10

Oels's panel at COP21: No simple link between climate change and migration

Published 3 December 2015 150 people attended the side event on climate migration at the UN climate summit in Paris on December 1st, that visiting professor Angela Oels organised. Lund University was hosting the side event in collaboration with Lancaster and Hamburg University. Official side-event on climate migration at COP21. Photo: Dr. Janpeter Schilling. The panel had one clear message: There - 2025-03-10